AboutThisWiki - MRC CBU Language Wiki

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The main purpose of the wiki is to replace the language group internal web pages. We've tried to get things going by putting some of the information from the web pages into the wiki. However, the whole point of the wiki is that you can add things yourself. The only rule is that whatever you add should be an improvement on what's already there.

You can do far more with this wiki than you can with web pages - use your imagination!


The LangWiki has to be considered to be in an experimental stage at the moment. Although lots of things are likely to change, I hope that these will be largely superficial things such as its appearance/layout and its location. Unless there is good reason to change, we will stick with TWiki, so any content we add to the wiki can just continue to evolve and not have to be reformatted for a different system

This wiki is currently hosted on the imagers web server.

Access to this wiki is restricted to the range of IP addresses used in the CBU. In principle we could grant access to specified machines elsewhere.


Anyone who registers can edit pages on this wiki. This what 'wiki culture' is all about, and it seems to work elsewhere. I'm sure it will work here too.

There are several different ways to edit pages:

  • Clicking 'Edit' below allows you to edit using the TWiki markup language, which is very simple.
  • WYSIWYG is possibly a bit easier to use, but has some unusual quirks.
  • You can also use the 'Edit' mode and write HTML - or copy HTML from a web page.

I strongly recommend using the TWiki markup language rather than HTML. If you don't you'll miss out on lots of useful features and it waill be hard for others to modify the pages you create. You should be able to master the basics by editing an existing page to see how it is formatted.

You can also upload attachments to the wiki (click "Attach" at bottom of page) - for example, programs, scripts, papers etc.

Find out more by using the Tutorial

-- Main.DennisNorris - 19 Apr 2006