= CBU MRI training courses = [[BR]] In order to carry out research at the CBU researchers need to attend our two training courses: [[BR]] [[BR]] MRI Training Stage One [Video & Safety Presentation] [[BR]] MRI Training Stage Two [Practical Session - Screening & Site Tour] [[BR]] The purpose of these courses is to emphasize the general dangers associated with MRI as well as to provide site specific information and a tour of the facility to make sure attendees are familiar with the building, our SOPs and our emergency procedures. [[BR]] These courses are run periodically according to fluctuating demand. Please register an interest or obtain further information by contacting Lucille Murby. [[BR]] Lucille Murby MRI Facility Administrator MRC Cognition & Brain Sciences Unit Email: lucille.murby@mrc-cbu.cam.ac.uk Tel: 01223 273777 [[BR]] [attachment:mri_training_courses.pdf Training course schedule]