MethodsDaySchedule - Methods

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location: MethodsDaySchedule

Cambridge Methods In Cognitive Neuroscience Day

The next Cambridge Methods In Cognitive Neuroscience Day will take place on 5 December 2017 in the Lecture Theatre of the Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit. Attendance is open to everyone, no registration required.

You can find the Methods Day schedule below.

Methods Day 5Dec17 Schedule.pdf

For questions and comments, please contact .

Cambridge Methods Day




MRI I Johan Carlin

Neural modelling of fMRI repetition effects

Rik Henson MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit

Validation of the canonical hemodynamic response function model used in fMRI studies

Wiktor Olszowy Wolfson Brain Imaging Centre & Centre For Mathematical Sciences

Joint Functional and Geometric modelling in neuroimaging studies

Eardi Lila Centre For Mathematical Sciences

A Bayesian log-Gaussian Cox process model for fMRI meta-regression

Pantelis Samartsidis MRC Biostatistics Unit

Applications of high-res fMRI at 3T

Becky Lawson UCL & Dept. of Psychology

Coffee break


MRI II Marta Correia

Automatic segmentation of brain lesions with neural networks

Konstantinos Kamnitsas Biomedical Image Analysis Group, Imperial College London and Microsoft Research, Cambridge

Compressed sensing Plus Motion (CS+M): A Simultaneous Reconstruction and Motion Estimation Approach for Improving Undersampled MRI Reconstruction

Angelica Aviles-Rivero Centre for Mathematical Imaging in Healthcare

Preliminary Analysis of ultra-high resolution 7T fMRI data

Huang Pei MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit

Imaging metabolism in vivo using 7 Tesla MRI

Chris Rodgers Wolfson Brain Imaging Centre

Lunch break (lunch not provided)


Multivariate Pattern Analysis Marieke Mur

Visualising representational dynamics

Marieke Mur MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit

Deep convolutional neural networks as models of neural processing

Courtney Spoerer MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit

The dynamics of perceptual to conceptual representations revealed with oscillatory RSA

Alex Clarke Dept. of Psychology

Tea break


Data Collection And Statistical Methodology Rogier Kievit

Generalized Linear Mixed Models

Delia Fuhrmann MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit

Structural Equation Modelling Trees

Rogier Kievit MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit

Tools for online data collection

Becky Gilbert MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit

Using RMarkdown to create scientific manuscripts

Alex Quent MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit

Tea break


EEG/MEG And Brain Stimulation Olaf Hauk

Single-trial analysis of EEG/MEG data - Combining eye-tracking with EEG/MEG

Olaf Hauk MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit

Estimating the relative signal and noise content of ICA components in M/EEG

Tim Kietzmann MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit

Cognitive, EEG and EMG effects of motor cortex tDCS during REM sleep

Valdas Noreika Dept. of Psychology

Mother-Infant hyperscanning: from EEG synchrony to graph metrics

Lorena Santamaria-Covarrubias Dept. of Psychology