DataScreeiningTool - Meg Wiki

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CBU Matlab untilities for pre-screeining your data.

I will soon add more info about these tools. For the moment, this must be enough:

These tools will provide some basic descriptive stats values for your raw data files. The purpose of this tool is to monitor data quality, detect major artefacts, and to compare different pre-processing strategies (e.g. different parameters in maxfilter).

For example, maximum signal differences within successive time windows of pre-specified length (let's say 5s) can be computed, and visualised for all channels over time as a colour matrix. This will allow you to identify time ranges and channels that show excessively large amplitude variations. Similar measures can be computed in the frequency domain or for signal covariances.

The corresponding Matlab scripts are easy to use. Individual results are output as jpg- and mat-files, and summarised as html-files that can be viewed in web-browsers.

If you want to use these tools, contact