= Introduction to Signal Analysis In Matlab = Below you will find the schedule of our “Introduction to Signal Analysis In Matlab” workshops, held in the CBSU West Wing Seminar Room between 18-22 November 2019. Matlab is one of the most popular programming languages for neuroimaging analysis. However, our Matlab workshops also serve as a general introduction to scientific coding and signal analysis, which will be useful even if you are more likely to use Python, R etc. in your work. These workshops are aimed at beginners, but some basic knowledge of Matlab is required, e.g. at the level of our previous [[http://imaging.mrc-cbu.cam.ac.uk/methods/MatlabLecturesSchedule|"Introduction to Matlab and Scientific Computing"]] workshops. We are not intending to provide a full Matlab or signal processing course, but we hope we can significantly facilitate the first few steps. There workshops provide a basis for the following workshop series [[http://imaging.mrc-cbu.cam.ac.uk/methods/IntroductionNeuroimagingLectures|"Introduction to Neuroimaging Methods"]]. For other options, see e.g. opportunities at Cambridge University (http://training.cam.ac.uk/ucs/), or on-line tutorials (http://imaging.mrc-cbu.cam.ac.uk/meg/Beginners). To hear more about skills-oriented training opportunities at the CBU, please register on this mailing list: http://lists.mrc-cbu.cam.ac.uk/mailman/listinfo/skillstraining (Non-CBU people can subscribe by sending an e-mail to skillstraining-subscribe (at) mrc-cbu (dot) cam (dot) ac (dot) uk). You may want to have a look at other [[education|skills-oriented training options.]] Any suggestions of feedback on our previous lectures would be very welcome. All sessions will take place in the West Wing Seminar Room, and will take approximately 2 hours. <
> || ||'''Nov 18''' (Mon) ||'''Nov 19''' (Tue) ||'''Nov 20''' (Wed) ||'''Nov 22''' (Fri) || ||10:00:00 ||'''Matrix Algebra ''' <
> Alessandro Tomassini [[attachment:Matrix_Algebra_AT18.pdf|PDF]] ||'''GLM I''' <
> Olaf Hauk [[attachment:GLM1_19Nov19.zip|Scripts]] [[attachment:GLM1_19Nov19.pdf|PDF]] ||'''Sampling, Signals, Noise''' <
> Alessandro Tomassini [[attachment:Signal_sampling_noise_AT18.pdf|PDF]] ||'''Functions And Calculus''' <
> Tim Brochier, Tobias Goehring <
> [[attachment:CBU_FunctionsVocoder_22Nov19.zip|Materials]] || ||11:00:00 || || || || || || || ||13:30:00 || ||'''GLM II''' <
> Mate Aller [[attachment:Matlab_Files.zip|[Mcode]]] ||'''Optimisation''' <
> Tobias Goehring [[attachment:Code_Optimisation_20Nov19.zip|Scripts]] ||'''Filtering and Oscillations <
> '''Tim Brochier, Tobias Goehring<
> Materials as above || ||14:30:00 ||