Diff for "FAQ/kappa" - CBU statistics Wiki
location: Diff for "FAQ/kappa"
Differences between revisions 1 and 7 (spanning 6 versions)
Revision 1 as of 2006-07-18 13:48:11
Size: 3009
Editor: pc0082
Revision 7 as of 2010-08-03 11:14:18
Size: 635
Editor: PeterWatson
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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Describe FAQ/kappa here. == Kappa statistic evaluation in SPSS ==
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* example data input template
* Rater 2
* Mild Moderate Severe
* Mild 5 5 0
*Rater 1 Moderate 3 6 0
* Severe 1 1 0
 * [:FAQ/kappa/kappans:Non-square tables where one rater does not give all possible ratings]
Line 14: Line 7:
set format f10.5.
data list free
/ r1 r2 freq.
 * [:FAQ/kappa/multiple:More than 2 raters]
Line 18: Line 9:
begin data
1 1 5
2 1 3
3 1 1
1 2 5
2 2 6
3 2 1
end data.
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* Syntax used for rectangular tables to compute kappa.
* (David Nichols, ASSESS Newsletter 1996)
* (recommended on P.104 of SPSS Reference manual, 1990):
* Program uses Cohen's Kappa for agreement between a pair of raters
* for a two way rectangular table of ratings (ie at least 2 ratings given by both raters)
* Gives kappa and the asymptotic standard error of Everitt(1996)
* P.292 Making Sense of Statistics in Psychology
set printback=off mprint=off.
save outfile='kap0.sav'.
define kapparec (vars=!tokens(2) /num=!tokens(1) ).
count ms__=!vars !num (missing).
select if ms__=0.
get x /var=!vars.
get ff /var=!num.
compute c=mmax(x).
compute y=make(c,2,0).
compute w=make(c,1,0).
compute sume=make(c,1,0).
compute ans=make(1,3,0).
loop i=1 to nrow(x).
loop k=1 to c.
do if x(i,1)=k.
compute y(k,1)=y(k,1)+ff(i,1).
end if.
do if x(i,2)=k.
compute y(k,2)=y(k,2)+ff(i,1).
end if.
do if (x(i,1) eq k and x(i,2) eq k).
compute w(k,1)=w(k,1)+ff(i,1).
end if.
end loop.
end loop.
loop k=1 to c.
compute sume(k,1)= y(k,1) * y(k,2) / csum(ff).
end loop.
compute kstat= ( csum(w) - csum(sume) ) / (csum(ff) - csum(sume)).
loop k=1 to c.
compute ans(1,1)=(csum(ff)-csum(sume)) / csum(ff).
compute ans(1,1)=ans(1,1)-(y(k,1)+y(k,2))*(csum(ff)-csum(w)) / (csum(ff))**2.
compute ans(1,1)=(w(k,1) / csum(ff))*ans(1,1)*ans(1,1).
compute ans(1,2)=ans(1,2)+ans(1,1).
end loop.
loop k=1 to c.
loop j=1 to c.
loop i=1 to nrow(x).
do if (x(i,1) eq k and x(i,2) eq j and x(i,1) ne x(i,2)).
compute ans(1,3)=ans(1,3)+ff(i,1)/csum(ff)*((y(k,2)/csum(ff))+(y(j,1)/csum(ff)))**(2).
end if.
end loop.
end loop.
end loop.
compute ans(1,3)=ans(1,3)*(1-(csum(w)/csum(ff)))**2.
compute ase=(csum(w)*csum(sume))/(csum(ff)*csum(ff)).
compute ase=ase-2*(csum(sume)/csum(ff))+(csum(w)/csum(ff)).
compute ase=ase**2.
compute ase=ans(1,3)-ase.
compute ase=ans(1,2)+ase.
compute ase=sqrt(ase*(1/(csum(ff)*(1-(csum(sume)/csum(ff)))**4))).
compute z=kstat/ase.
compute sig=1-chicdf(z**2,1).
save {kstat,ase,z,sig} /outfile='ka__tmp3.sav'
end matrix.
get file='ka__tmp3.sav'.
formats all (f11.8).
variable labels kstat 'Kappa' /ase 'ASE' /z 'Z-Value' /sig 'P-Value'.
report format=list automatic align(center)
  /variables=kstat ase z sig
  /title "Estimated Kappa, Asymptotic Standard Error,"
         "and Test of Null Hypothesis of 0 Population Value".
get file='kap0.sav'.
'''Note:''' Reliability as defined by correlation coefficients (such as Kappa)
requires variation in the scores to acheive a determinate result. If you
have a program which produces a determinate result when the scores of one
of the coders is constant, the bug is in that program, not in SPSS. Each rater must give at least two ratings.
Line 110: Line 15:
kapparec vars=r1 r2 num=freq.
 * [:FAQ/kappa/magnitude:Benchmarks for suggesting what makes a high kappa]

Kappa statistic evaluation in SPSS

SPSS syntax available:

  • [:FAQ/kappa/kappans:Non-square tables where one rater does not give all possible ratings]
  • [:FAQ/kappa/multiple:More than 2 raters]

Note: Reliability as defined by correlation coefficients (such as Kappa) requires variation in the scores to acheive a determinate result. If you have a program which produces a determinate result when the scores of one of the coders is constant, the bug is in that program, not in SPSS. Each rater must give at least two ratings.

  • [:FAQ/kappa/magnitude:Benchmarks for suggesting what makes a high kappa]

None: FAQ/kappa (last edited 2019-09-24 14:25:53 by PeterWatson)