attachment:cbu_csv99_ui.m of PetModelAutomation99 - MRC CBU Imaging Wiki
location: attachment:cbu_csv99_ui.m of PetModelAutomation99

Attachment 'cbu_csv99_ui.m'


   1 function varargout=cbu_csv99_ui(varargin) 
   2 %
   3 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
   4 % cbuhacked version - Ian Nimmo-Smith, 3-11 June 1999
   5 %
   6 % v0.2 handling blank lines - thanks to Joe Devlin
   7 % v0.3 now runs under its own name so no conflict with
   8 %      spm_spm_ui.m in standard distribution
   9 SCCSid  = '0.3';
  10 %
  11 % [1] design and filename entry from a .csv file [done]
  12 % [2] saving design and filename details in design.csv [done]
  13 % [3] inputting covariate values from the .csv file [done]
  14 %
  15 % For documentation see 
  16 %
  17 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  18 %
  19 % Setting up the general linear model for independent data
  20 % FORMATs (given in Programmers Help)
  21 %_______________________________________________________________________
  22 %
  23 % spm_spm_ui.m configures the design matrix (describing the general
  24 % linear model), data specification, and other parameters necessary for
  25 % the statistical analysis. These parameters are saved in a
  26 % configuration file (SPMcfg.mat) in the current directory, and are
  27 % passed on to spm_spm.m which estimates the design. Inference on these
  28 % estimated parameters is then handled by the SPM results section.
  29 %
  30 % A separate program (spm_spm_fmri_ui.m) handles design configuration
  31 % for fMRI time series, though this program can be used for fMRI data
  32 % when observations can be regarded as independent.
  33 %
  34 % ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  35 %
  36 % Various data and parameters need to be supplied to specify the design:
  37 %       * the image files
  38 %       * indicators of the corresponding condition/subject/group
  39 %       * any covariates, nuisance variables, or design matrix partitions
  40 %       * the type of global normalisation (if any)
  41 %       * grand mean scaling options
  42 %       * thresholds and masks defining the image volume to analyse
  43 %
  44 % The interface supports a comprehensive range of options for all these
  45 % parameters, which are described below in the order in which the
  46 % information is requested. Rather than ask for all these parameters,
  47 % spm_spm_ui.m uses a "Design Definition", a structure describing the
  48 % options and defaults appropriate for a particular analysis. Thus,
  49 % once the user has chosen a design, a subset of the following prompts
  50 % will be presented.
  51 %
  52 %                           ----------------
  53 %
  54 % Design class & Design type
  55 % ==========================
  56 %
  57 % Unless a design definition is passed to spm_spm_ui.m as a parameter,
  58 % the user is prompted first to select a design class, and then to
  59 % select a design type from that class.
  60 %
  61 % The designs are split into three classes:
  62 %   i) Basic stats: basic models for simple statistics
  63 %      These specify designs suitable for simple voxel-by-voxel analyses.
  64 %       - one-sample t-test
  65 %       - two-sample t-test
  66 %       - paired t-test
  67 %       - one way Anova (ANalysis Of VAriance)
  68 %       - simple regression (equivalent to correlation)
  69 %       - multiple regression
  70 %       - basic AnCova (ANalysis of COVAriance)
  71 %         (essentially a two-sample t-test witha nuisance covariate)
  72 %
  73 %  ii) PET models: models suitable for analysis of PET/SPECT experiments
  74 %       - Single-subject: conditions & covariates
  75 %       - Single-subject: covariates only
  76 %
  77 %       - Multi-subj: conditions & covariates
  78 %       - Multi-subj: cond x subj  interaction & covariates
  79 %       - Multi-subj: covariates only
  80 %       - Multi-group: conditions & covariates
  81 %       - Multi-group: covariates only
  82 %
  83 %       - Population main effect: 2 cond's, 1 scan/cond (paired t-test)
  84 %       - Dodgy population main effect: >2 cond's, 1 scan/cond
  85 %       - Compare-populations: 1 scan/subject (two sample t-test)
  86 %
  87 %       - The Full Monty... (asks you everything!)
  88 %
  89 % iii) SPM96 PET models: models used in SPM96 for PET/SPECT
  90 %      These models are provided for backward compatibility, but as they
  91 %      don't include some of the advanced modelling features, we recommend
  92 %      you switch to the new (SPM99) models at the earliest opportunity.
  93 %       - SPM96:Single-subject: replicated conditions
  94 %       - SPM96:Single-subject: replicated conditions & covariates
  95 %       - SPM96:Single-subject: covariates only
  96 %       - SPM96:Multi-subject: different conditions
  97 %       - SPM96:Multi-subject: replicated conditions
  98 %       - SPM96:Multi-subject: different conditions & covariates
  99 %       - SPM96:Multi-subject: replicated conditions & covariates
 100 %       - SPM96:Multi-subject: covariates only
 101 %       - SPM96:Multi-group: different conditions
 102 %       - SPM96:Multi-group: replicated conditions
 103 %       - SPM96:Multi-group: different conditions & covariates
 104 %       - SPM96:Multi-group: replicated conditions & covariates
 105 %       - SPM96:Multi-group: covariates only
 106 %       - SPM96:Compare-groups: 1 scan per subject
 107 %
 108 %
 109 % NB: Random effects, generalisability, population inference...
 110 %
 111 % Note that SPM only considers a single component of variance, the
 112 % residual error variance. When there are repeated measures, all
 113 % analyses with SPM are fixed effects analyses, and inference only
 114 % extends to the particular subjects under consideration (at the times
 115 % they were imaged).
 116 %
 117 % In particular, the multi-subject and multi-group designs ignore the
 118 % variability in response from subject to subject. Since the
 119 % scan-to-scan (within-condition, within-subject variability is much
 120 % smaller than the between subject variance which is ignored), this can
 121 % lead to detection of group effects that are not representative of the
 122 % population(s) from which the subjects are drawn. This is particularly
 123 % serious for multi-group designs comparing two groups. If inference
 124 % regarding the population is required, a random effects analysis is
 125 % required.
 126 %
 127 % However, random effects analyses can be effected by appropriately
 128 % summarising the data, thereby collapsing the model such that the
 129 % residual variance for the new model contains precisely the variance
 130 % components needed for a random effects analysis. In many cases, the
 131 % fixed effects models here can be used as the first stage in such a
 132 % two-stage procedure to produce appropriate summary data, which can
 133 % then be used as raw data for a second-level analysis. For instance,
 134 % the "Multi-subj: cond x subj  interaction & covariates" design can be
 135 % used to write out an image of the activation for each subject. A
 136 % simple t-test on these activation images then turns out to be
 137 % equivalent to a mixed-effects analysis with random subject and
 138 % subject by condition interaction effects, inferring for the
 139 % population based on this sample of subjects (strictly speaking the
 140 % design would have to be balanced, with equal numbers of scans per
 141 % condition per subject, and also only two conditions per subject). For
 142 % further details, see
 143 %
 144 %                           ----------------
 145 %
 146 % Selecting image files & indicating conditions
 147 % =============================================
 148 %
 149 % You may now be prompted to specify how many studies, subjects and
 150 % conditions you have, and then will be promted to select the scans.
 151 %
 152 % The data should all have the same orientation and image and voxel size.
 153 %
 154 % File selection is handled by spm_get.m - the help for which describes
 155 % efficient use of the interface.
 156 %
 157 % You may be asked to indicate the conditions for a set of scans, with
 158 % a prompt like "[12] Enter conditions? (2)". For this particular
 159 % example you need to indicate for 12 scans the corresponding
 160 % condition, in this case from 2 conditions. Enter a vector of
 161 % indicators, like '0 1 0 1...', or a string of indicators, like
 162 % '010101010101' or '121212121212', or 'rararararara'. (This
 163 % "conditions" input is handled by spm_input.m, where comprehensive
 164 % help can be found.)
 165 %
 166 %                           ----------------
 167 %
 168 % Covariate & nuisance variable entry
 169 % ===================================
 170 %
 171 % * If applicable, you'll be asked to specify covariates and nuisance
 172 % variables. Unlike SPM94/5/6, where the design was partitioned into
 173 % effects of interest and nuisance effects for the computation of
 174 % adjusted data and the F-statistic (which was used to thresh out
 175 % voxels where there appeared to be no effects of interest), SPM99 does
 176 % not partition the design in this way. The only remaining distinction
 177 % between effects of interest (including covariates) and nuisance
 178 % effects is their location in the design matrix, which we have
 179 % retained for continuity.  Pre-specified design matrix partitions can
 180 % be entered. (The number of covariates / nuisance variables specified,
 181 % is actually the number of times you are prompted for entry, not the
 182 % number of resulting design matrix columns.) You will be given the
 183 % opportunity to name the covariate.
 184 % 
 185 % * Factor by covariate interactions: For covariate vectors, you may be
 186 % offered a choice of interaction options. (This was called "covariate
 187 % specific fits" in SPM95/6.) The full list of possible options is:
 188 %       - <none>
 189 %       - with replication
 190 %       - with condition (across group)
 191 %       - with subject (across group)
 192 %       - with group
 193 %       - with condition (within group)
 194 %       - with subject (within group)
 195 %
 196 % * Covariate centering: At this stage may also be offered "covariate
 197 % centering" options. The default is usually that appropriate for the
 198 % interaction chosen, and ensures that main effects of the interacting
 199 % factor aren't affected by the covariate. You are advised to choose
 200 % the default, unless you have other modelling considerations. The full
 201 % list of possible options is:
 202 %       - around overall mean
 203 %       - around replication means
 204 %       - around condition means (across group)
 205 %       - around subject means (across group)
 206 %       - around group means
 207 %       - around condition means (within group)
 208 %       - around subject means (within group)
 209 %       - <no centering>
 210 %
 211 %                           ----------------
 212 %
 213 % Global options
 214 % ==============
 215 %
 216 % Depending on the design configuration, you may be offered a selection
 217 % of global normalisation and scaling options:
 218 %
 219 % * Method of global flow calculation
 220 %       - SPM96:Compare-groups: 1 scan per subject
 221 %       - None (assumming no other options requiring the global value chosen)
 222 %       - User defined (enter your own vector of global values)
 223 %       - SPM standard: mean voxel value (within per image fullmean/8 mask)
 224 %
 225 % * Grand mean scaling : Scaling of the overall grand mean simply
 226 % scales all the data by a common factor such that the mean of all the
 227 % global values is the value specified. For qualitative data, this puts
 228 % the data into an intuitively accessible scale without altering the
 229 % statistics. When proportional scaling global normalisation is used
 230 % (see below), each image is seperately scaled such that it's global
 231 % value is that specified (in which case the grand mean is also
 232 % implicitly scaled to that value). When using AnCova or no global
 233 % normalisation, with data from different subjects or sessions, an
 234 % intermediate situation may be appropriate, and you may be given the
 235 % option to scale group, session or subject grand means seperately. The
 236 % full list of possible options is:
 237 %       - scaling of overall grand mean
 238 %       - caling of replication grand means
 239 %       - caling of condition grand means (across group)
 240 %       - caling of subject grand means (across group)
 241 %       - caling of group grand means
 242 %       - caling of condition (within group) grand means
 243 %       - caling of subject (within group) grand means
 244 %       - implicit in PropSca global normalisation)
 245 %       - no grand Mean scaling>'
 246 %
 247 % * Global normalisation option : Global nuisance effects are usually
 248 % accounted for either by scaling the images so that they all have the
 249 % same global value (proportional scaling), or by including the global
 250 % covariate as a nuisance effect in the general linear model (AnCova).
 251 % Much has been written on which to use, and when. Basically, since
 252 % proportional scaling also scales the variance term, it is appropriate
 253 % for situations where the global measurement predominantly reflects
 254 % gain or sensitivity. Where variance is constant across the range of
 255 % global values, linear modelling in an AnCova approach has more
 256 % flexibility, since the model is not restricted to a simple
 257 % proportional regression.
 258 %
 259 % Considering AnCova global normalisation, since subjects are unlikely
 260 % to have the same relationship between global and local measurements,
 261 % a subject-specific AnCova ("AnCova by subject"), fitting a different
 262 % slope and intercept for each subject, would be preferred to the
 263 % single common slope of a straight AnCova. (Assumming there's enough
 264 % scans per subject to estimate such an effect.) This is basically an
 265 % interaction of the global covariate with the subject factor. You may
 266 % be offered various AnCova options, corresponding to interactions with
 267 % various factors according to the design definition: The full list of
 268 % possible options is:
 269 %       - AnCova
 270 %       - AnCova by replication
 271 %       - AnCova by condition (across group)
 272 %       - AnCova by subject (across group)
 273 %       - AnCova by group
 274 %       - AnCova by condition (within group)
 275 %       - AnCova by subject (within group)
 276 %       - Proportional scaling
 277 %       - <no global normalisation>
 278 %
 279 % Since differences between subjects may be due to gain and sensitivity
 280 % effects, AnCova by subject could be combined with "grand mean scaling
 281 % by subject" to obtain a combination of between subject proportional
 282 % scaling and within subject AnCova.
