= Moving data from the WBIC to the CBU unix machines = See: http://www.cae.wisc.edu/site/public/?title=linux-sftp ''' Note - you may get a message like `ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host`; this might be because there are currently too many connections - http://www.raditha.com/blog/archives/000604.html - or it may not''' == To get individual files == From a unix shell on the CBU system: {{{ sftp yourwbicusername@gate1.wbic.cam.ac.uk }}} From there you can `ls`, get help with `?` and copy files with: {{{ > get a_wbic_file }}} and get lots of files with: {{{ > get a_wbic_directory/* }}} == To get directories etc == Use scp. For example: {{{ scp -r yourwbicusername@gate1.wbic.cam.ac.uk:my_directory . }}} will copy the wbic directory `my_directory` and all files below to your current working directory (`.`) == And delete the files you've fetched == ''' Check you have really got the data you think you have transferred, then:''' Use ssh: {{{ ssh yourwbicusername@gate1.wbic.cam.ac.uk rm -rf my_directory }}} MatthewBrett