Diff for "COGNESTIC2022" - Methods
location: Diff for "COGNESTIC2022"
Differences between revisions 31 and 95 (spanning 64 versions)
Revision 31 as of 2022-08-10 16:25:15
Size: 9223
Editor: RikHenson
Revision 95 as of 2022-08-19 16:56:21
Size: 16203
Editor: MartaCorreia
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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||<10%>__Software__ ||N/A ||
||__Datasets__ ||N/A ||
||__Suggested reading__ ||[[https://doi.org/10.1038/nrn.2016.167|Poldrack et al, NRN]] ||
||__Suggested viewing__ ||N/A ||
||<10%>__Websites__ ||[[https://osf.io/|OSF]] <<BR>> [[https://www.ukrn.org/primers/|UKRN]] <<BR>> [[https://bids.neuroimaging.io/|BIDS]] ||
||__Suggested reading__ ||[[https://doi.org/10.1038/s41562-016-0021|Munafo et al, 2017, problems in science]] <<BR>> [[https://doi.org/10.1038/nrn3475|Button et al, 2013, power in neuroscience]] <<BR>> [[https://doi.org/10.1038/nrn.2016.167|Poldrack et al, 2017, reproducible neuroimaging]] <<BR>> [[https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-022-04492-9|Marek et al, 2022, power in neuroimaging association studies]] ||
||__Suggested viewing__ ||[[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D0VKyjNGvrs|Statistical power in neuroimaging]] <<BR>> [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zAzTR8eq20k|PayWall: open access]] <<BR>> [[https://www.facebook.com/LastWeekTonight/videos/896755337120143|Comedian's Perspective on science and media]] ||
Line 15: Line 14:
||||||<tablewidth="100%"style="text-align:center">~+'''Structural MRI'''+~ <<BR>> Marta Correia ||
||<10%>__Software__ || ||
||__Datasets__ || ||
||__Suggested reading__ || ||
||__Suggested viewing__ || ||
||||||<tablewidth="100%"style="text-align:center">~+'''Structural MRI '''+~<<BR>> Marta Correia ||
||<10%>__Software__ ||[[https://fsl.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/fsl/fslwiki/|FSL]] [[https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/|Freesurfe]]r ||
||__Datasets__ ||[[https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/FsTutorial/Data|Freesurfer tutorial data]] ||
||__Suggested reading__ ||[[attachment:IntroductionToGLM.pdf|Introduction to GLM for structural MRI analysis]] <<BR>> [[https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11525331/|Good et al, 2001, A VBM study of ageing]] <<BR>> [[https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15501092/|Smith et al, 2004, Structural MRI analysis in FSL]] <<BR>> [[https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9931268/|Dale et al, 1999, Cortical surface-based analysis I]] <<BR>> [[https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9931269/|Fischl et al, 1999, Cortical surface-based analysis II]] ||
||__Suggested viewing__ ||[[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6eJMxh7PlOY|Using the command line]] <<BR>> Introduction to MRI Physics talk coming soon. ||
Line 26: Line 25:
||<10%>__Software__ || ||
||__Datasets__ || ||
||__Suggested reading__ || ||
||__Suggested viewing__ || ||
||<10%>__Software__ ||[[https://fsl.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/fsl/fslwiki/|FSL]] ||
||__Datasets__ ||[[https://openneuro.org/datasets/ds001226/versions/00001|BTC_preop]] ||
||__Suggested reading__ ||[[https://fsl.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/fsl/fslwiki/FDT|FSL Diffusion Toolbox Wiki]] <<BR>> [[https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pbio.1002203|Le Bihan et al, 2015, What water tells us about biological tissues]] <<BR>> [[https://doi.org/10.3389/fnins.2013.00031|Soares et al, 2013, A short guide to Diffusion Tensor Imaging]] <<BR>> [[https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16624579/|Smith et al, 2006, Tract-based spatial statistics (TBSS)]] ||
||__Suggested viewing__ ||Introduction to Diffusion MRI talk coming soon. ||
Line 36: Line 35:
||<10%>__Software__ || ||
||__Datasets__ || ||
||__Suggested reading__ || ||
||__Suggested viewing__ || ||
||<10%>__Software__ ||[[https://www.mrtrix.org/|MRtrix3]] ||
||__Datasets__ ||[[https://openneuro.org/datasets/ds001226/versions/00001|BTC_preop]] ||
||__Suggested reading__ ||[[https://mrtrix.readthedocs.io/en/latest/|MRtrix3 documentation]] <<BR>> [[https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9780123964601000196|MR Diffusion Tractography]] ||
||__Suggested viewing__ ||Introduction to Diffusion MRI talk coming soon. ||
