MethodsDaySchedule - Methods

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location: MethodsDaySchedule

Cambridge Methods In Cognitive Neuroscience Day

7 February 2022

The Methods Day will consist of over 20 short talks, mostly from researchers around Cambridge, on methodological innovations or new application in brain imaging, brain stimulation, behavioural research and web-based experiments. It is aimed at the broader Cambridge cognitive neuroscience community, from PhD students to PIs.

This year's Methods Day will take place in hybrid format. Because the capacity of our Lecture Theatre is limited, in-person attendance is restricted to speakers and members of the CBU. Online attendance will be restricted to Zoom accounts registered to a * * or ** email address.

The event is free and will not require registration.

Wherever possible talks will be recorded, and will be made openly available on the MRC CBU website in due course. Videos of previous Methods Days can be found on the CBU’s web-site.


If the PDF doesn't show up in your browser you can open the Methods Day Schedule here.

Please have a look at this year's schedule: Upload new attachment "Methods_Day_7Feb22.pdf"

For questions and comments please contact .