= Source Estimation in SPM8 = This is a basic script for source estimation of individual subject data in SPM8. It uses as input the averaged data from [[http://imaging.mrc-cbu.cam.ac.uk/meg/SPM8PreProcessing|SPM8 pre-processing]], as well as individual MRI data. {{{ % Root directory for EMEG data bwd = '/MyDataDir/'; data_name = 'Mmacespm8_block1_raw_ssstf_raw.mat'; % File name for results after averaging (input for source estimation) %% Define your subject data and MRIs cnt = 0; cnt = cnt + 1; subjects{cnt} = {'meg10_1000', '101224'}; % letter strings for subject-specific paths MRI_dir{cnt} = '/MRIdirectory/thisone.nii'; % directory with this participant's MRI (*.nii) cnt = cnt + 1; subjects{cnt} = {'meg10_1001', '101231'}; % letter strings for subject-specific paths MRI_dir{cnt} = '/MRIdirectory/thisone.nii'; % directory with this participant's MRI (*.nii) % Note: you may have to copy your MRI first (e.g. from /imaging/local/structurals/cbu) nr_subs = length(subjects); fprintf(1, 'Going to process %d data sets\n', nr_subs); %% Define Analysis Parameters % Names of conditions after averaging inv_trls = {'cond1';'cond2';'control'}; % Time (ms) and Freq (Hz) contrast window (0=all freqs) con_win = {[0 400]; 0}; % Forward model options, for_typ{EEG/MEG} for_typ{1} = 'EEG BEM'; % EEG for_typ{2} = 'Single Shell'; % MEG (mags+grads) %% Processing options segment_only = 0; % Flag whether only MRI segmentation (up to, not including, coregistration) shall be done (1: only segment; 0: do it all) redoreg_flag = 0; % Flag whether to redo MRI and registration model (eg if want to change fids) redoformod_flag = 1; % Flag whether to redo forward modelling (eg if only one for_typ above) display_flag = 1; % display results on the fly write3Dflag = 0; % write SPM volumes of results %% Define Inversion Options % Which sensor types to use inv_mods = {'MEG';'MEGPLANAR';'EEG'}; % Fusion of mulitple modalities % Which inversion method to use inv_typ = 'IID'; % Minimum Norm Least-Squares %inv_typ = 'GS'; % (MSP) % Cortical surface option mesh_size = 2; % [1-3] for coarse-medium-fine % Whether to use headshape for coregistration (in datareg) use_headshape = 1; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Source localisation %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% for ss = 1:nr_subs, % Create individual output directory if necessary cd(bwd) swd = fullfile(bwd,subjects{ss}{1},subjects{ss}{2}); try eval(sprintf('!mkdir %s',swd)) end cd(swd) % current subject's data directory subj_dir = fullfile(bwd, subjects{ss}{1}, subjects{ss}{2}); fprintf(1, '\n Current subject directory: %s\n\n', subj_dir); % Load result of data averaging data_file = fullfile(subj_dir, data_name); D = spm_eeg_load( data_file ); % Initialise... (if want to be safe!) D.inv = {struct('mesh', [], 'gainmat', [])}; current_formod = 1; indF = []; val = 0; %% MRI processing and coregistration if redoreg_flag == 1 | ~isfield(D.inv{1},'mesh') | ~isfield(D.inv{1},'datareg') val = val + 1; D.val = val; D.inv{val}.date = strvcat(date,datestr(now,15)); D.inv{val}.comment = {sprintf('%s_%s',inv_typ,char(inv_mods)')}; % remember inversion type and sensor configuration D.inv{val}.mesh = []; D.inv{val}.datareg = []; D.inv{val}.forward = []; %% Check whether MRI present (care if more than one such *img!) D.inv{val}.mesh.sMRI = spm_select('FPList',MRI_dir{ss},'^s.