 283 %
 284 % * Global centering: Lastly, for some designs using AnCova, you will
 285 % be offered a choice of centering options for the global covariate. As
 286 % with covariate centering, this is only relevant if you have a
 287 % particular interest in the parameter estimates. Usually, the default
 288 % of a centering corresponding to the AnCova used is chosen. The full
 289 % list of possible options is:
 290 %       - around overall mean
 291 %       - around replication means
 292 %       - around condition means (across group)
 293 %       - around subject means (across group)
 294 %       - around group means
 295 %       - around condition means (within group)
 296 %       - around subject means (within group)
 297 %       - <no centering>
 298 %       - around user specified value
 299 %       - (as implied by AnCova)
 300 %       - GM (The grand mean scaled value)
 301 %       - (redundant: not doing AnCova)
 302 %
 303 %
 304 %
 305 % Note that this is a logical ordering for the global options, which is
 306 % not the order used by the interface due to algorithm constraints. The
 307 % interface asks for the options in this order:
 308 %       - Global normalisation
 309 %       - Grand mean scaling options
 310 %         (if not using proportional scaling global normalisation)
 311 %       - Value for grand mean scaling  proportional scaling GloNorm
 312 %         (if appropriate)
 313 %       - Global centering options
 314 %       - Value for global centering (if "user-defined" chosen)
 315 %       - Method of calculation
 316 %
 317 %                           ----------------
 318 %
 319 % Masking options
 320 % ===============
 321 %
 322 % The mask specifies the voxels within the image volume which are to be
 323 % assessed. SPM supports three methods of masking. The volume analysed
 324 % is the intersection of all masks:
 325 %
 326 %   i) Threshold masking : "Analysis threshold"
 327 %       - images are thresholded at a given value and only voxels at
 328 %         which all images exceed the threshold are included in the
 329 %         analysis.
 330 %       - The threshold can be absolute, or a proportion of the global
 331 %         value (after scaling), or "-Inf" for no threshold masking.
 332 %       - (This was called "Grey matter threshold" in SPM94/5/6)
 333 %
 334 %  ii) Implicit masking
 335 %       - An "implicit mask" is a mask implied by a particular voxel
 336 %         value. Voxels with this mask value are excluded from the
 337 %         analysis.
 338 %       - For image data-types with a representation of NaN
 339 %         (see spm_type.m), NaN's is the implicit mask value, (and
 340 %         NaN's are always masked out).
 341 %       - For image data-types without a representation of NaN, zero is
 342 %         the mask value, and the user can choose whether zero voxels
 343 %          should be masked out or not.
 344 %
 345 % iii) Explicit masking
 346 %       - Explicit masks are other images containing (implicit) masks
 347 %         that are to be applied to the current analysis.
 348 %       - All voxels with value NaN (for image data-types with a
 349 %         representation of NaN), or zero (for other data types) are
 350 %         excluded from the analysis.
 351 %       - Explicit mask images can have any orientation and voxel/image
 352 %         size. Nearest neighbour interpolation of a mask image is used if
 353 %         the voxel centers of the input images do not coincide with that
 354 %         of the mask image.
 355 %
 356 % ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 357 %
 358 % Variables saved in the SPMcfg.mat file
 359 % D             - design definition structure
 360 %                 (See definition in main body of spm_spm_ui.m)
 361 % VY            - nScan x 1 struct array of memory mapped input images
 362 %                 (see spm_vol for definition of the map structure)
 363 % 
 364 % xX            - structure describing design matrix
 365 % xX.I          - nScan x 4 matrix of factor level indicators
 366 %                 I(n,i) is the level of factor i corresponding to image n
 367 % xX.sF         - 1x4 cellstr containing the names of the four factors
 368 %                 D.sF{i} is the name of factor i
 369 % xX.X          - desgin matrix
 370 % xX.iH         - vector of H partition (condition effects) indices,
 371 %                 identifying columns of X correspoding to H
 372 % xX.iC         - vector of C partition (covariates of interest) indices
 373 % xX.iB         - vector of B partition (block effects) indices
 374 % xX.iG         - vector of G partition (nuisance variables) indices
 375 % xX.Xnames     - p x 1 cellstr of effect names corresponding to columns
 376 %                 of the design matrix
 377 % 
 378 % xC            - structure array of covariate details
 379 % xC(i).rc      - raw (as entered) i-th covariate
 380 % xC(i).rcname  - name of this covariate (string)
 381 % xC(i).c       - covariate as appears in design matrix (after any scaling,
 382 %                 centering of interactions)
 383 % xC(i).cname   - cellstr containing names for effects corresponding to
 384 %                 columns of xC(i).c
 385 % xC(i).iCC     - covariate centering option
 386 % xC(i).iCFI    - covariate by factor interaction option
 387 % xC(i).type    - covariate type: 1=interest, 2=nuisance, 3=global
 388 % xC(i).cols    - columns of design matrix corresponding to xC(i).c
 389 % xC(i).descrip - cellstr containing a description of the covariate
 390 % 
 391 % xGX           - structure describing global options and values
 392 % xGX.iGXcalc   - global calculation option used
 393 % xGX.sGXcalc   - string describing global calculation used
 394 % xGX.rg        - raw globals (before scaling and such like)
 395 % xGX.iGMsca    - grand mean scaling option
 396 % xGX.sGMsca    - string describing grand mean scaling
 397 % xGX.GM        - value for grand mean (/proportional) scaling
 398 % xGX.gSF       - global scaling factor (applied to xGX.rg)
 399 % xGX.iGC       - global covariate centering option
 400 % xGX.sGC       - string describing global covariate centering option
 401 % xGX.gc        - center for global covariate
 402 % xGX.iGloNorm  - Global normalisation option
 403 % xGX.sGloNorm  - string describing global normalisation option
 404 % 
 405 % xM            - structure describing masking options
 406 % xM.T          - Threshold masking value (-Inf=>None,
 407 %                 complex=>proportional (i.e. times global), real=>absolute )
 408 % xM.TH         - nScan x 1 vector of analysis thresholds, one per image
 409 % xM.I          - Implicit masking (0=>none, 1=>implicit zero/NaN mask)
 410 % xM.VM         - struct array of explicit mask images
 411 %                 (empty if no explicit masks)
 412 % xM.xs         - structure describing masking options
 413 %                 (format is same as for xsDes described below)
 414 % 
 415 % xsDes         - structure of strings describing the design:
 416 %                 Fieldnames are essentially topic strings (use "_"'s for
 417 %                 spaces), and the field values should be strings or cellstr's
 418 %                 of information regarding that topic. spm_DesRep.m
 419 %                 uses this structure to produce a printed description
 420 %                 of the design, displaying the fieldnames (with "_"'s 
 421 %                 converted to spaces) in bold as topics, with
 422 %                 the corresponding text to the right
 423 % 
 424 % F_iX0         - Design matrix columns of effects of no interest
 425 %                (For F-test)
 426 %                (Used in spm_spm.m for filtering data saved for plotting)
 427 % 
 428 % SPMid         - String identifying SPM and program versions
 429 %_______________________________________________________________________
 430 % 99/06/08 Andrew Holmes @(#)spm_spm_ui.m	2.26
 431 %SCCSid  = '2.26';
 433 %=======================================================================
 434 % - FORMAT specifications for programers
 435 %=======================================================================
 436 %( This is a multi function function, the first argument is an action  )
 437 %( string, specifying the particular action function to take.          )
 438 %
 439 % FORMAT spm_spm_ui('CFG',D)
 440 % Configure design
 441 % D       - design definition structure - see format definition below
 442 % (If D is a struct array, then the user is asked to choose from the
 443 % design definitions in the array. If D is not specified as an
 444 % argument, then user is asked to choose from the standard internal
 445 % definitions)
 446 %
 447 % FORMAT [P,I] = spm_spm_ui('Files&Indices',DsF,Dn,DbaTime)
 448 % PET/SPECT file & factor level input
 449 % DsF     - 1x4 cellstr of factor names (ie D.sF)
 450 % Dn      - 1x4 vector indicating the number of levels (ie D.n)
 451 % DbaTime - ask for F3 images in time order, with F2 levels input by user?
 452 % P       - nScan x 1 cellsrt of image filenames
 453 % I       - nScan x 4 matrix of factor level indices
 454 %
 455 % FORMAT D = spm_spm_ui('DesDefs_Stats')
 456 % Design definitions for simple statistics
 457 % D      - struct array of design definitions (see definition below)
 458 %
 459 % FORMAT D = spm_spm_ui('DesDefs_PET')
 460 % Design definitions for PET/SPECT models
 461 % D      - struct array of design definitions (see definition below)
 462 %
 463 % FORMAT D = spm_spm_ui('DesDefs_PET96')
 464 % Design definitions for SPM96 PET/SPECT models
 465 % D      - struct array of design definitions (see definition below)
 467 %=======================================================================
 468 % Design definitions specification for programers & power users
 469 %=======================================================================
 470 % Within spm_spm_ui.m, a definition structure, D, determines the
 471 % various options, defaults and specifications appropriate for a
 472 % particular design. Usually one uses one of the pre-specified
 473 % definitions chosen from the menu, which are specified in the function
 474 % actions at the end of the program (spm_spm_ui('DesDefs_Stats'),
 475 % spm_spm_ui('DesDefs_PET'), spm_spm_ui('DesDefs_PET96')). For
 476 % customised use of spm_spm_ui.m, the design definition structure is
 477 % shown by the following example:
 478 %
 479 % D = struct(...
 480 %       'DesName','The Full Monty...',...
 481 %       'n',[Inf Inf Inf Inf],  'sF',{{'repl','cond','subj','group'}},...
 482 %       'Hform',                'I(:,[4,2]),''-'',{''stud'',''cond''}',...
 483 %       'Bform',                'I(:,[4,3]),''-'',{''stud'',''subj''}',...
 484 %       'nC',[Inf,Inf],'iCC',{{[1:8],[1:8]}},'iCFI',{{[1:7],[1:7]}},...
 485 %       'iGXcalc',[1,2,3],'iGMsca',[1:7],'GM',50,...
 486 %       'iGloNorm',[1:9],'iGC',[1:11],...
 487 %       'M_',struct('T',[-Inf,0,0.8*sqrt(-1)],'I',Inf,'X',Inf),...
 488 %       'b',struct('aTime',1));
 489 %
 490 % ( Note that the struct command expands cell arrays to give multiple    )
 491 % ( records, so if you want a cell array as a field value, you have to   )
 492 % ( embed it within another cell, hence the double "{{"'s.               )
 493 %
 494 % D.Desname  - a string naming the design
 495 %
 496 % In general, spm_spm_ui.m accomodates four factors. Usually these are
 497 % 'group', 'subject', 'condition' & 'replication', but to allow for a
 498 % flexible interface these are dynamically named for different designs,
 499 % and are referred to as Factor4, Factor3, Factor2, and Factor1
 500 % respectively. The first part of the D definition dictates the names
 501 % and number of factor levels (i.e. number of subjects etc.) relevant
 502 % for this design, and also how the H (condition) and B (block)
 503 % partitions of the design matrix should be constructed.
 504 %
 505 % D.n        - a 1x4 vector, indicating the number of levels. D.n(i)
 506 %              for i in [1:4] is the number of levels for factor i.
 507 %              Specify D.n(i) as 1 to ignore this factor level,
 508 %              otherwise the number of levels can be pre-specified as a
 509 %              given number, or given as Inf to allow the user to
 510 %              choose the number of levels.
 511 %
 512 % D.sF       - a 1x4 cellstr containing the names of the four
 513 %              factors. D.sF{i} is the name of factor i.
 514 %
 515 % D.b.aTime  - a binary indicator specifying whether images within F3
 516 %              level (subject) are selected in time order. For time
 517 %              order (D.b.aTime=1), F2 levels are indicated by a user
 518 %              input "condition" string (input handled by spm_input's
 519 %              'c' type). When (D.b.aTime=0), images for each F3 are
 520 %              selected by F2 (condition). The latter was the mode of
 521 %              SPM95 and SPM96. (SPM94 and SPMclassic didn't do
 522 %              replications of conditions.)
 523 %
 524 % Once the user has entered the images and indicated the factor levels,
 525 % a nScan x 4 matrix, I, of indicator variables is constructed
 526 % specifying for each scan the relevant level of each of the four
 527 % factors. I(n,i) is the level of factor i corresponding to image n.