Line 45: Line 44:
||||||<tablewidth="100%"style="text-align:center">~+'''fMRI I'''+~ <<BR>> Dace Apšvalka ||
||<10%>__Software__ || ||
||__Datasets__ || ||
||__Suggested reading__ || ||
||__Suggested viewing__ || ||
||||||<tablewidth="100%"style="text-align:center">~+'''fMRI I - Data management, structure, manipulation'''+~ <<BR>> Dace Apšvalka ||
||<10%>__Software__ ||[[https://heudiconv.readthedocs.io/en/latest/|HeudiConv]], [[https://bids-standard.github.io/pybids/|PyBIDS]], [[https://nipy.org/nibabel/|NiBabel]], [[https://nilearn.github.io/stable/index.html|Nilearn]] ||
||__Datasets__ ||[[https://openneuro.org/datasets/ds000117/versions/1.0.5|Wakeman Multimodal]] ||
||__Suggested reading__ ||[[https://doi.org/10.1038/sdata.2016.44|Gorgolewski et al, 2016, The brain imaging data structure (BIDS)]] ||
||__Suggested viewing__ ||[[https://osf.io/fbj5u|BIDS for MRI: Structure and Conversion]] by Taylor Salo (13:39) <<BR>> [[https://youtu.be/OuRdQJMU5ro|fMRI Data Structure & Terminology]] by Martin Lindquist and Tor Wager (6:47) ||
Line 55: Line 54:
||||||<tablewidth="100%"style="text-align:center">~+'''fMRI II'''+~ <<BR>> Dace Apšvalka ||
||<10%>__Software__ || ||
||__Datasets__ || ||
||__Suggested reading__ || ||
||__Suggested viewing__ || ||
||||||<tablewidth="100%"style="text-align:center">~+'''fMRI II - Quality control & Pre-processing'''+~ <<BR>> Dace Apšvalka ||
||<10%>__Software__ ||[[https://mriqc.readthedocs.io/en/latest/|MRIQC]], [[https://fmriprep.org/en/stable/|fMRIprep]], [[https://nipype.readthedocs.io/en/latest/|Nipype]] ||
||__Datasets__ ||[[https://openneuro.org/datasets/ds000117/versions/1.0.5|Wakeman Multimodal]] ||
||__Suggested reading__ ||...coming soon... ||
||__Suggested viewing__ ||...coming soon... ||
Line 65: Line 64:
||||||<tablewidth="100%"style="text-align:center">~+'''fMRI III'''+~ <<BR>> Dace Apšvalka ||
||<10%>__Software__ || ||
||__Datasets__ || ||
||__Suggested reading__ || ||
||__Suggested viewing__ || ||
||||||<tablewidth="100%"style="text-align:center">~+'''fMRI III - Statistical Analysis'''+~ <<BR>> Dace Apšvalka ||
||<10%>__Software__ ||[[http://nipype.readthedocs.io/en/latest/|Nipype]], [[http://nilearn.github.io/stable/index.html|Nilearn]], [[http://www.fil.ion.ucl.ac.uk/spm/software/spm12/|SPM12]] ||
||__Datasets__ ||[[https://openneuro.org/datasets/ds000117/versions/1.0.5|Wakeman Multimodal]] ||
||__Suggested reading__ ||...coming soon... ||
||__Suggested viewing__ ||...coming soon... ||
Line 75: Line 74:
||||||<tablewidth="100%"style="text-align:center">~+'''fMRI IV'''+~ <<BR>> Dace Apšvalka ||
||<10%>__Software__ || ||
||__Datasets__ || ||
||__Suggested reading__ || ||
||__Suggested viewing__ || ||
||||||<tablewidth="100%"style="text-align:center">~+'''fMRI IV - Reporting'''+~ <<BR>> Dace Apšvalka ||
||<10%>__Software__ ||[[http://nilearn.github.io/stable/index.html|Nilearn]], [[https://pysurfer.github.io/|PySurfer]], [[http://www.fil.ion.ucl.ac.uk/spm/software/spm12/|SPM12]] ||
||__Datasets__ ||[[https://openneuro.org/datasets/ds000117/versions/1.0.5|Wakeman Multimodal]] ||
||__Suggested reading__ ||...coming soon... ||
||__Suggested viewing__ ||...coming soon... ||
Line 88: Line 87:
||__Suggested reading__ || [[http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tics.2013.09.016|Resting-state functional Connectivity]] <<BR>> [[https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnins.2019.00300/full#supplementary-material|fMRI preprocessing in SPM12 (for demo)]] <<BR>> [[https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2013.07.008|Simple Intro to DCM]] ||
||__Suggested viewing__ ||[[https://youtu.be/1VOKsWWLgjk|fMRI Functional Connectivity, including DCM]] <<BR>> [[https://mediacentral.ucl.ac.uk/Play/84835|Bayesian Model Comparison and PEB]] ||
||__Suggested reading__ ||[[http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tics.2013.09.016|Resting-state functional Connectivity]] <<BR>> [[https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2013.07.008|Simple Intro to DCM]] <<BR>> [[https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnins.2019.00300/full#supplementary-material|fMRI preprocessing in SPM12 (for demo)]]  <<BR>> [[https://www.fil.ion.ucl.ac.uk/spm/doc/spm12_manual.pdf|SPM12 manual (Chapter 36)]] ||
||__Suggested viewing__ ||[[https://youtu.be/1VOKsWWLgjk|fMRI Functional Connectivity, including DCM]] <<BR>> Talk on Bayesian Model Comparison coming soon ||
