Maxfilter_V2.2 - Meg Wiki

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Maxfilter Version 2.2


Version 2.2. is currently the default when using the "maxfilter" command at the CBU.

This command will apply Maxfilter including Signal Space Separation (SSS), its temporal extension (ST), and movement compensation.

maxfilter  -f input_file.fif  -o output_file.fif  -st  -origin 0 0 45  -frame head  -autobad on  -movecomp  -format short  -force 

Known problems or bugs

Maxfilter 2.2. cannot do downsampling and filtering at the same time as movement compensation. You will therefore have to run those in a separate step, e.g.

maxfilter  -f input_file.fif  -o output_file.fif  -ds 4  -lpfilt 40