 528 % This I matrix of factor indicators is then used to construct the H
 529 % and B forms of the design matrix according to the prescripton in the
 530 % design definition D:
 531 %
 532 % D.Hform    - a string specifying the form of the H partition of the
 533 %              design matrix. The string is evaluated as an argument
 534 %              string for spm_DesMtx, which builds design matrix
 535 %              partitions from indicator vectors.
 536 %             (eval(['[H,Hnames] = spm_DesMtx(',D.Hform,');']))
 537 %
 538 % D.BForm   - a string specifying the form of the G partition.
 539 %
 540 % ( Note that a constant H partition is dropped if the B partition can   )
 541 % ( model the constant effect.                                           )
 542 %
 543 % The next part of the design definition defines covariate options.
 544 % Covariates are split into covariates (of interest) and nuisance
 545 % variables. The covariates of interest and nuisance variables are put
 546 % into the C & G partitions of the design matrox (the final design
 547 % matrix is [H,C,B,G], where global nuisance covariates are appended to
 548 % G). In SPM94/5/6 the design matrix was partitioned into effects of
 549 % interest [H,C] and effects of no interest [B,G], with an F-test for
 550 % no effects of interest and adjusted data (for effects of no interest)
 551 % following from these partitions. SPM99 is more freestyle, with
 552 % adjustments and F-tests specified by contrasts. However, the concept
 553 % of effects of interest and of no interest has been maintained for
 554 % continuity, and spm_spm_ui.m computes an F-contrast to test for "no
 555 % effects of interest".
 556 %
 557 % D.nC       - a 1x2 vector: D.nC(1) is the number of covariates,
 558 %              D.nC(2) the number of nuisance variables. Specify zero
 559 %              to skip covariate entry, the actual number of
 560 %              covariates, or Inf to let the user specify the number of
 561 %              covariates. As with earlier versions, blocks of design
 562 %              matrix can be entered. However, these are now treated as
 563 %              a single covariate entity, so the number of
 564 %              covariates.nuisance variables is now the number of items
 565 %              you are prompted for, regardless of their dimension. (In
 566 %              SPM95-6 this number was the number of covariate vectors
 567 %              that could be entered.)
 568 %
 569 % D.iCC      - a 1x2 cell array containing two vectors indicating the
 570 %              allowable covariate centering options for this design.
 571 %              These options are defined in the body of spm_spm_ui.m,
 572 %              in variables sCC & CFIforms. Use negative indices to
 573 %              indicate the default, if any - the largest negative
 574 %              wins.
 575 %
 576 % D.iCFI     - a 1x2 cell array containing two vectors indicating the
 577 %              allowable covariate by factor interactions for this
 578 %              design. Interactions are only offered with a factor if
 579 %              it has multiple levels. The options are defined in the
 580 %              body of spm_spm_ui.m, in variables sCFI & CFIforms. Use
 581 %              negative indicies to indicate a default.
 582 %
 583 % The next part defines global options:
 584 %
 585 % D.iGXcalc  - a vector of possible global calculation options for
 586 %              this design, as listed in the body of spm_spm_ui.m in
 587 %              variable sGXcalc. (If other global options are chosen,
 588 %              then the "omit" option is not offered.) Again, negative
 589 %              values indicate a default.
 590 %
 591 % D.iGloNorm - a vector of possible global normalisation options for
 592 %              this design, as described in the body of spm_spm_ui.m in
 593 %              variable sGloNorm.
 594 %
 595 % D.iGMsca   - a vector of possible grand mean scaling options, as
 596 %              described in the body of spm_spm_ui.m in variable
 597 %              sGMsca. (Note that grand mean scaling is redundent when
 598 %              using proportional scaling global flow normalisation.)
 599 %
 600 % D.iGC      - a vector of possible global covariate centering
 601 %              options, corresponding to the descriptions in variable
 602 %              iCC given in the body of spm_spm_ui.m. This is only
 603 %              relevant for AnCova type global normalisation, and even
 604 %              then only if you're actually interested in constraining
 605 %              the values of the parameters in some useful way.
 606 %              Usually, one chooses option 10, "as implied by AnCova".
 607 %
 608 % The next component specifies masking options:
 609 %
 610 % D.M_.T     - a vector defining the analysis threshold: Specify
 611 %              "-Inf" as an element to offer "None" as an option. If a
 612 %              real element is found, then absolute thresholding is
 613 %              offered, with the first real value proffered as default
 614 %              threshold. If an imaginary element is found, then
 615 %              proportional thresholding if offered (i.e. the threshold
 616 %              is a proportion of the image global), with the (abs of)
 617 %              the first imaginary element proffered as default.
 618 %
 619 % D.M_.I     - Implicit masking? 0-no, 1-yes, Inf-ask. (This is
 620 %              irrelevant for image types with a representation of NaN,
 621 %              since NaN is then the mask value, and NaN's are always
 622 %              masked.)
 623 %
 624 % D.M.X      - Explicit masking? 0-no, 1-yes, Inf-ask.
 625 % 
 626 %_______________________________________________________________________
 627 % Andrew Holmes
 629 global defaults
 630 if isempty(defaults)
 631     spm_defaults;
 632 end
 634 %-Condition arguments
 635 %-----------------------------------------------------------------------
 636 if (nargin==0), Action = 'CFG'; else, Action = varargin{1}; end
 639 switch lower(Action), case 'cfg'
 640 %=======================================================================
 641 % - C O N F I G U R E   D E S I G N
 642 %=======================================================================
 643 % spm_spm_ui('CFG',D)
 644 if nargin<2, D=[]; else, D=varargin{2}; end
 646 %-GUI setup
 647 %-----------------------------------------------------------------------
 648 SPMid = ['SPM99: ',mfilename,' v',SCCSid];
 649 [Finter,Fgraph,CmdLine] = spm('FnUIsetup','Stats: Setup analysis',0);
 650 spm_help('!ContextHelp',mfilename)
 652 %-Ask about overwriting files from previous analyses...
 653 %-----------------------------------------------------------------------
 654 tmp = [         exist(fullfile('.','SPMcfg.mat'),    'file')==2 ,...
 655 	exist(fullfile('.','SPM.mat'),	     'file')==2 ];
 656 if any(tmp)
 657 	str = { '	 SPMstats configuration (SPMcfg.mat)',...
 658 		'	 SPMstats results files (inc. SPM.mat)'};
 659 	str = { 'Current directory contains existing SPMstats files:',...
 660 		str{tmp},['(pwd = ',pwd,')'],' ',...
 661 		'Continuing will overwrite existing files!'};
 662 	if spm_input(str,1,'bd','stop|continue',[1,0],1,mfilename);
 663 		fprintf('%-40s: %30s\n\n',...
 664 			'Abort...   (existing SPMstats files)',spm('time'))
 665 		spm_clf(Finter)
 666 		return
 667 	end
 668 end
 672 %-Option definitions
 673 %-----------------------------------------------------------------------
 674 %-Generic factor names
 675 sF = {'sF1','sF2','sF3','sF4'};
 677 %-Covariate by factor interaction options
 678 sCFI = {'<none>';...							%-1
 679 	'with sF1';'with sF2';'with sF3';'with sF4';...			%-2:5
 680 	'with sF2 (within sF4)';'with sF3 (within sF4)'};		%-6,7
 682 %-DesMtx argument components for covariate by factor interaction options
 683 % (Used for CFI's Covariate Centering (CC), GMscale & Global normalisation)
 684 CFIforms = {	'[]',		'C',	'{}';...			%-1
 685 		'I(:,1)',	'FxC',	'{D.sF{1}}';...			%-2
 686 		'I(:,2)',	'FxC',	'{D.sF{2}}';...			%-3
 687 		'I(:,3)',	'FxC',	'{D.sF{3}}';...			%-4
 688 		'I(:,4)',	'FxC',	'{D.sF{4}}';...			%-5
 689 		'I(:,[4,2])',	'FxC',	'{D.sF{4},D.sF{2}}';...		%-6
 690 		'I(:,[4,3])',	'FxC',	'{D.sF{4},D.sF{3}}'	};	%-7
 692 %-Centre (mean correction) options for covariates & globals            (CC)
 693 % (options 9-12 are for centering of global when using AnCova GloNorm) (GC)
 694 sCC = {		'around overall mean';...				%-1
 695 		'around sF1 means';...					%-2
 696 		'around sF2 means';...					%-3
 697 		'around sF3 means';...					%-4
 698 		'around sF4 means';...					%-5
 699 		'around sF2 (within sF4) means';...			%-6
 700 		'around sF3 (within sF4) means';...			%-7
 701 		'<no centering>';...					%-8
 702 		'around user specified value';...			%-9
 703 		'(as implied by AnCova)';...				%-10
 704 		'GM';...						%-11
 705 		'(redundant: not doing AnCova)'}';			%-12
 706 %-DesMtx I forms for covariate centering options
 707 CCforms = {'ones(nScan,1)',CFIforms{2:end,1},''}';
 710 %-Global normalization options (options 1-7 match CFIforms)       (GloNorm)
 711 sGloNorm = {	'AnCova';...						%-1
 712 		'AnCova by sF1';...					%-2
 713 		'AnCova by sF2';...					%-3
 714 		'AnCova by sF3';...					%-4
 715 		'AnCova by sF4';...					%-5
 716 		'AnCova by sF2 (within sF4)';...			%-6
 717 		'AnCova by sF3 (within sF4)';...			%-7
 718 		'proportional scaling';...				%-8
 719 		'<no global normalisation>'};				%-9
 721 %-Grand mean scaling options                                        (GMsca)
 722 sGMsca = {	'scaling of overall grand mean';...			%-1
 723 		'scaling of sF1 grand means';...			%-2
 724 		'scaling of sF2 grand means';...			%-3
 725 		'scaling of sF3 grand means';...			%-4
 726 		'scaling of sF4 grand means';...			%-5
 727 		'scaling of sF2 (within sF4) grand means';...		%-6
 728 		'scaling of sF3 (within sF4) grand means';...		%-7
 729 		'(implicit in PropSca global normalisation)';...	%-8
 730 		'<no grand Mean scaling>'	};			%-9
 731 %-NB: Grand mean scaling by subject is redundent for proportional scaling
 734 %-Global calculation options                                       (GXcalc)
 735 sGXcalc  = {	'omit';...						%-1
 736 		'user specified';...					%-2
 737 		'mean voxel value (within per image fullmean/8 mask)'}; %-3
 741 %=======================================================================
 742 %-D E S I G N   P A R A M E T E R S
 743 %=======================================================================
 744 %-Get design type
 745 %-----------------------------------------------------------------------
 747 D = [D, struct(...
 748 	'DesName','Bespoke design via CBU CSV interface',...
 749 	'n',[Inf Inf Inf Inf],	'sF',{{'repl','condition','subject','group'}},...
 750 	'Hform',		'I(:,[4,2]),''-'',{''stud'',''cond''}',...
 751 	'Bform',		'I(:,[4,3]),''-'',{''stud'',''subj''}',...
 752 	'nC',[Inf,Inf],'iCC',{{[5:8],[5,7,8]}},'iCFI',{{[1,5,6,7],[1,5,7]}},...
 753 	'iGXcalc',[1,2,-3],'iGMsca',[-7,9],'GM',50,...
 754 	'iGloNorm',[7,8,9],'iGC',10,...
 755 	'M_',struct('T',[0,0.8*sqrt(-1)],'I',0,'X',0),...
 756 	'b',struct('aTime',1))];
 758 if isempty(D)
 759 	tmp = spm_input('Select design class...','+1','m',...
 760 		{'Basic stats','Standard PET designs','SPM96 PET designs'});
 761 	switch tmp
 762 	case 1, D = spm_spm_ui('DesDefs_Stats');
 763 	case 2, D = spm_spm_ui('DesDefs_PET');
 764 	case 3, D = spm_spm_ui('DesDefs_PET96');
 765 	otherwise, error('Don''t know that one!')
 766 	end
 767 end
 769 %D = D(spm_input('Select design type...','+1','m',{D.DesName}'));
 771 %-Set factor names for this design
 772 %-----------------------------------------------------------------------
 773 sCC       = sf_estrrep(sCC,[sF',D.sF']);
 774 sCFI      = sf_estrrep(sCFI,[sF',D.sF']);
 775 sGloNorm  = sf_estrrep(sGloNorm,[sF',D.sF']);
 776 sGMsca    = sf_estrrep(sGMsca,[sF',D.sF']);
 778 %-Get filenames & factor indicies
 779 %-----------------------------------------------------------------------
 781 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%
 782 %start cbuhack
 783 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%
 785 cbu_title='untitled';
 786 cbu_factors='GSCR';
 787 cbu_factor_format='%d,%d,%d,%d,';
 788 cbu_cov_columns=0;
 789 cbu_cov_partition={};
 790 cbu_cov_block_labels={};
 791 cbu_cov_format='';
 792 cbu_covariates=[];
 794 str = { 'Do you want to read filename/condition stuff',...
