Current Activity

Pitch judgements made by auditory brainstem implant users, poster with Stoph Long, Bob Carlyon and others for the Association for Research in Otolaryngology Mid-Winter Meeting 2003. This investigates, in part, the use of the Steinhaus ordering procedure as a tool for increasing efficient estimation of pitch-height ordering of electrodes for patients with auditory brain stem implants.

Semi-automatic methods for trying to identify loci of systematic confusions and non-confusions from stimulus-response confusion matrices, with Dennis Norris, Andy Calder and Jill Keane.

Method for standardising psychological tests with reference populations and presenting norms for use in clinical practice, with Hazel Emslie.

Model fitting and power in fast event-related designs, poster with Matthew Brett, Katja Osswald, Ferath Kherif and Ed Bullmore at HBM2003.

Extensions of repeated measures analysis of covariance (RMANCOVA).

Direct and inverse problems with EEG data, with Olaf Hauk.

Other Recent Activity

Three-dimensional Kolmogorov-Smirnov two-sample goodness-of-fit test, poster with John Duncan for HBM2001 in Brighton, England

Meta-analyzing abnormal brain function: Frontal activation in Schizophrenia, poster with KE Hill, L Mann, CME Stephenson, P McKenna and K Law for HBM2002 in Sendai, Japan

Is susceptibility to perceptual migration and fusion modality-specific or multimodal? Neuropsychologia, Volume 44, Issue 5, 2006, Pages 693-710 Anthony Marcel, Bundy Mackintosh, Peggy Postma, Rhodri Cusack, Joseph Vuckovich, Ian Nimmo-Smith and Sylvia M.L. Cox

TMS over right posterior parietal cortex induces neglect in a scene-based frame of reference Neuropsychologia, Volume 44, Issue 7, 2006, Pages 1222-1229 Neil G. Muggleton, Peggy Postma, Karolina Moutsopoulou, Ian Nimmo-Smith, Anthony Marcel and Vincent Walsh

Migration and fusion of tactile sensation—premorbid susceptibility to allochiria, neglect and extinction? Neuropsychologia, Volume 42, Issue 13, 2004, Pages 1749-1767 Anthony Marcel, Peggy Postma, Helge Gillmeister, Sylvia Cox, Christopher Rorden, Ian Nimmo-Smith and Bundy Mackintosh

Meta-analysis fails to reveal evidence of activation hypofrontality in schizophrenia Schizophrenia Research, Volume 60, Issue 1, Supplement 1, 15 March 2003, Page 221 K.E. Hill, L. Mann, P.J. McKenna, C. Stephenson, K. Laws and I. Nimmo-Smith

Facial expression recognition across the adult life span Neuropsychologia, Volume 41, Issue 2, 2003, Pages 195-202 Andrew J. Calder, Jill Keane, Tom Manly, Reiner Sprengelmeyer, Sophie Scott, Ian Nimmo-Smith and Andrew W. Young

Comparing regional distributions of activation in neuroimaging studies NeuroImage, Volume 13, Issue 6, Supplement 1, June 2001, Page 213 Ian Nimmo-Smith and John Duncan

Caricaturing facial expressions Cognition, Volume 76, Issue 2, 14 August 2000, Pages 105-146 Andrew J. Calder, Duncan Rowland, Andrew W. Young, Ian Nimmo-Smith, Jill Keane and David I. Perrett

Representational gestures in Developmental Coordination Disorder and specific language impairment: Error-types and the reliability of ratings Human Movement Science, Volume 17, Issues 4-5, August 1998, Pages 655-678 E. L. Hill, D. V. M. Bishop and I. Nimmo-Smith

The control of pen pressure in handwriting: A subtle point Human Movement Science, Volume 10, Issues 2-3, May 1991, Pages 223-246 John Wann and Ian Nimmo-Smith

Relation Between Velocity and Curvature in Movement: Equivalence and Divergence Between a Power Law and a Minimum-Jerk Model Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, Volume 14, Issue 4, November 1988, Pages 622-637 John Wann, Ian Nimmo-Smith and Alan M. Wing

Journal of Memory and Language, Volume 24, Issue 1, February 1985, Pages 119-131 Alan Baddeley, Robert Logie, Ian Nimmo-Smith and Neil Brereton Abstract | Abstract + References | PDF (1114 K)

The consistency of cursive letter formation as a function of position in the word Acta Psychologica, Volume 54, Issues 1-3, October 1983, Pages 197-204 Alan M. Wing, M. Ian Nimmo-Smith and Margery A. Eldridge

[Last updated on 12 October, 2007]

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