= MEGUK2021 Poster Sessions = ||||~+Poster Session 1+~ <
> Monday 6th 12:45-13:45 || ||||'''Empirical Mode Decomposition and Instantaneous Frequency for MEG analysis.''' || ||Andrew Quinn ||Oxford Centre for Human Brain Activity || ||||[[attachment:Quinn Empirical Mode Decomposition and Instantaneous Frequency for MEG analysis.pdf]] || ||||https://zoom.us/j/94922414273?pwd=YzhobVFWQWFnK05aL2FudXdOQjB6dz09 <
>Meeting ID: 949 2241 4273 <
>Passcode: 847485 || ||||'''Triaxial OPMs: next-generation of wearable MEG?''' || ||Elena Boto ||University of Nottingham || ||||[[attachment:Boto Triaxial OPMs.pdf]] || ||||https://zoom.us/j/94090484417 <
> Meeting ID: 940 9048 4417 <
> Passcode: 744935 || ||||'''The relationship between schizotypy, polygenic risk score and resting state networks''' || ||Emily Lambe ||Cardiff University || ||||[[attachment:Lambe the relationship between schizotypy.pdf]] || ||||https://cardiff.zoom.us/j/83896436748?pwd=bHhRc2NHUGJUYXlRZmVyM2dRMlMwQT09 || ||||'''Local neural dynamics and large-scale network interactions in visual conscious perception''' || ||Gabriela Cruz ||University of Glasgow || ||||Abstract || ||||Zoom Link || ||||'''Where is the other hippocampus?''' || ||George O'Neill ||University College London || ||||[[attachment:ONeill Where is the other Hippocampus.pdf]] || ||||https://ucl.zoom.us/j/97442858584?pwd=UWZNRGNjZHJ3M3ozZFRxdjZtZXhmQT09 <
> Meeting ID: 974 4285 8584 <
> Passcode: 662732 || ||||'''OP-MEG to measure speech lateralization in children: A feasibility study''' || ||Heather Payne ||University College London || ||||Abstract || ||||Zoom Link || ||||'''Investigating the role of beta oscillations during motor execution and error processing with FOOOF toolbox''' || ||Jacopo Barone ||Cardiff University || ||||[[attachment:Barone Investigating the role of beta oscillations during motor learning with the FOOOF toolbox.pdf]] || ||||[[https://cardiff.zoom.us/j/88460423635?pwd=amkxRzczVW9EU00yVWNRL3RodGxKZz09<
>|https://cardiff.zoom.us/j/88460423635?pwd=amkxRzczVW9EU00yVWNRL3RodGxKZz09]] <
> || ||||'''Dynamic brain connectivity supports visual and semantic processing during object recognition''' || ||Jacqueline von Seth ||University of Cambridge || ||||[[attachment:VonSeth Dynamic brain connectivity supports visual and semantic processing during object recognition.pdf]] || ||||https://zoom.us/j/93166014364?pwd=WTdsZFBjb0hUZ1hvaWpabDFPY3hSUT09 || ||||'''Alpha power is associated with hippocampal volume in Alzheimer’s disease: a combined MEG & MRI study''' || ||Jemma Pitt ||University of Oxford || ||||[[attachment:Pitt Alpha power is associated with hippocampal volume in AD.pdf]] || ||||https://zoom.us/j/91821318944?pwd=cDQ3c21KVHQvSldaNi8rQmFJSVdSdz09 <
> Meeting ID: 918 2131 8944 <
> Passcode: 2ryfWM || ||||'''The Utility of Magnetoencephalography in Multiple Sclerosis - a Systematic Review''' || ||Hina Khan ||University College London|| ||||[[attachment:Khan MEG in Multiple Sclerosis.pdf]] || ||||https://us04web.zoom.us/j/5864744517?pwd=Y2FrczlURG92eHFpZG55cmp2SzJzQT09 <
>Meeting ID: 586 474 4517 <
>Passcode: HZS9999 || ||||'''Dynamic causal modeling of Alzheimer's disease''' || ||Juliette Lanskey ||University of Cambridge || ||||[[attachment:Lanskey Dynamic causal modeling of Alzheimer's disease]] || ||||https://zoom.us/j/99624878889?pwd=b1pZZlFPS2h2VlJYT3RGMCtrTGJuQT09 <
> Meeting ID: 996 2487 8889 <
> Passcode: MEGUK21JHL || ||||'''Title''' || ||Laura Hughes ||University of Cambridge, Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit || ||||[[attachment:Hughes_GABAergic modulation of cortical oscillations.pdf]] || ||||Unavailable for zoom questions || ||||'''Motor-related beta bursts in schizophrenia''' || ||Lauren Gascoyne ||University of Nottingham || ||||[[attachment:Gascoyne Motor related beta burst.pdf]] || ||||https://zoom.us/j/95792551230 || ||||'''Dynamics underlying auditory working memory''' || ||Pradeep Dheerendra ||University of Glasgow || ||||[[attachment:Dheerendra Dynamics Underlying auditory.pdf]] || ||||https://uofglasgow.zoom.us/j/95768769910?pwd=WWF4YURhZDNjTmsxL1RpUXJQWEcrZz09 || ||||~+Poster Session 2+~ <