 795         'from an ascii file?'};
 796 cbuhack = spm_input(str,1,'bd','yes|no',[1,0],0,'CBU file input ');
 797 if cbuhack
 798   [P,I, ...
 799              cbu_title, ...
 800              cbu_factors, ...
 801              cbu_factor_format, ...
 802              cbu_cov_columns, ...
 803              cbu_cov_partition, ...
 804              cbu_cov_block_labels, ...
 805              cbu_cov_format, ...
 806              cbu_covariates] ...
 807      = cbu_csv99_ui('cbuhack',D.sF,D.n,D.b.aTime);
 808 else
 809   [P,I] = spm_spm_ui('Files&Indices',D.sF,D.n,D.b.aTime); %-Files & indices
 810 end
 812 save I I;
 814 %%%%%%%%%%%%
 815 %end cbuhack
 816 %%%%%%%%%%%%
 818 nScan = length(P);                                      %-#observations
 820 %-Additional design parameters
 821 %-----------------------------------------------------------------------
 822 bL  = any(diff(I,1),1);		%-Multiple factor levels?
 823 	% NB: bL(2) might be thrown by user specified f1 levels
 824 	%     (D.b.aTime & D.n(2)>1) - assumme user is consistent?
 825 bFI = [bL(1),bL(2:3)&~bL(4),bL(4),bL([2,3])&bL(4)];
 826 	%-Allowable interactions for covariates
 827 	%-Only offer interactions with multi-level factors, and
 828 	% don't offer by F2|F3 if bL(4)!
 830 %-Build Condition (H) and Block (B) partitions
 831 %=======================================================================
 833 eval(['[H,Hnames] = spm_DesMtx(',D.Hform,');'])
 834 if rank(H)==nScan, error('unestimable condition effects'), end
 835 eval(['[B,Bnames] = spm_DesMtx(',D.Bform,');'])
 836 if rank(B)==nScan, error('unestimable block effects'), end
 838 %-Drop a constant H partition if B partition can model constant
 839 if size(H,2)>0 & all(H(:)==1) & (rank([H B])==rank(B))
 840 	H = []; Hnames = {};
 841 	warning('Dropping redundant constant H partition')
 842 end
 845 %-Covariate partition(s): interest (C) & nuisance (G) excluding global
 846 %=======================================================================
 847 nC = D.nC;			%-Default #covariates
 848 C  = {[],[]}; Cnames = {{},{}}; %-Covariate DesMtx partitions & names
 849 xC = [];			%-Struct array to hold raw covariates
 852 dcname = {'CovInt','NusCov'};	%-Default root names for covariates
 853 dstr   = {'covariate','nuisance variable'};
 855 GUIpos = spm_input('!NextPos');
 856 nc     = [0,0];
 857 for i=1:2			% 1:covariates of interest, 2:nuisance variables
 859 if ~cbuhack
 860   if isinf(nC(i)), nC(i)=spm_input(['# ',dstr{i},'s'],GUIpos,'w1');, end
 861 else
 862   if size(cbu_cov_partition,2)<i
 863     nC(i)=0;
 864   else 
 865     nC(i)=size(cbu_cov_partition{i},2);
 866   end
 867 end
 869     while nc(i) < nC(i)
 871 	%-Create prompt, get covariate, get covariate name
 872         %---------------------------------------------------------------
 873 	if nC(i)==1, str=dstr{i}; else, str=sprintf('%s %d',dstr{i},nc(i)+1); end
 875     if ~cbuhack
 876         c = spm_input(str,GUIpos,'r',[],[nScan,Inf]);
 877         cbu_cov_partition{i}{nc(i)+1} = ...
 878           (cbu_cov_columns+1):(cbu_cov_columns+size(c,2));
 879         cbu_cov_columns = cbu_cov_columns+size(c,2);
 880         cbu_covariates = [cbu_covariates, c];
 881     else
 882         c = cbu_covariates(:,cbu_cov_partition{i}{nc(i)+1});
 883     end
 885         if any(isnan(c(:))), break, end         %-NaN is dummy value to exit
 886 	nc(i)  = nc(i)+1;			%-#Covariates (so far)
 887 	if nC(i)>1,	tstr = sprintf('%s^{%d}',dcname{i},nc(i));
 888 	else,		tstr = dcname{i}; end
 890     if ~cbuhack
 891         cname  = spm_input([str,' name?'],'+1','s',tstr);
 892         cbu_cov_block_labels{i}{nc(i)} = cname;
 893     else
 894         cname = cbu_cov_block_labels{i}{nc(i)};
 895     end
 897         rc     = c;                             %-Save covariate value
 898 	rcname = cname;				%-Save covariate name
 900         %-Interaction option? (if single covariate vector entered)?
 901         %---------------------------------------------------------------
 902         if size(c,2) == 1
 903 	    if length(D.iCFI{i})>1
 904 		%-User choice of interaction options, default is negative
 905 		%-Only offer interactions for appropriate factor combinations
 906 		iCFI = intersect(abs(D.iCFI{i}),find([1,bFI]));
 907 		dCFI = max([1,intersect(iCFI,-D.iCFI{i}(D.iCFI{i}<0))]);
 908 		iCFI = spm_input([str,': interaction?'],'+1','m',...
 909 			sCFI(iCFI),iCFI,find(iCFI==dCFI));
 910 	    else
 911 		iCFI = abs(D.iCFI{i});		%-AutoSelect default option
 912 	    end
 913 	else
 914 	    iCFI = 1;
 915 	end
 917         %-Centre covariate(s)? (Default centring to correspond to CFI)
 918         % Always offer "no centering" as default for design matrix blocks
 919         %---------------------------------------------------------------
 920 	DiCC = D.iCC{i};
 921 	if size(c,2)>1, DiCC = union(DiCC,-8); end
 922         if length(DiCC)>1
 923 		%-User has a choice of centering options
 924 		%-Only offer factor specific for appropriate factor combinations
 925 		iCC = intersect(abs(DiCC),find([1,bFI,1]) );
 926 		%-Default is max -ve option in D, overridden by iCFI if CFI
 927 		if iCFI==1, dCC=-DiCC(DiCC<0); else, dCC=iCFI; end
 928 		dCC = max([1,intersect(iCC,dCC)]);
 929 		iCC = spm_input([str,': centre?'],'+1','m',...
 930 			sCC(iCC),iCC,find(iCC==dCC));
 931         else
 932 		iCC = abs(DiCC);	%-AutoSelect default option
 933         end
 934 	%-Centre within factor levels as appropriate
 935         if any(iCC==[1:7]), c = c - spm_meanby(c,eval(CCforms{iCC})); end
 937         %-Do any interaction (only for single covariate vectors)
 938         %---------------------------------------------------------------
 939 	if iCFI>1				%-(NB:iCFI=1 if size(c,2)>1)
 940 		tI	  = [eval(CFIforms{iCFI,1}),c];
 941 		tConst	  = CFIforms{iCFI,2};
 942 		tFnames   = [eval(CFIforms{iCFI,3}),{cname}];
 943 		[c,cname] = spm_DesMtx(tI,tConst,tFnames);
 944 	elseif size(c,2)>1			%-Design matrix block
 945 		[null,cname] = spm_DesMtx(c,'X',cname);
 946 	else
 947 		cname = {cname};
 948 	end
 950 	%-Store raw covariate details in xC struct for reference
 951 	%-Pack c into appropriate DesMtx partition
 952         %---------------------------------------------------------------
 953 	%-Construct description string for covariate
 954 	str = {sprintf('%s: %s',str,rcname)};
 955 	if size(rc,2)>1, str = {sprintf('%s (block of %d covariates)',...
 956 		str{:},size(rc,2))}; end
 957 	if iCC<8, str=[str;{['used centered ',sCC{iCC}]}]; end
 958 	if iCFI>1, str=[str;{['fitted as interaction ',sCFI{iCFI}]}]; end
 960 	tmp	  = struct(	'rc',rc,	'rcname',rcname,...
 961 				'c',c,		'cname',{cname},...
 962 				'iCC',iCC,	'iCFI',iCFI,...
 963 				'type',i,...
 964 				'cols',[1:size(c,2)] + ...
 965 						size([H,C{1}],2) +  ...
 966 						size([B,C{2}],2)*(i-1),...
 967 				'descrip',{str}				);
 968 	if isempty(xC), xC=tmp; else, xC=[xC,tmp]; end
 969 	C{i}	  = [C{i},c];
 970 	Cnames{i} = [Cnames{i}; cname];
 972     end % (while)
 974 end % (for)
 976 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
 977 %start cbuhack save design
 978 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
 980 csv=fopen('design.csv','w');  % save design/file data in design.csv
 982 cbu_full='GSCR';
 983 cbu_f='';
 984 cbu_o='';
 985 cbu_w='';
 986 for i = 1:4
 987   if length(unique(I(:,5-i)))>1
 988     cbu_f=[cbu_f,cbu_full(i)];
 989     cbu_o=[cbu_o,'%d, '];
 990     cbu_w=[cbu_w,'I(i,',int2str(5-i),'), '];
 991   end
 992 end
 994 fprintf(csv,'=cbu_title=''%s'';\n=cbu_factors=''%s'';\n=cbu_cov_columns=[%s];\n', ...
 995         cbu_title,cbu_f,int2str(cbu_cov_columns));
 997 part='';
 998 labs='';
 999 if size(cbu_cov_partition,2)>0
1000   part = [part, '=cbu_cov_partition={'];
1001   labs = [labs, '=cbu_cov_block_labels={'];
1002   for i=1:size(cbu_cov_partition,2)
1003     if size(cbu_cov_partition{i},2)>0
1004   part = [part, '{'];
1005   labs = [labs, '{'];
1006       for j=1:size(cbu_cov_partition{i},2)
1007   part = [part, sprintf('[%s],',int2str(cbu_cov_partition{i}{j}))];
1008   labs = [labs, sprintf('''%s'',',cbu_cov_block_labels{i}{j})];
1009       end
1010   part = [part, '}, '];
1011   labs = [labs, '}, '];
1012     end
1013   end
1014   part = [part, '};\n'];
1015   labs = [labs, '};\n'];
1016 end  
1018 fprintf(csv,strrep(strrep(part,',}','}'),', }','}'));
1019 fprintf(csv,strrep(strrep(labs,',}','}'),', }','}'));
1021 fprintf(csv,'+\n');
1023 for i=1:size(I,1)
1024   eval(strrep(['fprintf(csv,''',cbu_o,''',',cbu_w,');'],', )',')'));
1025   for j=1:size(cbu_covariates,2)
1026     fprintf(csv,'%g, ',cbu_covariates(i,j));
1027   end %j
1028   fprintf(csv,'%s\n',P{i});
1029 end %i
1030 fclose(csv);
1032 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
1033 %end cbuhack save design
1034 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
1036 clear c tI tConst tFnames
1037 spm_input('!SetNextPos',GUIpos);
1039 %-Unpack into C & G design matrix sub-partitions
1040 G = C{2}; Gnames = Cnames{2};
1041 C = C{1}; Cnames = Cnames{1};
1044 %-Options...
1045 %=======================================================================
1046 %-Global normalization options                                 (GloNorm)
1047 %-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1048 if length(D.iGloNorm)>1
1049 	%-User choice of global normalisation options, default is negative
1050 	%-Only offer factor specific for appropriate factor combinations
1051 	iGloNorm = intersect(abs(D.iGloNorm),find([1,bFI,1,1]));
1052 	dGloNorm = max([0,intersect(iGloNorm,-D.iGloNorm(D.iGloNorm<0))]);
1053 	iGloNorm = spm_input('GloNorm: Select global normalisation','+1','m',...
1054 		sGloNorm(iGloNorm),iGloNorm,find(iGloNorm==dGloNorm));
1055 else
1056 	iGloNorm = abs(D.iGloNorm);
1057 end
1060 %-Grand mean scaling options                                     (GMsca)
1061 %-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1062 if iGloNorm==8
1063 	iGMsca=8;	%-grand mean scaling implicit in PropSca GloNorm
1064 elseif length(D.iGMsca)==1
1065 	iGMsca = abs(D.iGMsca);
1066 else
1067 	%-User choice of grand mean scaling options
1068 	%-Only offer factor specific for appropriate factor combinations
1069 	iGMsca = intersect(abs(D.iGMsca),find([1,bFI,0,1]));
1070         %-Default is max -ve option in D, overridden by iGloNorm if AnCova
1071         if iGloNorm==9, dGMsca=-D.iGMsca(D.iGMsca<0); else, dGMsca=iGloNorm; end
1072 	dGMsca = max([0,intersect(iGMsca,dGMsca)]);
1073 	iGMsca = spm_input('GMsca: grand mean scaling','+1','m',...
