= Usage of MaxFitler from command line = GUI interface to maxfilter is limited, but can be helpful to discover the options the program has to offer. For the full power and scriptability, use the command line utility. {{{ usage: /opt/neuromag/bin/util/i686-pc-linux-gnu/maxfilter -f [options] General options: -version shows the version number of the program -help shows information of all options -v switches on verbose logging -f sets the name of the input file -o sets the name of the output file -origin sets the origin of the inside expansion (x0,y0,z0 must be in [mm]) -frame sets the device/head coordinate frame -in sets the order of the inside expansion -out sets the order of the outside expansion -bad sets the list of static bad channels (logical chnos, e.g.: 0323 1042 2631) -autobad sets automated bad channel detection on or off n: scan from first n raw data tags (def n = 20) -badlimit threshold for bad channel detection (>ave+x*SD) -skip skips raw data sequences time intervals pairs in sec, e.g.: 0 30 120 150 -format stores the output in 16-bit short, 32-bit integer or float format -force ignores program warnings -def shows default settings -maint shows the options needed for maintenance MaxST options: -st [] applies the time-domain MaxST extension, optionally set data buffer length (def 4 sec) -corr set subspace correlation limit (def=0.98) MaxMove options: -trans | default transforms the data into the coil definitions of , or into the default frame -movecomp [inter] estimates and compensates head movements in continuous raw data (optionally for intermittent HPI) -headpos estimates and stores head position parameters, but does not compensate movements -hp stores head position data in an ascii file -hpistep sets head position update interval in ms -hpisubt subtracts hpi signals: sine amplitudes, amp + baseline, or switch off (def = amp) -hpicons check initial consistency isotrak vs hpifit -linefreq sets the basic line interference frequency (50 or 60 Hz) -lpfilt applies low-pass IIR filtering (def corner = 120 Hz) Other options: -site loads sss_cal_.dat and ct_sparse_.fif -cal | off uses the fine-calibration in , or switch off -ctc | off uses the cross-talk matrix in , or switch off -magbad marks all magnetometers bad -regularize on/off sets the component selection on or off -iterate [n] uses iterative pseudo-inverse, n iteration loops default n=10; n=0 forces direct pseudo-inverse. -ds [f] applies downsampling with low-pass FIR filtering f is optional downsampling factor (def = 2, max = 4) }}}