Physiological noise measurement at the CBU MRI facility

At the CBU MRI facility we have two bits of equipments for this purpose:

  1. Pulse oxiometer (cardiac data)
  2. Pneumatic breathing belt (respiratory data)

The general workflow is as follows:

  1. Radiographers attach the equipment to participant's body at the beginning of the scanning session
  2. Log files are written onto the scanner's computer. The logging needs to be started manually by the radiographers and it's useful to remind them of that.
  3. Radiographers copy the files to network space. Again, this has to be done manually by the radiographers, who will also tell you where exactly in the network space your files are located.
  4. You need to extract run-specific data from the log files, since the log is continuous and starts before scanning and ends some time after the scanning has stopped.
  5. From the run-specific log data you need to estimate the signal phases so that can be used as a covariate in GLM

The next section will describe the last three points in detail.