1074 		sGMsca(iGMsca),iGMsca,find(iGMsca==dGMsca));
1075 end
1078 %-Value for PropSca / GMsca                                         (GM)
1079 %-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1080 if iGMsca==9                            %-Not scaling (GMsca or PropSca)
1081     GM=0;                               %-Set GM to zero when not scaling
1082 else                                    %-Ask user value of GM
1083 	if iGloNorm==8
1084 		str='PropSca global mean to';
1085 	else
1086 		str=[strrep(sGMsca{iGMsca},'scaling of','scale'),' to'];
1087 	end
1088 	GM = spm_input(str,'+1','r',D.GM,1);
1089 	%-If GM is zero then don't GMsca! or PropSca GloNorm
1090 	if GM==0, iGMsca=9; if iGloNorm==8, iGloNorm=9; end, end
1091 end
1093 %-Sort out description strings for GloNorm and GMsca
1094 sGloNorm = sGloNorm{iGloNorm};
1095 sGMsca   = sGMsca{iGMsca};
1096 if iGloNorm==8
1097 	sGloNorm = sprintf('%s to %-4g',sGloNorm,GM);
1098 elseif iGMsca<8
1099 	sGMsca = sprintf('%s to %-4g',sGMsca,GM);
1100 end
1103 %-Global centering (for AnCova GloNorm)                             (GC)
1104 %-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1105 %-Specify the centering option for the global covariate for AnCova
1106 %-Basically, if 'GMsca'ling then should centre to GM (iGC=11). Otherwise,
1107 % should centre in similar fashion to AnCova (i.e. by the same factor(s)),
1108 % such that models are seperable (iGC=10). This is particularly important
1109 % for subject specific condition effects if then passed on to a second-level
1110 % model. (See also spm_adjmean_ui.m) SPM96 (& earlier) used to just centre
1111 % GX around its (overall) mean (iGC=1).
1113 %-This code allows more general options to be specified (but is a bit complex)
1114 %-Setting D.iGC=[-10,-11] gives the standard choices above
1116 %-If not doing AnCova then GC is irrelevant
1117 if ~any(iGloNorm==[1:7])
1118 	iGC = 12;
1119 	gc  = [];
1120 else
1121 	%-Annotate options 10 & 11 with specific details
1122 	%---------------------------------------------------------------
1123 	%-Tag '(as implied by AnCova)' with actual AnCova situation
1124 	sCC{10} = [sCC{iGloNorm},' (<= ',sGloNorm,')'];
1125 	%-Tag 'GM' case with actual GM & GMsca case
1126 	sCC{11} = sprintf('around GM=%g (i.e. %s after grand mean scaling)',...
1127 		GM,strrep(sCC{iGMsca},'around ',''));
1129 	%-Constuct vector of allowable iGC
1130 	%---------------------------------------------------------------
1131 	%-Weed out redundent factor combinations from pre-set allowable options
1132 	iGC = intersect(abs(D.iGC),find([1,bFI,1,1,1,1]));
1133 	%-Omit 'GM' option if didn't GMsca (iGMsca~=8 'cos doing AnCova)
1134 	if any(iGMsca==[8,9]), iGC = setdiff(iGC,11); end
1135 	%-Omit 'GM' option if same as '(as implied by AnCova)'
1136 	if iGloNorm==iGMsca, iGC = setdiff(iGC,11); end
1138 	%-If there's a choice, set defaults (if any), & get answer
1139 	%---------------------------------------------------------------
1140 	if length(iGC)>1
1141 		dGC = max([0,intersect(iGC,-D.iGC(D.iGC<0))]);
1142 		str = 'Centre global covariate';
1143 		if iGMsca<8, str = [str,' (after grand mean scaling)']; end
1144 		iGC = spm_input(str,'+1','m',sCC(iGC),iGC,find(iGC==dGC));
1145 	elseif isempty(iGC)
1146 		error('Configuration error: empty iGC')
1147 	end
1149 	%-If 'user specified' then get value
1150 	%---------------------------------------------------------------
1151 	if iGC==9
1152 		gc     = spm_input('Centre globals around','+0','r',D.GM,1);
1153 		sCC{9} = sprintf('%s of %g',sCC{iGC},gc);
1154 	else
1155 		gc  = 0;
1156 	end
1157 end
1160 %-Thresholds & masks defining voxels to analyse                   (MASK)
1161 %=======================================================================
1162 GUIpos = spm_input('!NextPos');
1164 %-Analysis threshold mask
1165 %-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1166 %-Work out available options:
1167 % -Inf=>None, complex=>proportional, real=>absolute (i.e. times global)
1168 M_T = D.M_.T; if isempty(M_T), M_T = [-Inf, 100, 0.8*sqrt(-1)]; end
1169 M_T = { 'none',		M_T(min(find(isinf(M_T))));...
1170 	'absolute',	M_T(min(find(isfinite(M_T)&(M_T==real(M_T)))));...
1171 	'prop''nal',	M_T(min(find(isfinite(M_T)&(M_T~=real(M_T)))))	};
1173 %-Work out available options
1174 q = ~[isempty(M_T{1,2}), isempty(M_T{2,2}), isempty(M_T{3,2})];
1176 %-If there's a choice between proportional and absolute then ask
1177 if all(q(2:3))
1178 	tmp = spm_input('Threshold masking',GUIpos,'b',M_T(q,1),find(q));
1179 	q(setdiff([1:3],tmp))=0;
1180 end
1182 %-Get mask value - note that at most one of q(2:3) is true
1183 if ~any(q)				%-Oops - nothing specified!
1184 	M_T = -Inf;
1185 elseif all(q==[1,0,0])			%-no threshold masking
1186 	M_T = -Inf;
1187 else					%-get mask value
1188 	if q(1),	args = {'br1','None',-Inf,abs(M_T{1+find(q(2:3)),2})};
1189 	else,		args = {'r',abs(M_T{1+find(q(2:3)),2})}; end
1190 	if q(2)
1191 		M_T = spm_input('analysis threshold',GUIpos,args{:});
1192 	elseif q(3)
1193 		M_T = spm_input('analysis thresh  (prop''n of global)',GUIpos,...
1194 								args{:});
1195 		if isfinite(M_T) & isreal(M_T), M_T=M_T*sqrt(-1); end
1196 	else
1197 		error('Shouldn''t get here!')
1198 	end
1199 end
1201 %-Make a description string
1202 if isinf(M_T)
1203 	xsM.Analysis_threshold = 'None (-Inf)';
1204 elseif isreal(M_T)
1205 	xsM.Analysis_threshold = sprintf('images thresholded at %6g',M_T);
1206 else
1207 	xsM.Analysis_threshold = sprintf(['images thresholded at %6g ',...
1208 		'times global'],imag(M_T));
1209 end
1212 %-Implicit masking: Ignore zero voxels in low data-types?
1213 %-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1214 % (Implicit mask is NaN in higher data-types.)
1215 type = getfield(spm_vol(P{1}),'dim')*[0,0,0,1]';
1216 if ~spm_type(type,'nanrep')
1217 	switch D.M_.I
1218 	case Inf,    M_I = spm_input('Implicit mask (ignore zero''s)?',...
1219 			'+1','y/n',[1,0],1);		%-Ask
1220 	case {0,1}, M_I = D.M_.I;			%-Pre-specified
1221 	otherwise,  error('unrecognised D.M_.I type')
1222 	end
1224 	if M_I, xsM.Implicit_masking = 'Yes: zero''s treated as missing';
1225 	else,	xsm.Implicit_masking = 'No'; end
1226 else
1227 	M_I = 1;
1228 	xsM.Implicit_masking = 'Yes: NaN''s treated as missing';
1229 end
1232 %-Explicit mask images (map them later...)
1233 %-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1234 switch(D.M_.X)
1235 case Inf,    M_X = spm_input('explicit mask images?','+1','y/n',[1,0],2);
1236 case {0,1}, M_X = D.M_.X;
1237 otherwise,  error('unrecognised D.M_.X type')
1238 end
1239 if M_X, M_P = spm_get(Inf,'*.img',{'select mask images'}); else, M_P = {}; end
1242 %-Global calculation                                            (GXcalc)
1243 %=======================================================================
1244 iGXcalc = abs(D.iGXcalc);
1245 %-Only offer "omit" option if not doing any GloNorm, GMsca or PropTHRESH
1246 if ~(iGloNorm==9 & iGMsca==9 & (isinf(M_T)|isreal(M_T)))
1247 	iGXcalc = intersect(iGXcalc,[2:size(sGXcalc,1)]);
1248 end
1249 if isempty(iGXcalc)
1250 	error('no GXcalc options')
1251 elseif length(iGXcalc)>1
1252 	%-User choice of global calculation options, default is negative
1253 	dGXcalc = max([1,intersect(iGXcalc,-D.iGXcalc(D.iGXcalc<0))]);
1254 	iGXcalc = spm_input('Global calculation','+1','m',...
1255 		sGXcalc(iGXcalc),iGXcalc,find(iGXcalc==dGXcalc));
1256 else
1257 	iGXcalc = abs(D.iGXcalc);
1258 end
1260 if iGXcalc==2				%-Get user specified globals
1261 	g = spm_input('globals','+0','r',[],[nScan,1]);
1262 end
1263 sGXcalc = sGXcalc{iGXcalc};
1266 %=======================================================================
1267 % - C O N F I G U R E   D E S I G N
1268 %=======================================================================
1269 spm('FigName','Stats: configuring',Finter,CmdLine);
1270 spm('Pointer','Watch');
1273 %-Images & image info: Map Y image files and check consistency of
1274 % dimensions and orientation / voxel size
1275 %=======================================================================
1276 fprintf('%-40s: ','Mapping files')                                   %-#
1277 VY = spm_vol(char(P));
1278 fprintf('%30s\n','...done')                                          %-#
1280 if any(any(diff(cat(1,VY.dim),1,1),1)&[1,1,1,0]) %NB: Bombs for single image
1281 	error('images do not all have the same dimensions'), end
1282 if any(any(any(diff(cat(3,VY.mat),1,3),3)))
1283 	error('images do not all have same orientation & voxel size'), end
1286 %-Global values, scaling and global normalisation
1287 %=======================================================================
1288 %-Compute global values
1289 %-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1290 switch iGXcalc, case 1
1291 	%-Don't compute => no GMsca (iGMsca==9) or GloNorm (iGloNorm==9)
1292 	g = [];
1293 case 2
1294 	%-User specified globals
1295 case 3
1296 	%-Compute as mean voxel value (within per image fullmean/8 mask)
1297 	g = zeros(nScan,1);
1298 	fprintf('%-40s: %30s','Calculating globals',' ')	     %-#
1299 	for i = 1:nScan
1300 		fprintf('%s%30s',sprintf('\b')*ones(1,30),...
