= How do I produce random variables which follow a negatively skewed distribution? = Most distributions such as the exponential and log-Normal distributions are positively skewed with the mode of the distribution occurring for lower values. The Weibull distribution is negatively skewed and may be generated [http://www.taygeta.com/random/weibull.xml using random variables which are uniform on the interval (0,1).] The below produces an open ended negatively skewed weibull distribution with parameters, 2 and 20. It has a median of $$2^text{-0.05}ln(2)^text{0.05}$$ = 0.95. which is of form $$A^text{-1/B}ln(2)^text{-1/B}$$ where A and B are the two parameters of the Weibull distribution. (See [http://www.weibull.com/AccelTestWeb/weibull_distribution.htm here for formulae).] {{{ compute alpha=2. compute beta=20. compute rvw=((-1/alpha)*(ln(1-rv.uniform(0,1))))**(1/beta). exe. }}}