Displaying SPM images with FreeSurfer

(thanks to Alex Clarke at CSLB)

Here it is outlined how to display your SPM results (or any analyze image) on the cortical surface provided with FreeSurfer.

Here, the FreeSurfer data is referred to as 'fs_brain' although any FreeSurfer subject could be used.

Note: With this approach, the correspondence between the SPM anatomy and the FreeSurfer anatomy will only be as good as the co-registration. For increased anatomical correspondence between the SPM location and that on the inflated cortex, you may want to use an MNI brain as input into FreeSurfer's recon procedures creating an inflated version of the MNI brain.

More info on the!FreeSurfer wiki:

* http://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/SpmPainting

* http://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/FsTutorial/SpmFreeSurfer