1301 			sprintf('%3d/%-3d',i,nScan))		     %-#
1302 		g(i) = spm_global(VY(i));
1303 	end
1304 	fprintf('%s%30s\n',sprintf('\b')*ones(1,30),'...done')	     %-#
1305 otherwise
1306 	error('illegal iGXcalc')
1307 end
1308 rg = g;
1311 fprintf('%-40s: ','Design configuration')                            %-#
1314 %-Scaling: compute global scaling factors gSF required to implement proportional
1315 % scaling global normalisation (PropSca) or grand mean scaling (GMsca),
1316 % as specified by iGMsca (& iGloNorm)
1317 %-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1318 switch iGMsca, case 8
1319 	%-Proportional scaling global normalisation
1320 	if iGloNorm~=8, error('iGloNorm-iGMsca(8) mismatch for PropSca'), end
1321 	gSF    = GM./g;
1322 	g      = GM*ones(nScan,1);
1323 case {1,2,3,4,5,6,7}
1324 	%-Grand mean scaling according to iGMsca
1325 	gSF    = GM./spm_meanby(g,eval(CCforms{iGMsca}));
1326 	g      = g.*gSF;
1327 case 9
1328 	%-No grand mean scaling
1329 	gSF    = ones(nScan,1);
1330 otherwise
1331 	error('illegal iGMsca')
1332 end
1335 %-Apply gSF to memory-mapped scalefactors to implement scaling
1336 %-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1337 for i=1:nScan, VY(i).pinfo(1:2,:)=VY(i).pinfo(1:2,:)*gSF(i); end
1340 %-AnCova: Construct global nuisance covariates partition (if AnCova)
1341 %-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1342 if any(iGloNorm==[1:7])
1344 	%-Centre global covariate as requested
1345 	%---------------------------------------------------------------
1346 	switch iGC, case {1,2,3,4,5,6,7}	%-Standard sCC options
1347 		gc = spm_meanby(g,eval(CCforms{iGC}));
1348 	case 8					%-No centering
1349 		gc = 0;
1350 	case 9					%-User specified centre
1351 		%-gc set above
1352 	case 10					%-As implied by AnCova option
1353 		gc = spm_meanby(g,eval(CCforms{iGloNorm}));
1354 	case 11					%-Around GM
1355 		gc = GM;
1356 	otherwise				%-unknown iGC
1357 		error('unexpected iGC value')
1358 	end
1361 	%-AnCova - add scaled centred global to DesMtx `G' partition
1362 	%---------------------------------------------------------------
1363 	tI	  = [eval(CFIforms{iGloNorm,1}),g-gc];
1364 	tConst	  = CFIforms{iGloNorm,2};
1365 	tFnames   = [eval(CFIforms{iGloNorm,3}),{'global'}];
1366 	[g,gname] = spm_DesMtx(tI,tConst,tFnames);
1367 	clear tI tConst tFnames
1369 	%-Save GX info in xC struct for reference
1370 	str = {sprintf('%s: global',dstr{2})};
1371 	if any(iGMsca==[1:7]), str=[str;{['(after ',sGMsca,')']}]; end
1372 	if iGC~=8, str=[str;{['used centered ',sCC{iGC}]}]; end
1373 	if iGloNorm>1, str=[str;{['fitted as interaction ',sCFI{iGloNorm}]}]; end
1374 	tmp	  = struct(	'rc',rg.*gSF,	'rcname','global',...
1375 				'c',g,		'cname',{gname},...
1376 				'iCC',iGC,	'iCFI',iGloNorm,...
1377 				'type',3,...
1378 				'cols',[1:size(g,2)]+size([H C B G],2),...
1379 				'descrip',{str}				);
1381 	G = [G,g]; Gnames = [Gnames; gname];
1382 	if isempty(xC), xC=tmp; else, xC=[xC,tmp]; end
1384 elseif iGloNorm==8 | iGXcalc>1
1386 	if iGloNorm==8
1387 		str = { 'global values: (used for proportional scaling)';...
1388 			'("raw" unscaled globals shown)'};
1389 	elseif isfinite(M_T) & ~isreal(M_T)
1390 		str = { 'global values: (used to compute analysis threshold)'};
1391 	else
1392 		str = { 'global values: (computed but not used)'};
1393 	end
1395 	tmp	  = struct(	'rc',rg,	'rcname','global',...
1396 				'c',{[]},	'cname',{{}},...
1397 				'iCC',0,	'iCFI',0,...
1398 				'type',3,...
1399 				'cols',{[]},...
1400 				'descrip',{str}				);
1401 	if isempty(xC), xC=tmp; else, xC=[xC,tmp]; end
1403 end
1406 %-Save info on global calculation in xGX structure
1407 %-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1408 xGX = struct(...
1409 	'iGXcalc',iGXcalc,	'sGXcalc',sGXcalc,	'rg',rg,...
1410 	'iGMsca',iGMsca,	'sGMsca',sGMsca,	'GM',GM,'gSF',gSF,...
1411 	'iGC',	iGC,		'sGC',	sCC{iGC},	'gc',	gc,...
1412 	'iGloNorm',iGloNorm,	'sGloNorm',sGloNorm);
1416 %-Construct masking information structure and compute actual analysis
1417 % threshold using scaled globals (rg.*gSF)
1418 %-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1419 if isreal(M_T), M_TH =	    M_T  * ones(nScan,1);	%-NB: -Inf is real
1420 else,		M_TH = imag(M_T) * (rg.*gSF); end
1422 if ~isempty(M_P)
1423 	VM = spm_vol(char(M_P));
1424 	xsM.Explicit_masking = [{'Yes: mask images :'};{VM.fname}'];
1425 else
1426 	VM=[];
1427 	xsM.Explicit_masking = 'No';
1428 end
1429 xM = struct('T',M_T, 'TH',M_TH, 'I',M_I, 'VM',{VM}, 'xs',xsM);
1433 %-Construct full design matrix (X), parameter names (Xnames),
1434 % and design information structure (xX)
1435 %=======================================================================
1436 X      = [H C B G];
1437 Xnames = [Hnames; Cnames; Bnames; Gnames];
1438 tmp    = cumsum([size(H,2), size(C,2), size(B,2), size(G,2)]);
1439 xX     = struct(	'I',		I,...
1440 			'sF',		{D.sF},...
1441 			'X',		X,...
1442 			'sigma',	0,...
1443 			'iH',		[1:size(H,2)],...
1444 			'iC',		[1:size(C,2)] + tmp(1),...
1445 			'iB',		[1:size(B,2)] + tmp(2),...
1446 			'iG',		[1:size(G,2)] + tmp(3),...
1447 			'Xnames',	{Xnames});
1451 %-Pre-specified contrast for F-test on effects of interest
1452 %=======================================================================
1453 if ~isempty([H,C])
1454 	%-Some effects designated "of interest"
1455 	F_iX0 = (size(H,2)+size(C,2)) + [1:size(B,2)+size(G,2)];
1456 else
1457 	%-No effects designated "of interest" - F-test for B=0
1458 	F_iX0 = [];
1459 end
1462 %-Design description (an nx2 cellstr) - for saving and display
1463 %=======================================================================
1464 tmp = { sprintf('%d condition, +%d covariate, +%d block, +%d nuisance',...
1465 		size(H,2),size(C,2),size(B,2),size(G,2));...
1466 	sprintf('%d total, having %d degrees of freedom',...
1467 		size(X,2),rank(X));...
1468 	sprintf('leaving %d degrees of freedom from %d images',...
1469 		size(X,1)-rank(X),size(X,1))				};
1470 xsDes = struct( 'Design',			{D.DesName},...
1471 		'Global_calculation',		{sGXcalc},...
1472 		'Grand_mean_scaling',		{sGMsca},...
1473 		'Global_normalisation',		{sGloNorm},...
1474 		'Parameters',			{tmp}			);
1477 fprintf('%30s\n','...done')                                          %-#
1479 %-Save SPMcfg.mat file
1480 fprintf('%-40s: ','Saving SPMstats configuration')                   %-#
1481 save SPMcfg SPMid D xsDes VY xX xC xGX xM F_iX0
1482 fprintf('%30s\n','...SPMcfg.mat saved')                              %-#
1485 %-Display Design reports
1486 %=======================================================================
1487 fprintf('%-40s: ','Design reporting')                                %-#
1488 spm_DesRep('DesMtx',xX,{VY.fname}',xsDes)
1489 fprintf('%30s\n','...done')                                          %-#
1492 %-Analysis Proper?
1493 %=======================================================================
1494 spm('Pointer','Arrow')
1495 fprintf('%-40s: %30s\n','Completed',spm('time'))                     %-#
1496 if spm_input('estimate?','_+0','b','now|later',[1,0],1)
1497 	spm('Pointer','Watch')
1498 	spm('FigName','Stats: estimating...',Finter,CmdLine);
1499 	spm_spm(VY,xX,xM,F_iX0,xC,xsDes)
1500 	spm('Pointer','Arrow')
1501 else
1502 	spm('FigName','Stats: configured',Finter,CmdLine);
1503 	spm('Pointer','Arrow')
1504 	spm_DesRep('DesRepUI',struct(	'xX',		xX,...
1505 					'VY',		VY,...
1506 					'xM',		xM,...
1507 					'F_iX0',	F_iX0,...
1508 					'xC',		xC,...
1509 					'xsDes',	xsDes,...
1510 					'swd',		pwd,...
1511 					'SPMid',	SPMid,...
1512 					'cfg',		'SPMcfg'));
1513 end
1514 fprintf('\n\n')
1519 case 'files&indices'
1520 %=======================================================================
1521 % - Get files and factor indices
1522 %=======================================================================
1523 % [P,I] = spm_spm_ui('Files&Indices',DsF,Dn,DbaTime)
1524 % DbaTime=D.b.aTime; Dn=D.n; DsF=D.sF;
1525 if nargin<4, DbaTime = 1; else, DbaTime = varargin{4}; end
1526 if nargin<3, Dn  = [Inf,Inf,Inf,Inf]; else, Dn=varargin{3}; end
1527 if nargin<2, DsF = {'Fac1','Fac2','Fac3','Fac4'}; else, DsF=varargin{2}; end
1529 %-Initialise variables
1530 %-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1531 i4 = [];		% factor 4 index (usually group)
1532 i3 = [];		% factor 3 index (usually subject), per f4
1533 i2 = [];		% factor 2 index (usually condition), per f3/f4
1534 i1 = [];		% factor 1 index (usually replication), per f2/f3/f4
1535 P  = {};		% cell array of string filenames
1537 %-Accrue filenames and factor level indicator vectors
1538 %-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1539 if isinf(Dn(4)), n4 = spm_input(['#',DsF{4},'''s'],'+1','n1');
1540 	else, n4 = Dn(4); end
1541 bL4 = n4>1;
1543 ti2 = '';
1544 GUIpos = spm_input('!NextPos');
1545 for j4  = 1:n4
1546     spm_input('!SetNextPos',GUIpos);
1547     sF4P=''; if bL4, sF4P=[DsF{4},' ',int2str(j4),': ']; end
1548     if isinf(Dn(3)), n3=spm_input([sF4P,'#',DsF{3},'''s'],'+1','n1');
1549 	    else, n3 = Dn(3); end
1550     bL3 = n3>1;
1552     if DbaTime & Dn(2)>1
1553 	%disp('NB:selecting in time order - manually specify conditions')
1554 	%-NB: This means f2 levels might not be 1:n2
1555 	GUIpos2 = spm_input('!NextPos');
1556 	for j3 = 1:n3
1557 	    sF3P=''; if bL3, sF3P=[DsF{3},' ',int2str(j3),': ']; end
1558 	    str = [sF4P,sF3P];
1559 	    tP = spm_get(Dn(2)*Dn(1),'.img',{[str,'select images...']});
1560 	    n21 = length(tP);
1561 	    ti2 = spm_input([str,' ',DsF{2},'?'],GUIpos2,'c',ti2',n21,Dn(2));
1562 	    %-Work out i1 & check
1563 	    [tl2,null,j] = unique(ti2);
1564 	    tn1 = zeros(size(tl2)); ti1 = zeros(size(ti2));
1565 	    for i=1:length(tl2)
1566 		    tn1(i)=sum(j==i); ti1(ti2==tl2(i))=1:tn1(i); end
1567 	    if isfinite(Dn(1)) & any(tn1~=Dn(1))
1568 		%-#i1 levels mismatches specification in Dn(1)
1569 		error(sprintf('#%s not %d as pre-specified',DsF{1},Dn(1)))
1570 	    end
1571 	    P	= [P;tP];
1572 	    i4 = [i4; j4*ones(n21,1)];
1573 	    i3 = [i3; j3*ones(n21,1)];
1574 	    i2 = [i2; ti2];
1575 	    i1 = [i1; ti1];
1576 	end
1578     else
1580 	if isinf(Dn(2))
1581 	    n2 = spm_input([sF4P,'#',DsF{2},'''s'],'+1','n1');
1582 	else
1583 	    n2 = Dn(2);
1584 	end
1585 	bL2 = n2>1;
1587 	if n2==1 & Dn(1)==1 %-single scan per f3 (subj)
1588 	    %disp('NB:single scan per f3')
1589 	    str = [sF4P,'select images, ',DsF{3},' 1-',int2str(n3)];
1590 	    P	  = [P;spm_get(n3,'.img',{str})];
1591 	    i4 = [i4; j4*ones(n3,1)];
1592 	    i3 = [i3; [1:n3]'];
1593 	    i2 = [i2; ones(n3,1)];
1594 	    i1 = [i1; ones(n3,1)];
1595 	else
1596 	    %-multi scan per f3 (subj) case
1597 	    %disp('NB:multi scan per f3')
1598 	    for j3 = 1:n3
1599 		sF3P=''; if bL3, sF3P=[DsF{3},' ',int2str(j3),': ']; end
1600 		if Dn(1)==1
1601 			%-No f1 (repl) within f2 (cond)
1602 			%disp('NB:no f1 within f2')
1603 			str = [sF4P,sF3P,'select images: ',DsF{2},...
