> If you wish to do cross modal priming in a sentential context, you could use a design similar to below. The first half of this file displays the prime at the offset of the sentence, the second part at a point defined by a cursor in the sound file. <
> N16 f38 <
> $<
> 0 "Press SPACEBAR to start";<
> 250 /;<
> $<
> +1 "s1" / * "RABIES"/ /;<
> +2 "s2" / * "ASH"/ /;<
> +3 "s3" / * "BACON"/ /;<
> +4 "s4" / * "GAME"/ /;<
> -5 "s5" / * "GRADDLE"/ /;<
> -6 "s6" / * "LUNCE"/ /;<
> -7 "s7" / * "BRANTLY"/ /;<
> -8 "s8" / * "SKELVE"/ /;<
> $<
> 0 "Have a Break", "Press SPACEBAR to restart";<
> 250 /;<
> $ <
> +9 "s9" '''^1^''' / * " BELIEVE"/ /;<
> +10 "s10" / * "STALE"/ /;<
> +11 "s11" / * "HEDGE"/ /;<
> +12 "s12" / * "FAKED"/ /;<
> -13 "s13" / * "INDRASTAL"/ /;<
> -14 "s14" / * "SNOTHS"/ /;<
> -15 "s15" / * "SMARKLE"/ /;<
> -16 "s16" / * "EMBRINT"/ /;<
> $<
> 0 "The End. Thank You.";<
> $<
> If you wish to do cross modal priming in a sentential context, you could use a design similar to below. The first half of this file displays the prime at the offset of the sentence, the second part at a point defined by a cursor in the sound file. N16 f38 $ 0 "Press SPACEBAR to start"; 250 /; $ +1 "s1" / * "RABIES"/ /; +2 "s2" / * "ASH"/ /; +3 "s3" / * "BACON"/ /; +4 "s4" / * "GAME"/ /; -5 "s5" / * "GRADDLE"/ /; -6 "s6" / * "LUNCE"/ /; -7 "s7" / * "BRANTLY"/ /; -8 "s8" / * "SKELVE"/ /; $ 0 "Have a Break", "Press SPACEBAR to restart"; 250 /; $ +9 "s9" '''^1^''' / * " BELIEVE"/ /; +10 "s10" / * "STALE"/ /; +11 "s11" / * "HEDGE"/ /; +12 "s12" / * "FAKED"/ /; -13 "s13" / * "INDRASTAL"/ /; -14 "s14" / * "SNOTHS"/ /; -15 "s15" / * "SMARKLE"/ /; -16 "s16" / * "EMBRINT"/ /; $ 0 "The End. Thank You."; $ 1Assuming there is a cursor in the speech file s9 with the name "prime", then at that point in the speech file, the target "BELIEVE" will be displayed. You will obviously need to know how to put cursors in sound files in order to do this. In [[CoolEdit]] you use view|cue list. -- [[http://svn.mrc-cbu.cam.ac.uk/twiki/bin/view/Main/CarolineWhiting|CarolineWhiting]] - 17 Sep 2007