This page has two purposes. It is designed to alert you to potential problems/bugs in DMDX (and hopefully offer at least suggestions of solutions) and to give definitions of terms that may not be familiar to you. Hopefully, the definitions given here will help you to decipher both the tutorial web site and the DMDX help files.

Much of what is in this page has been copied and adapted from the original DMastr documentation.

I am not a computer whizz, but have used DMDX and before that DMastr for quite a while so there will be things that seem obvious to me that a new user will not necessarily understand. Also, bugs are most often found when new designs are tried. I have got most of the designs I use working fine now, but you will obviously want to do different things and this is when bugs could be found.

If you find something you don't understand, something that you think others will have problems with, or come across a bug, please get in touch withme or the DMDX listserve.

Parameters and Switches

The 'f' parameter

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Editor Problems

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Inter Trial Interval

Font Problems

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A Warning About Versions

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The Play List Error Message

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The logic of scrambling.


Errors and Error Messages

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Page created and maintained by Mike Ford

-- Main.CarolineWhiting - 17 Sep 2007