Line 96: Line 95:
||<10%>__Software__ || ||
||__Datasets__ || ||
||__Suggested reading__ || ||
||__Suggested viewing__ || ||
||<10%>__Software__ ||Python NumPy, [[https://scipy.org/|SciPy]], [[https://matplotlib.org/|Matplotlib]] ||
||__Datasets__ ||EyeLink EDF examples (to be provided) ||
||__Suggested reading__ ||https://doi.org/10.3758/s13428-021-01762-8 Paper on eye-tracking reporting standards (great for beginners and experts alike) ||
||__Suggested viewing__ ||https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F5eBln42VyM Talk at the MRC CBU on how to hack pupillometry studies ||
Line 146: Line 145:
||<10%>__Software__ || ||
||__Datasets__ || ||
||__Suggested reading__ || ||
||__Suggested viewing__ || ||
||<10%>__Software__ ||[[https://sites.google.com/site/tdtdecodingtoolbox/|The Decoding Toolbox]] in [[https://uk.mathworks.com/products/matlab.html|Matlab]] ||
||__Datasets__ ||[[https://www.bccn-berlin.de/tdt/downloads/sub01_firstlevel.zip|The Decoding Toolbox example dataset]] <<BR>> (See toolbox webpage for a lower resolution alternative) ||
||__Suggested reading__ ||[[https://academic.oup.com/scan/article/4/1/101/1613450|Mur et al. (2009) Revealing representational content with pattern-information fMRI--an introductory guide]]<<BR>>[[https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fninf.2014.00088/full|Hebart et al. (2014) The Decoding Toolbox (TDT): a versatile software package for multivariate analyses of functional imaging data]] ||
||__Suggested viewing__ ||Excellent presentations from Martin Hebart's MVPA course, on:<<BR>>[[https://fmrif.nimh.nih.gov/course/mvpa_course/2017/02_lecture1|Introduction to MVPA]]<<BR>>[[https://fmrif.nimh.nih.gov/course/mvpa_course/2017/03_lecture2|Introduction to classification]] ||
Line 156: Line 155:
||<10%>__Software__ || || ||<10%>__Software__ ||[[http://www.mrc-cbu.cam.ac.uk/methods-and-resources/toolboxes/license/|The RSA toolbox]] in [[https://uk.mathworks.com/products/matlab.html|Matlab]]<<BR>>(Alternatively, https://git.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/hnili/rsa) ||
Line 158: Line 157:
||__Suggested reading__ || ||
||__Suggested viewing__ || ||
||__Suggested reading__ ||[[https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/neuro.06.004.2008/full|Kriegeskorte et al. (2008) Representational similarity analysis - connecting the branches of systems neuroscience]]<<BR>>[[https://www.cell.com/trends/cognitive-sciences/fulltext/S1364-6613(13)00127-7|Kriegeskorte & Kievit (2013) Representational geometry: integrating cognition, computation, and the brain]] <<BR>>[[https://journals.plos.org/ploscompbiol/article?id=10.1371/journal.pcbi.1003553|Nili et al. (2014) A toolbox for representational similarity analysis]] ||
||__Suggested viewing__ ||[[https://fmrif.nimh.nih.gov/course/mvpa_course/2017/08_lecture6|Martin Hebart's lecture on RSA]] ||
Line 176: Line 175:
||<10%>__Software__ || ||
||__Datasets__ || ||
||__Suggested reading__ || ||
||__Suggested viewing__ || ||
||<10%>__Software__ ||[[https://simnibs.github.io/simnibs/build/html/index.html|SIMNIBS]] (also requires access to Matlab, FSL and Freesurfer to run certain functions, see SIMNIBS installation guide) and [[http://www.k-wave.org/|k-wave]] ||
||__Datasets__ ||[[https://simnibs.github.io/simnibs/build/html/dataset.html|tutorial_data]] ||
||__Suggested reading__ ||[[https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1053811916001191?via=ihub|Approaches to brain stimulation]] ; [[https://direct.mit.edu/jocn/article/33/2/195/95534/Inferring-Causality-from-Noninvasive-Brain|what can we infer from brain stimulation]]; [[https://www.nature.com/articles/nrneurol.2010.30.pdf|using NIBS clinically]] ; focused ultrasound [[https://www.nature.com/articles/srep34026.pdf|1]] and [[https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-018-28320-1.pdf|2]] ||
||__Suggested viewing__ ||[[attachment:COGNESTIC_slides|slides]] ||
Line 189: Line 188:
||__Suggested viewing__ || [[https://mediacentral.ucl.ac.uk/Play/63377|DCM for M/EEG evoked responses]] <<BR>>
[[https://youtu.be/6b35VvQpPDU|M/EEG connectivity other than DCM (not demo'ed, and related to Hauk talks above)]] ||
||__Suggested viewing__ ||Talk on DCM for M/EEG coming soon <<BR>> [[https://youtu.be/6b35VvQpPDU|MEEG connectivity other than DCM (not demo'ed, and related to Hauk talks above)]] ||

