2008/02/07 Added function HeadMask.m to /imaging/local/spm/common_spm5andabove

This function attempts to mask out the vitamin E capsules from T1 weighted structurals. This is useful before producing a scalp mesh, which may otherwise be distorted. It has been tested on seven subjects, never removing anything it shouldn't, and successfully removing the vitamin E capsules in six of the seven cases. (Including one patient with lesions; use at own risk; does NOT seem to improve normalisation to MNI space.)


2008/02/06 Patched spm_getSPM manually

Fixed bug when saving design matrix from contrast manager as identified by Catherine Marie-Longtin, and solved by Ferath Kherif

cd(SPM.swd) at line 200,
just after the code : SPM.swd = swd; at line 199.