1604 				 ' 1-',int2str(n2)];
1605 			P = [P;spm_get(n2,'.img',{str})];
1606 			i4 = [i4; j4*ones(n2,1)];
1607 			i3 = [i3; j3*ones(n2,1)];
1608 			i2 = [i2; [1:n2]'];
1609 			i1 = [i1; ones(n2,1)];
1610 		else
1611 		    %-multi f1 (repl) within f2 (cond)
1612 		    %disp('NB:f1 within f2')
1613 		    for j2 = 1:n2
1614 			sF2P='';
1615 			if bL2, sF2P=[DsF{2},' ',int2str(j2),': ']; end
1616 			str = [sF4P,sF3P,sF2P,' select images...'];
1617 			tP  = spm_get(Dn(1),'.img',{str});
1618 			n1 = size(tP,1);
1619 			P   = [P;tP];
1620 			i4 = [i4; j4*ones(n1,1)];
1621 			i3 = [i3; j3*ones(n1,1)];
1622 			i2 = [i2; j2*ones(n1,1)];
1623 			i1 = [i1; [1:n1]'];
1624 		    end				% (for j2)
1625 		end				% (if Dn(1)==1)
1626 	    end					% (for j3)
1627 	end					% (if  n2==1 &...)
1628     end                                         % (if DbaTime & Dn(2)>1)
1629 end                                             % (for j4)
1630 varargout = {P,[i1,i2,i3,i4]};
1632 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%
1633 %start cbuhack
1634 %
1636 case 'cbuhack'
1637 %=======================================================================
1638 % - Get files and factor indices from a file
1639 %=======================================================================
1640 % [P,I] = spm_spm_ui('cbuhack',DsF,Dn,DbaTime)
1641 % DbaTime=D.b.aTime; Dn=D.n; DsF=D.sF;
1642 if nargin<4, DbaTime = 1; else, DbaTime = varargin{4}; end
1643 if nargin<3, Dn  = [Inf,Inf,Inf,Inf]; else, Dn=varargin{3}; end
1644 if nargin<2, DsF = {'Fac1','Fac2','Fac3','Fac4'}; else, DsF=varargin{2}; end
1646 %-Initialise variables
1647 %-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1648 i4 = [];		% factor 4 index (usually group)
1649 i3 = [];		% factor 3 index (usually subject), per f4
1650 i2 = [];		% factor 2 index (usually condition), per f3/f4
1651 i1 = [];		% factor 1 index (usually replication), per f2/f3/f4
1652 P  = {};		% cell array of string filenames
1653 cbu_covariates = [];
1655 cbufilestuff=spm_get(1,'.csv',{});
1656 hash='';
1657 at='';
1658 start=0;
1659 cbu_factors='';
1660 cbu_factor_format='';
1661 cbu_indices='';
1662 cbu_cov_columns=0;
1663 cbu_cov_partition={};
1664 cbu_cov_block_labels={};
1665 cbu_cov_format='';
1666 cbu_count=[];
1667 cbuf=fopen(cbufilestuff{1},'r');                 
1668 cellstring='tmpstring=[''a'',int2str(t4),''b'',int2str(t3),''c'',int2str(t2)];';
1669 fullstring='GSCR';
1671 while (feof(cbuf) == 0)
1673   line = fgetl(cbuf);
1675   if size(line, 2) == 0
1676     line='%';                           % ignore blank lines
1677   end
1679   if strcmp(line(1),'=')                % '=' initialises stuff
1680     eval(line(2:size(line,2)));
1682   elseif strcmp(line(1),'+')            % '+' marks end of preamble
1683     start=1;
1684     if isempty(cbu_factors)
1685       cbu_factor_format='%d,%d,%d,%d,';
1686       cbu_factor_columns=4;
1687     else
1688       cbu_factor_columns=size(cbu_factors,2);
1689     end %cbu_factors
1691     for j = 1:3
1692       i=findstr(fullstring(j),cbu_factors);
1693       if i
1694         cbu_factor_format = [cbu_factor_format,'%d,'];
1695         cbu_indices=[cbu_indices,'t',int2str(5-j),'=cbu_line(',int2str(i),');'];
1696       else
1697         cbu_indices=[cbu_indices,'t',int2str(5-j),'=1;'];
1698       end %if
1699     end %j
1701     i=findstr('R',cbu_factors);
1702     if i
1703       cbu_factor_format = [cbu_factor_format,'%d,'];
1704       cbu_indices=[cbu_indices,'t1=cbu_line(',int2str(i),');'];
1705     else 
1706       cbu_indices=[cbu_indices,cellstring,'if isfield(cbu_count,tmpstring),',...
1707         'tmpcnt=getfield(cbu_count,tmpstring)+1;',...
1708         't1=tmpcnt;cbu_count=setfield(cbu_count,tmpstring,tmpcnt);,',...
1709         'else t1=1;cbu_count=setfield(cbu_count,tmpstring,1);,end'];
1710     end %if
1712     if cbu_cov_columns==0
1713       cbu_cov_format='';
1714       cbu_cov_blocknos=0;
1715     else
1716       for i = 1:cbu_cov_columns
1717         cbu_cov_format=[cbu_cov_format,'%g,'];
1718       end
1719       if isempty(cbu_cov_partition)
1720       cbu_cov_format='';
1721         cbu_cov_blocknos=0;
1722       else
1723         cbu_cov_blocknos=size(cbu_cov_partition,2);
1724       end
1725     end %cbu_cov_columns
1727     cbu_columns=cbu_factor_columns+cbu_cov_columns;
1729   elseif strcmp(line(1),'#')   % '#' indicates a change of super-directory
1730     hash=strrep(line(2:size(line,2)),' ','');
1732   elseif strcmp(line(1),'@')   % '@' indicates a change subdirectory
1733     at=strrep(line(2:size(line,2)),' ','');
1735   elseif ~strcmp(line(1),'%')  % '%' is an ignorable comment line
1736     cbu_line = sscanf(line,[cbu_factor_format,cbu_cov_format,'%s\n']);
1737     cbu_file=char(cbu_line(cbu_columns+1:size(cbu_line,1))');
1738     cbu_covs = cbu_line(cbu_factor_columns+1:cbu_columns)';
1739     eval(cbu_indices);
1740     if findstr('#',cbu_file) | findstr('@',cbu_file)
1741       cbu_file = strrep(strrep(cbu_file,'#',hash),'@',at);
1742     elseif strncmp(cbu_file,'/',1)
1743       cbu_file = cbu_file;
1744     else
1745       cbu_file = [hash,at,cbu_file];
1746     end
1747     i4 = [i4; t4];
1748     i3 = [i3; t3];
1749     i2 = [i2; t2];
1750     i1 = [i1; t1];
1751      P = [ P; cellstr(strrep(cbu_file,' ',''))];
1752      cbu_covariates=[cbu_covariates;cbu_covs];
1753   end %if
1754 end %while         
1755 fclose(cbuf);
1756 varargout = {P,[i1,i2,i3,i4], ...
1757              cbu_title, ...
1758              cbu_factors, ...
1759              cbu_factor_format, ...
1760              cbu_cov_columns, ...
1761              cbu_cov_partition, ...
1762              cbu_cov_block_labels, ...
1763              cbu_cov_format, ...
1764              cbu_covariates};
1765 %
1766 %end cbuhack 
1767 %%%%%%%%%%%%
1769 case 'desdefs_stats'
1770 %=======================================================================
1771 % - Basic Stats Design definitions...
1772 %=======================================================================
1773 % D = spm_spm_ui('DesDefs_Stats');
1774 % These are the basic Stats design definitions...
1776 %-Note: struct expands cell array values to give multiple records:
1777 %       => must embed cell arrays within another cell array!
1778 %-Negative indices indicate defaults (first used)
1780 D = struct(...
1781 	'DesName','One sample t-test',...
1782 	'n',	[Inf 1 1 1],	'sF',{{'obs','','',''}},...
1783 	'Hform',		'I(:,2),''-'',''mean''',...
1784 	'Bform',		'[]',...
1785 	'nC',[0,0],'iCC',{{8,8}},'iCFI',{{1,1}},...
1786 	'iGXcalc',[-1,2,3],'iGMsca',[1,-9],'GM',[],...
1787 	'iGloNorm',9,'iGC',12,...
1788 	'M_',struct('T',-Inf,'I',Inf,'X',Inf),...
1789 	'b',struct('aTime',0));
1791 D = [D, struct(...
1792 	'DesName','Two sample t-test',...
1793 	'n',	[Inf 2 1 1],	'sF',{{'obs','group','',''}},...
1794 	'Hform',		'I(:,2),''-'',''group''',...
1795 	'Bform',		'I(:,3),''-'',''\mu''',...
1796 	'nC',[0,0],'iCC',{{8,8}},'iCFI',{{1,1}},...
1797 	'iGXcalc',[-1,2,3],'iGMsca',[1,-9],'GM',[],...
1798 	'iGloNorm',9,'iGC',12,...
1799 	'M_',struct('T',[-Inf,0,0.8*sqrt(-1)],'I',Inf,'X',Inf),...
1800 	'b',struct('aTime',1))];
1802 D = [D, struct(...
1803 	'DesName','Paired t-test',...
1804 	'n',	[1 2 Inf 1],	'sF',{{'','cond','pair',''}},...
1805 	'Hform',		'I(:,2),''-'',''condition''',...
1806 	'Bform',		'I(:,3),''-'',''\gamma''',...
1807 	'nC',[0,0],'iCC',{{8,8}},'iCFI',{{1,1}},...
1808 	'iGXcalc',[-1,2,3],'iGMsca',[1,-9],'GM',[],...
1809 	'iGloNorm',9,'iGC',12,...
1810 	'M_',struct('T',[-Inf,0,0.8*sqrt(-1)],'I',Inf,'X',Inf),...
1811 	'b',struct('aTime',0))];
1813 D = [D, struct(...
1814 	'DesName','One way Anova',...
1815 	'n',	[Inf Inf 1 1],	'sF',{{'repl','group','',''}},...
1816 	'Hform',		'I(:,2),''-'',''group''',...
1817 	'Bform',		'I(:,3),''-'',''\mu''',...
1818 	'nC',[0,0],'iCC',{{8,8}},'iCFI',{{1,1}},...
1819 	'iGXcalc',[-1,2,3],'iGMsca',[1,-9],'GM',[],...
1820 	'iGloNorm',9,'iGC',12,...
1821 	'M_',struct('T',[-Inf,0,0.8*sqrt(-1)],'I',Inf,'X',Inf),...
1822 	'b',struct('aTime',0))];
1824 D = [D, struct(...
1825 	'DesName','Simple regression (correlation)',...
1826 	'n',	[Inf 1 1 1],	'sF',{{'repl','','',''}},...
1827 	'Hform',		'[]',...
1828 	'Bform',		'I(:,2),''-'',''\mu''',...
1829 	'nC',[1,0],'iCC',{{8,8}},'iCFI',{{1,1}},...
1830 	'iGXcalc',[-1,2,3],'iGMsca',[1,-9],'GM',[],...
1831 	'iGloNorm',9,'iGC',12,...
1832 	'M_',struct('T',[-Inf,0,0.8*sqrt(-1)],'I',Inf,'X',Inf),...
1833 	'b',struct('aTime',0))];
1835 D = [D, struct(...
1836 	'DesName','Multiple regression',...
1837 	'n',	[Inf 1 1 1],	'sF',{{'repl','','',''}},...
1838 	'Hform',		'[]',...
1839 	'Bform',		'I(:,2),''-'',''\mu''',...
1840 	'nC',[Inf,0],'iCC',{{8,8}},'iCFI',{{1,1}},...
1841 	'iGXcalc',[-1,2,3],'iGMsca',[1,-9],'GM',[],...
1842 	'iGloNorm',9,'iGC',12,...
1843 	'M_',struct('T',[-Inf,0,0.8*sqrt(-1)],'I',Inf,'X',Inf),...
1844 	'b',struct('aTime',0))];
1846 D = [D, struct(...
1847 	'DesName','AnCova',...
1848 	'n',	[Inf Inf 1 1],	'sF',{{'repl','group','',''}},...
1849 	'Hform',		'I(:,2),''-'',''group''',...
1850 	'Bform',		'I(:,3),''-'',''\mu''',...
1851 	'nC',[0,1],'iCC',{{8,1}},'iCFI',{{1,1}},...
1852 	'iGXcalc',[-1,2,3],'iGMsca',[1,-9],'GM',[],...
1853 	'iGloNorm',9,'iGC',12,...
1854 	'M_',struct('T',[-Inf,0,0.8*sqrt(-1)],'I',Inf,'X',Inf),...
1855 	'b',struct('aTime',0))];
1857 varargout = {D};
1860 case 'desdefs_pet'
1861 %=======================================================================
1862 % - Standard (SPM99) PET/SPECT Design definitions...