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/!\ '''End of edit conflict'''


Course Material for COGNESTIC 2022

The Cognitive Neuroscience Skills Training In Cambridge (COGNESTIC) is a 2-week course that provides researchers with training in state-of-the-art methods for neuroimaging and neurostimulation. You can find more information on the COGNESTIC webpage.

Below you will find documents, videos and web links that will be used for the course or can be used for preparation.

Introduction and Open Science
Rik Henson & Olaf Hauk



Suggested reading

Munafo et al, 2017, problems in science
Button et al, 2013, power in neuroscience
Poldrack et al, 2017, reproducible neuroimaging
Marek et al, 2022, power in neuroimaging association studies

Suggested viewing

Statistical power in neuroimaging
PayWall: open access
Comedian's Perspective on science and media

Structural MRI
Marta Correia


FSL Freesurfer


Freesurfer tutorial data

Suggested reading

Introduction to GLM for structural MRI analysis
Good et al, 2001, A VBM study of ageing
Smith et al, 2004, Structural MRI analysis in FSL
Dale et al, 1999, Cortical surface-based analysis I
Fischl et al, 1999, Cortical surface-based analysis II

Suggested viewing

Using the command line
Introduction to MRI Physics talk coming soon.

Diffusion MRI I
Marta Correia





Suggested reading

FSL Diffusion Toolbox Wiki
Le Bihan et al, 2015, What water tells us about biological tissues
Soares et al, 2013, A short guide to Diffusion Tensor Imaging
Smith et al, 2006, Tract-based spatial statistics (TBSS)

Suggested viewing

Introduction to Diffusion MRI talk coming soon.

Diffusion MRI II
Marta Correia





Suggested reading

MRtrix3 documentation
MR Diffusion Tractography

Suggested viewing

Introduction to Diffusion MRI talk coming soon.

fMRI I - Data management, structure, manipulation
Dace Apšvalka


HeudiConv, PyBIDS, NiBabel, Nilearn


Wakeman Multimodal

Suggested reading

Gorgolewski et al, 2016, The brain imaging data structure (BIDS)

Suggested viewing

BIDS for MRI: Structure and Conversion by Taylor Salo (13:39)
fMRI Data Structure & Terminology by Martin Lindquist and Tor Wager (6:47)

fMRI II - Quality control & Pre-processing
Dace Apšvalka


MRIQC, fMRIprep, Nipype


Wakeman Multimodal

Suggested reading

...coming soon...

