= R code for running Agresti-Min CI for difference in paired proportions = ----citation to Agresti and Min---- Agresti, A. and Min, Y. (2005). Simple improved confidence intervals for comparing matched proportions. Statistics in Medicine 24, 729-740. --- a portion of a Google cached U.Fla web site, probably by Agresti---- R code for the adjustment of the Wald confidence interval for a difference of proportions, with matched pairs. This is the interval called Wald+2 in Agresti and Min, Statistics in Medicine, 2004, which adds 0.5 to each cell before constructing the Wald CI. The CI is truncated when it overshoots the boundary. {{{ diffpropci <- function(b,c,n,conflev) { z <- qnorm(1-(1-conflev)/2) diff <- (c-b)/(n+2) sd <- sqrt((b+c+1)-(c-b)^2/(n+2))/(n+2) ll <- diff - z*sd ul <- diff + z*sd if(ll < -1) ll = -1 if(ul > 1) ul = 1 c(ll, ul) } # Adjusted Wald interval for difference of proportions with matched pairs # "conflev"=confidence coefficient, n=sample size, b,c = off-diag counts }}} ------end extract from Agresti's site--------------------------------------