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Revision 7 as of 2007-05-02 17:12:04

location: NeuromagAnalysis

Neuromag Software

BR Max Filter - for applying SSS to averaged or raw data. Removes much noise. Necessary if Active Shielding used. Also vital for movement compensation, and many other features.

BR Xplotter - for viewing averaged files

BR Xfit - for dipole fits to averaged files

BR Graph - flexible (though complicated) software for processing raw data (eg spectral analysis)

BR Seglab - for segmenting MRIs and creating BEMs

BR MRILab - for coregistering data and creating head models

BRMore details: [attachment:MEGAnalysisLectureJan07CBU.pdf MRC CBU introductory lecture into MEG analysis].

BR If you have [wiki:GettingApproval Cambridge / CBU permissions], you can access the ElektaSoftwareManuals.