FAQ/anovaFAQ - CBU statistics Wiki

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location: FAQ / anovaFAQ

FAQs for analysis of variance

  1. [:FAQ/Sattherthwaite:Why are the degrees of freedom not whole numbers?]

  2. [:FAQ/E:What does a number containing an 'E' signify?]
  3. [:FAQ/SumsOfSquaresTypes:In ANOVA and Regression, what do the various different types of Sums of Squares mean, and does the choice matter?]

  4. [:FAQ/FVars: What is the variance of the mean of my transformed data?]
  5. [:FAQ/Interaction:How do I work out the meaning of a significant interaction?]

  6. [:FAQ/Manova:How do I adjust for varying covariates in a repeated measures ANOVA in SPSS?]

  7. [:FAQ/SimpleMainEffects:Why won't SPSS let me do post hoc tests involving a within-subjects factor?]

  8. [:FAQ/SimpleEffs:How do I do a simple effects analysis in SPSS?]

  9. [:FAQ/RepeatedMeasuer:Repeated measures, Mixed models and Split-plot designs: A Rant]

  10. [:FAQ/ResidsRepMeas:How do I check Normality assumptions in repeated measures analyses in SPSS?]