> Tuesday 7th 12:30-13:30 || ||||'''Development and optimisation of active magnetic shielding systems for OPM-MEG''' || ||Lucy Edwards ||University of Nottingham || ||||[[attachment:Edwards Towards continuous, active magnetic field cancellation on a moving array of OPMs.pdf]] || ||||https://zoom.us/j/91617575944 <
> Meeting ID: 916 1757 5944 <
> Passcode: 831415 || ||||'''Identifying harmonics in magnetoencephalographic data: an EMD perspective''' || ||Marco Fabus ||University of Oxford || ||||Abstract || ||||https://us04web.zoom.us/j/3226159443?pwd=Wk5oU0prVUFHUXRsQjdTV1JaaVlEdz09 <
> Meeting ID: 322 615 9443 <
> Passcode: 6fXecE || ||||'''Individual correlations of oscillatory synchronization and critical dynamics in the human brain''' || ||Marco Fuscà ||University of Glasgow || ||||Abstract || ||||Zoom Link || ||||'''Scene perception and resting-state connectivity within a posteromedial network.''' || ||Marie-Lucie Read ||Cardiff University Brain Research Imaging Centre || ||||[[attachment:Read Scene perception and resting-state connectivity_poster_MLR.pdf]] || ||||https://cardiff.zoom.us/j/81735342426?pwd=bXYyTFVhNG93V3pNSExlK3hBczh2UT09 <
> Meeting ID: 817 3534 2426<
>Passcode: 798514 || ||||'''Brain Pong! Rapid Frequency Tagging for Brain Computer Interfaces''' || ||Marion Brickwedde ||University of Birmingham || ||||[[attachment:Brickwedde Brain Pong! rapid frequency.pdf]] || ||||mp3 available within the pdf || ||||'''The theoretical advantages of triaxial field measurement for MEG''' || ||Matt Brookes ||University of Nottingham || ||||[[attachment:Brookes Theoretical advantages of triaxial]] || ||||https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88307609509 || ||||'''Internal Selective Attention Benefits in Cognitively Healthy APOE E4 Carriers''' || ||Méadhbh Brosnan ||University of Oxford || ||||[[attachment:Brosnan Internal selective attention benefits in gognitively healthy APOE Carriers.pdf]] || ||||https://us05web.zoom.us/j/7575343895?pwd=SXdlbCtoVXE0dE9zRjN3SFh4Y2MrZz09 <
> Meeting ID: 757 534 3895 <
> Passcode: Meadhbh || ||||'''Precision magnetic field modelling and control for wearable MEG''' || ||Molly Rea ||University of Nottingham || ||||[[attachment:Rea Precision magnetic field modelling.pdf]] || ||||https://zoom.us/j/96175871464 <
> Meeting ID: 961 7587 1464 <
> Passcode: 489445 || ||||'''Functional Differences in the Neural Substrates of Auditory Cognition as a Consequence of Music Training''' || ||Naomi du bois ||Ulster University || ||||[[attachment:Du Bois Functional Differences in the Neural Substrates.pdf]] || ||||https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83691488501?pwd=OEF5NEsvQmpIdjYxVnlIY3VzTm9yQT09 <
>Meeting ID: 836 9148 8501 <
>Passcode: yqnd4i || ||||'''Spontaneous slow fluctuations in oscillation amplitudes orchestrate conscious visual perception: A source-reconstructed time series analysis''' || ||Gabriela Cruz ||University of Glasgow || ||||Abstract || ||||Zoom Link || ||||'''Beta band dynamics during motor learning''' || ||Ryan Hill ||University of Nottingham || ||||[[attachment:Hill Beta-band dynamics during motor learning.pdf]] || ||||https://zoom.us/j/97725948017 || ||||'''Hemispheric facial dominance and emotion recognition: a MEG study''' || ||Sanjeev Nara ||Basque Center on Cognition, Brain and Language (BCBL), San Sebastian, Spain || ||||[[attachment:Nara Hemispheric facial dominance]] || ||||https://us05web.zoom.us/j/81656235459?pwd=d0JSOGVYNWpKWHVpSTJaUE1lQWtKZz09 <
>Meeting ID: 816 5623 5459 <
>Passcode: yKVW0h || ||||'''Investigating the microstructural foundations of cortical speech tracking'''|| ||Saskia Helbling ||Ernst Struengmann Institute || ||||[[attachment:Helbling Microstructure speech tracking.pdf]] || ||||https://us04web.zoom.us/j/77366007413?pwd=VkJmaXM3UGtiVUh2cVBMdlVDV2E0dz09 <
>Meeting ID: 773 6600 7413 <
>Passcode: f0Rd5J || ||||'''40 Hz Auditory Steady-State Response is related to language development in children with autism: An MEG study''' || ||Vardan Arutiunian ||Center for Language and Brain, HSE University, Moscow, Russia || ||||[[attachment:Arutiunian 40Hz auditory steady-state.pdf]] || ||||https://us04web.zoom.us/j/73131792141?pwd=cndyamNoOTVpNFFkSlFrQjdwQjVsZz09 <
> ID: 731 3179 2141 <
> Code: z92WXL || ||||'''Saccades are locked to the phase of alpha activity during natural reading''' || ||Yali Pan ||University of Birmingham || ||||Abstract || ||||Zoom Link || <