= How do I download R libraries? = Certain add-on shareware procedures in R, called packages, are contained in folders which contain suites of R programs. For example, to read SPSS data into R you need the code in the folder called foreign. In order to obtain these folders you go to the R home page located [[http://cran.r-project.org/|here]] and click ''contributed extension packages'' and download the appropriate folder into your existing R library folder (assuming you have already downloaded a version of R). The SPSS or other data set may be placed in the bin folder located along with the library folder in the R folder which serves as R's home data directory . Alternatively IF you know the name of the library you wish to install from the R website you can use the ''install.packages'' command to install packages directly into a R session without visiting the R website. For example {{{ install.packages(c("lme4","nlme")) }}} and then choosing ''UK (Bristol)'' in the resulting window will download and install the libraries called lme4 and nlme.