= MEG day, Friday 29 January, 9.15-15.15 = * 9.15-9.30 '''"Introduction - a brief history of timing (MEG/EEG)"''' (Olaf Hauk) * 9.30-10.00 '''"Lab use, data acquisition, computing and maxfilter intro"''' (Yury Shtyrov) * 10.00-10.30: '''"Pre-processing and ICA"''' (Jason Taylor) Coffee break * 11.00-11.30 '''"Time-frequency analysis"''' (Marie Smith) * 11.30-12.00 '''"MRI processing for forward models in Freesurfer"''' (Dan Wakeman) * 12.00-12.45 '''"Minimum Norm/Distributed Source Estimation"''' (Olaf Hauk) Lunch Break * 13.30-14.15 '''"Demo of SPM8"''' (Rik Henson) * 14.15-15.15 '''15min sessions on special issues:''' '''"Eye-tracking in MEG"''' (Maarten van Casteren) '''"Parametric MEG analysis"''' (Rick Chen) '''"Viewing SPM5-format data in MATLAB and automating its analysis"''' (Danny Mitchel) '''"Coherence analysis in Fieldtrip"''' (Jonathan Peelle) * 15.15 '''Tea''' (everybody)