BeGaze - Meg Wiki

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BeGaze is the analysis program that comes with our SMI eye trackers.

Eye-tracking data collected using the iView X software will be saved as a .idf file. This is a proprietary SMI file format which must currently be opened using the BeGaze analysis software (until someone figures out a workaround). Once loaded in BeGaze however, raw data can be exported in more common file formats if desired.

Loading .idf files into BeGaze is straightforward if you will use SMI's Experiment Centre for stimulus presentation. If however you plan to use E-prime, Matlab, etc, and you will be sending text strings to signal trials/events to the Eye Tracking computer via serial port (i.e. 'ET_REM blank.bmp'), it becomes more cumbersome. If you are presenting a series of images, BeGaze will automatically create associations between the images and eye-tracking data if you send the name of the image file in the text string. Otherwise you will have to create the association between each trial and stimulus manually, which could be quite time-consuming depending on the number of trials in your experiment!