Suggested viewing

...coming soon...

fMRI III - Statistical Analysis
Dace Apšvalka


Nipype, Nilearn, SPM12


Wakeman Multimodal

Suggested reading

...coming soon...

Suggested viewing

...coming soon...

fMRI IV - Reporting
Dace Apšvalka


Nilearn, PySurfer, SPM12


Wakeman Multimodal

Suggested reading

...coming soon...

Suggested viewing

...coming soon...

Connectivity for fMRI
Rik Henson




Wakeman Multimodal

Suggested reading

Resting-state functional Connectivity
Simple Intro to DCM
fMRI preprocessing in SPM12 (for demo)
SPM12 manual (Chapter 36)

Suggested viewing

fMRI Functional Connectivity, including DCM
Talk on Bayesian Model Comparison coming soon

Edwin Dalmijer


Python NumPy, SciPy, Matplotlib


EyeLink EDF examples (to be provided)

Suggested reading

https://doi.org/10.3758/s13428-021-01762-8 Paper on eye-tracking reporting standards (great for beginners and experts alike)

Suggested viewing

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F5eBln42VyM Talk at the MRC CBU on how to hack pupillometry studies

EEG/MEG I – Pre-processing
Olaf Hauk




Sample dataset in MNE-Python. Tutorials

Suggested reading

Digitial Filtering
Filtering How To
Maxwell Filtering

Suggested viewing

What are we measuring with M/EEG?

EEG/MEG II – Source Estimation
Olaf Hauk




Sample dataset in MNE-Python. Tutorials

Suggested reading

Linear source estimation and spatial resolution

Suggested viewing

M/EEG Source Analysis in SPM

EEG/MEG III – Time-Frequency and Functional Connectivity
Olaf Hauk




Sample dataset in MNE-Python. Tutorials

Suggested reading

Tutorial on Functional Connectivity
Analyzing Neural Time Series Data

Suggested viewing

Time-frequency and functional connectivity analysis
Time-Frequency Analysis of EEG Time Series

Graph Theory
Caroline Nettekoven


Brain Connectivity Toolbox in Matlab


Coding exercises
Exercise solutions

Suggested reading

Complex brain networks: graph theoretical analysis of structural and functional systems

Suggested viewing


Daniel Mitchell


The Decoding Toolbox in Matlab


The Decoding Toolbox example dataset
(See toolbox webpage for a lower resolution alternative)

Suggested reading

Mur et al. (2009) Revealing representational content with pattern-information fMRI--an introductory guide
Hebart et al. (2014) The Decoding Toolbox (TDT): a versatile software package for multivariate analyses of functional imaging data

Suggested viewing

Excellent presentations from Martin Hebart's MVPA course, on:
Introduction to MVPA
Introduction to classification

Daniel Mitchell


The RSA toolbox in Matlab
(Alternatively, https://git.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/hnili/rsa)


Suggested reading

Kriegeskorte et al. (2008) Representational similarity analysis - connecting the branches of systems neuroscience
Kriegeskorte & Kievit (2013) Representational geometry: integrating cognition, computation, and the brain
Nili et al. (2014) A toolbox for representational similarity analysis

Suggested viewing

Martin Hebart's lecture on RSA

Statistics in R
Peter Watson




Data&Code Readme

Suggested reading

Statistical Methods for Psychology (Howell)
Introduction to R

Suggested viewing

CBU Statistics Lectures

Brain Stimulation
Ajay Halai


SIMNIBS (also requires access to Matlab, FSL and Freesurfer to run certain functions, see SIMNIBS installation guide) and k-wave



Suggested reading

Approaches to brain stimulation ; what can we infer from brain stimulation; using NIBS clinically ; focused ultrasound 1 and 2

Suggested viewing


Rik Henson




Wakeman Multimodal

Suggested reading

Preprocessing M/EEG in SPM12
Simple Intro to DCM

Suggested viewing

Talk on DCM for M/EEG coming soon
MEEG connectivity other than DCM (not demo'ed, and related to Hauk talks above)

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None: COGNESTIC2022 (last edited 2023-03-31 12:36:10 by OlafHauk)