= Principles of random effect analyses = These analyses are also called second level analyses, and concentrate on the variation of activation between subjects in deciding the significance levels for SPMs. See Andrew Holmes' [http://www.fil.ion.ucl.ac.uk/spm/RFXposter.pdf poster on random effects] and [http://www.fil.ion.ucl.ac.uk/spm/RFXabstract.pdf abstract] (both in pdf format), and [http://www.fil.ion.ucl.ac.uk/spm/spm96.html some links to SPM mailing messages on random effects]. Darren Gitelman has also put together a very helpful [http://www.brain.nwu.edu/fmri/spm/ranfx.html summary and collation of SPM mailing list answers on random effects] with some links to papers on random effects. There is a nice [http://psyphz.psych.wisc.edu/~oakes/spm/spm_random_effects.html random effects discussion on the Wisconsin site] See also a useful set of [http://www.cu.mrc.ac.uk/~jaston/mrcjc/sld001.htm powerpoint slides on random effects], by John Aston, at the MRC Cyclotron Unit. MatthewBrett