= BIDS tutorials = [[https://bids.neuroimaging.io/|The Brain Imaging Data Structure]] (BIDS) is a standard for organising neuroimaging and behavioural data that enables easy '''sharing''', '''reuse''', and '''application''' of automatic pipelines and quality assurance protocols (such as [[https://bids-apps.neuroimaging.io/|BIDS Apps]], or your/your group's own pipelines). It is highly recommended to have your data organised in BIDS! We have created a [[https://github.com/MRC-CBU/BIDS_conversion/tree/main|GitHub Repository]] and two tutorials on how to convert your raw data into BIDS: * [[https://github.com/MRC-CBU/BIDS_conversion/tree/main/MEG|MEG/EEG to BIDS]] * [[https://github.com/MRC-CBU/BIDS_conversion/tree/main/MRI|MRI to BIDS]] The tutorials are CBU-specific but can be easily adapted to any other source of raw data and computing system. A video of a mini-workshop walking through the 'MRI to BIDS' tutorial is on our !YouTube channel: [[https://youtu.be/yQBGsZMttCc?si=y8RC0OlV7dMs1kh6|{{https://camo.githubusercontent.com/a9f9add00b58c28779a1d7e5141becbf4397a9039aafbcd162b8cdd0a5a2e6c3/68747470733a2f2f696d672e796f75747562652e636f6d2f76692f79514247735a4d747443632f302e6a7067||height=200}}]]