*\.nii$'); if isempty(D.inv{val}.mesh.sMRI) error('MRI not found') end %% Check whether inverse-normalised surfaces present D.inv{val}.mesh.def = spm_select('FPList',MRI_dir{ss},'^y_sM.*\.nii$'); if isempty(D.inv{val}.mesh.def) warning('No inverse normalisation parameters found - segmenting may take a while!') end %% Normalise sMRI (if not done already), and create inverse-normalised surfaces D.inv{val}.mesh = spm_eeg_inv_mesh(D.inv{val}.mesh.sMRI, mesh_size); if display_flag, spm_eeg_inv_checkmeshes(D); end % D.save; % If coregistration not yet done... if segment_only, continue; % Stop processing for this subject here, continue with next one end; % If coregistration done manually and saved... newmrifid = []; newmrifid.fid.pnt = D.inv{val}.mesh.fid.fid.pnt(1:3,:); % I think these are the fids after "Save"... newmrifid.fid.label = {'Nasion';'LPA';'RPA'}; newmrifid.pnt = D.inv{val}.mesh.fid.pnt; % Scalp mesh points from MRI above meegfid = D.fiducials; %% Remove nose points (assume those for which y>0 and z<0) meegfid.pnt(find(meegfid.pnt(:,2)>0 & meegfid.pnt(:,3)<0),:) = []; fprintf(1, 'Coregistering\n'); D = spm_eeg_inv_datareg_ui(D, val, meegfid, newmrifid,use_headshape); fprintf(1, 'Done Coregistering\n'); for ind = 1:length(D.inv{val}.datareg) fprintf(1, '%d ', ind); d = D.inv{val}.datareg(ind).fid_eeg.fid.pnt - D.inv{val}.datareg(ind).fid_mri.fid.pnt; err(ss,ind,val) = mean(sqrt(sum(d.^2,2))); end fprintf(1, '\n'); redoreg_flag = 0; else D.inv{val}.mesh = D.inv{1}.mesh; D.inv{val}.datareg = D.inv{1}.datareg; end % if redoreg_flag... %% Computing forward model/leadfield if redoformod_flag == 1 | ~isfield(D.inv{1},'forward') | ~exist(D.inv{1}.gainmat) fprintf(1, 'Creating forward model\n'); %% Create forward model (BEM) (could conditionalise this bit on modality inverted...) D.inv{val}.forward = struct([]); for ind = 1:length(D.inv{val}.datareg) D.inv{val}.forward(ind).voltype = for_typ{ind}; end fprintf(1, 'Computing leadfield\n'); D = spm_eeg_inv_forward(D); if display_flag for ind = 1:length(D.inv{val}.datareg) spm_eeg_inv_checkforward(D, val, ind); pause(3); end end current_formod = val; redoformod_flag = 0; D.save; else D.inv{val}.forward = D.inv{current_formod}.forward; D.inv{val}.gainmat = D.inv{current_formod}.gainmat; end % redoformod_flag = ... %% Invert & Contrast D.inv{val}.inverse = []; % Clear to be safe! D.inv{val}.inverse.trials = inv_trls; D.inv{val}.inverse.type = inv_typ; %D.inv{val}.inverse.lpf = 0; %D.inv{val}.inverse.hpf = 40; %D.inv{val}.inverse.woi = [-100 300]; %D.inv{val}.inverse.Han = 1; D.inv{val}.inverse.modality = inv_mods; D = spm_eeg_invert(D); D.inv{val}.contrast.woi = con_win{1}; D.inv{val}.contrast.fboi = con_win{2}; D.inv{val}.contrast.type = 'evoked'; D = spm_eeg_inv_results(D); D.con=1; spm_eeg_inv_results_display(D); % Display first condition % Write result to SPM volumes if write3Dflag D.inv{val}.contrast.smooth = 12; % D.inv{val}.contrast.rms = 1; % D.inv{val}.contrast.scalefactor = 1; D = spm_eeg_inv_Mesh2Voxels(D); SourceImgs{val}{ss} = strvcat(D.inv{val}.contrast.fname); end indF(ss,val) = D.inv{val}.inverse.F; D.save; end; % for ss = 1:nr_subs,... }}}