1863 %=======================================================================
1864 % D = spm_spm_ui('DesDefs_PET');
1865 % These are the standard PET design definitions...
1867 %-Single subject
1868 %-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1869 D = struct(...
1870 	'DesName','Single-subject: conditions & covariates',...
1871 	'n',	[Inf Inf 1 1],	'sF',{{'repl','condition','',''}},...
1872 	'Hform',		'I(:,2),''-'',''cond''',...
1873 	'Bform',		'I(:,3),''-'',''\mu''',...
1874 	'nC',[Inf,Inf],'iCC',{{[-1,3,8],[-1,8]}},'iCFI',{{[1,3],1}},...
1875 	'iGXcalc',[1,2,-3],'iGMsca',[-1,9],'GM',50,...
1876 	'iGloNorm',[1,8,9],'iGC',10,...
1877 	'M_',struct('T',[0,0.8*sqrt(-1)],'I',0,'X',0),...
1878 	'b',struct('aTime',1));
1880 D = [D, struct(...
1881 	'DesName','Single-subject: covariates only',...
1882 	'n',	[Inf 1 1 1],	'sF',{{'repl','','',''}},...
1883 	'Hform',		'[]',...
1884 	'Bform',		'I(:,3),''-'',''\mu''',...
1885 	'nC',[Inf,Inf],'iCC',{{[-1,8],[-1,8]}},'iCFI',{{1,1}},...
1886 	'iGXcalc',[1,2,-3],'iGMsca',[-1,9],'GM',50,...
1887 	'iGloNorm',[1,8,9],'iGC',10,...
1888 	'M_',struct('T',[0,0.8*sqrt(-1)],'I',0,'X',0),...
1889 	'b',struct('aTime',1))];
1891 %-Multi-subject
1892 %-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1893 D = [D, struct(...
1894 	'DesName','Multi-subj: conditions & covariates',...
1895 	'n',[Inf Inf Inf 1],	'sF',{{'repl','condition','subject',''}},...
1896 	'Hform',		'I(:,2),''-'',''cond''',...
1897 	'Bform',		'I(:,3),''-'',''subj''',...
1898 	'nC',[Inf,Inf],'iCC',{{[1,3,4,8],[1,4,8]}},'iCFI',{{[1,3,4],[1,4]}},...
1899 	'iGXcalc',[1,2,-3],'iGMsca',[-4,9],'GM',50,...
1900 	'iGloNorm',[4,8,9],'iGC',10,...
1901 	'M_',struct('T',[0,0.8*sqrt(-1)],'I',0,'X',0),...
1902 	'b',struct('aTime',1))];
1904 D = [D, struct(...
1905 	'DesName','Multi-subj: cond x subj  interaction & covariates',...
1906 	'n',[Inf Inf Inf 1],	'sF',{{'repl','condition','subject',''}},...
1907 	'Hform',		'I(:,[3,2]),''-'',{''subj'',''cond''}',...
1908 	'Bform',		'I(:,3),''-'',''subj''',...
1909 	'nC',[Inf,Inf],'iCC',{{[1,3,4,8],[1,4,8]}},'iCFI',{{[1,3,4],[1,4]}},...
1910 	'iGXcalc',[1,2,-3],'iGMsca',[-4,9],'GM',50,...
1911 	'iGloNorm',[4,8,9],'iGC',10,...
1912 	'M_',struct('T',[0,0.8*sqrt(-1)],'I',0,'X',0),...
1913 	'b',struct('aTime',1))];
1915 D = [D, struct(...
1916 	'DesName','Multi-subj: covariates only',...
1917 	'n',[Inf 1 Inf 1],	'sF',{{'repl','','subject',''}},...
1918 	'Hform',		'[]',...
1919 	'Bform',		'I(:,3),''-'',''subj''',...
1920 	'nC',[Inf,Inf],'iCC',{{[1,4,8],[1,4,8]}},'iCFI',{{[1,4],[1,4]}},...
1921 	'iGXcalc',[1,2,-3],'iGMsca',[-4,9],'GM',50,...
1922 	'iGloNorm',[4,8:9],'iGC',10,...
1923 	'M_',struct('T',[0,0.8*sqrt(-1)],'I',0,'X',0),...
1924 	'b',struct('aTime',0))];
1926 %-Multi-group
1927 %-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1928 D = [D, struct(...
1929 	'DesName','Multi-group: conditions & covariates',...
1930 	'n',[Inf Inf Inf Inf],	'sF',{{'repl','condition','subject','group'}},...
1931 	'Hform',		'I(:,[4,2]),''-'',{''stud'',''cond''}',...
1932 	'Bform',		'I(:,[4,3]),''-'',{''stud'',''subj''}',...
1933 	'nC',[Inf,Inf],'iCC',{{[5:8],[5,7,8]}},'iCFI',{{[1,5,6,7],[1,5,7]}},...
1934 	'iGXcalc',[1,2,-3],'iGMsca',[-7,9],'GM',50,...
1935 	'iGloNorm',[7,8,9],'iGC',10,...
1936 	'M_',struct('T',[0,0.8*sqrt(-1)],'I',0,'X',0),...
1937 	'b',struct('aTime',1))];
1939 D = [D, struct(...
1940 	'DesName','Multi-group: covariates only',...
1941 	'n',[Inf 1 Inf Inf],	'sF',{{'repl','','subject','group'}},...
1942 	'Hform',		'[]',...
1943 	'Bform',		'I(:,[4,3]),''-'',{''stud'',''subj''}',...
1944 	'nC',[Inf,Inf],'iCC',{{[5,7,8],[5,7,8]}},'iCFI',{{[1,5,7],[1,5,7]}},...
1945 	'iGXcalc',[1,2,-3],'iGMsca',[-7,9],'GM',50,...
1946 	'iGloNorm',[7,8,9],'iGC',10,...
1947 	'M_',struct('T',[0,0.8*sqrt(-1)],'I',0,'X',0),...
1948 	'b',struct('aTime',0))];
1950 %-Population comparisons
1951 %-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1952 D = [D, struct(...
1953 	'DesName',...
1954 	'Population main effect: 2 cond''s, 1 scan/cond (paired t-test)',...
1955 	'n',[1 2 Inf 1],	'sF',{{'','condition','subject',''}},...
1956 	'Hform',		'I(:,2),''-'',''cond''',...
1957 	'Bform',		'I(:,3),''-'',''\mu''',...
1958 	'nC',[0,0],'iCC',{{8,8}},'iCFI',{{1,1}},...
1959 	'iGXcalc',[1,2,-3],'iGMsca',[-1,9],'GM',50,...
1960 	'iGloNorm',[8,9],'iGC',10,...
1961 	'M_',struct('T',[0,0.8*sqrt(-1)],'I',0,'X',0),...
1962 	'b',struct('aTime',0))];
1964 D = [D, struct(...
1965 	'DesName',...
1966 	'Dodgy population main effect: >2 cond''s, 1 scan/cond',...
1967 	'n',[1 Inf Inf 1],	'sF',{{'','condition','subject',''}},...
1968 	'Hform',		'I(:,2),''-'',''cond''',...
1969 	'Bform',		'I(:,3),''-'',''\mu''',...
1970 	'nC',[0,0],'iCC',{{8,8}},'iCFI',{{1,1}},...
1971 	'iGXcalc',[1,2,-3],'iGMsca',[-1,9],'GM',50,...
1972 	'iGloNorm',[8,9],'iGC',10,...
1973 	'M_',struct('T',[0,0.8*sqrt(-1)],'I',0,'X',0),...
1974 	'b',struct('aTime',0))];
1976 D = [D, struct(...
1977 	'DesName','Compare-populations: 1 scan/subject (two sample t-test)',...
1978 	'n',[Inf 2 1 1],	'sF',{{'subject','group','',''}},...
1979 	'Hform',		'I(:,2),''-'',''group''',...
1980 	'Bform',		'I(:,3),''-'',''\mu''',...
1981 	'nC',[0,0],'iCC',{{8,8}},'iCFI',{{1,1}},...
1982 	'iGXcalc',[1,2,-3],'iGMsca',[-1,9],'GM',50,...
1983 	'iGloNorm',[8,9],'iGC',10,...
1984 	'M_',struct('T',[0,0.8*sqrt(-1)],'I',0,'X',0),...
1985 	'b',struct('aTime',0))];
1987 %-The Full Monty!
1988 %-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1989 D = [D, struct(...
1990 	'DesName','The Full Monty...',...
1991 	'n',[Inf Inf Inf Inf],	'sF',{{'repl','cond','subj','group'}},...
1992 	'Hform',		'I(:,[4,2]),''-'',{''stud'',''cond''}',...
1993 	'Bform',		'I(:,[4,3]),''-'',{''stud'',''subj''}',...
1994 	'nC',[Inf,Inf],'iCC',{{[1:8],[1:8]}},'iCFI',{{[1:7],[1:7]}},...
1995 	'iGXcalc',[1,2,3],'iGMsca',[1:7],'GM',50,...
1996 	'iGloNorm',[1:9],'iGC',[1:11],...
1997 	'M_',struct('T',[-Inf,0,0.8*sqrt(-1)],'I',Inf,'X',Inf),...
1998 	'b',struct('aTime',1))];
2001 varargout = {D};
2003 case 'desdefs_pet96'
2004 %=======================================================================
2005 % - SPM96 PET/SPECT Design definitions...
2006 %=======================================================================
2007 % D = spm_spm_ui('DesDefs_PET96');
2009 %-Single subject
2010 %-----------------------------------------------------------------------
2011 D = struct(...
2012 	'DesName','SPM96:Single-subject: replicated conditions',...
2013 	'n',	[Inf Inf 1 1],	'sF',{{'repl','condition','',''}},...
2014 	'Hform',		'I(:,2),''-'',''cond''',...
2015 	'Bform',		'I(:,3),''-'',''\mu''',...
2016 	'nC',[0,0],'iCC',{{8,8}},'iCFI',{{1,1}},...
2017 	'iGXcalc',3,'iGMsca',[1,9],'GM',50,...
2018 	'iGloNorm',[1,8,9],'iGC',10,...
2019 	'M_',struct('T',[0.8*sqrt(-1)],'I',0,'X',0),...
2020 	'b',struct('aTime',0));
2022 D = [D, struct(...
2023 	'DesName','SPM96:Single-subject: replicated conditions & covariates',...
2024 	'n',	[Inf Inf 1 1],	'sF',{{'repl','condition','',''}},...
2025 	'Hform',		'I(:,2),''-'',''cond''',...
2026 	'Bform',		'I(:,3),''-'',''\mu''',...
2027 	'nC',[Inf,Inf],'iCC',{{1,1}},'iCFI',{{1,1}},...
2028 	'iGXcalc',3,'iGMsca',[1,9],'GM',50,...
2029 	'iGloNorm',[1,8,9],'iGC',10,...
2030 	'M_',struct('T',[0.8*sqrt(-1)],'I',0,'X',0),...
2031 	'b',struct('aTime',0))];
2033 D = [D, struct(...
2034 	'DesName','SPM96:Single-subject: covariates only',...
2035 	'n',	[Inf 1 1 1],	'sF',{{'repl','','',''}},...
2036 	'Hform',		'[]',...
2037 	'Bform',		'I(:,3),''-'',''\mu''',...
2038 	'nC',[Inf,Inf],'iCC',{{1,1}},'iCFI',{{1,1}},...
2039 	'iGXcalc',3,'iGMsca',[1,9],'GM',50,...
2040 	'iGloNorm',[1,8,9],'iGC',10,...
2041 	'M_',struct('T',[0.8*sqrt(-1)],'I',0,'X',0),...
2042 	'b',struct('aTime',0))];
2044 %-Multi-subject
2045 %-----------------------------------------------------------------------
2046 D = [D, struct(...
2047 	'DesName','SPM96:Multi-subject: different conditions',...
2048 	'n',	[1 Inf Inf 1],	'sF',{{'','condition','subject',''}},...
2049 	'Hform',		'I(:,2),''-'',''scancond''',...
2050 	'Bform',		'I(:,3),''-'',''subj''',...
2051 	'nC',[0,0],'iCC',{{8,8}},'iCFI',{{1,1}},...
2052 	'iGXcalc',3,'iGMsca',[1,9],'GM',50,...
2053 	'iGloNorm',[1,4,8,9],'iGC',10,...
2054 	'M_',struct('T',[0.8*sqrt(-1)],'I',0,'X',0),...
2055 	'b',struct('aTime',0))];
2057 D = [D, struct(...
2058 	'DesName','SPM96:Multi-subject: replicated conditions',...
2059 	'n',[Inf Inf Inf 1],	'sF',{{'repl','condition','subject',''}},...
2060 	'Hform',		'I(:,2),''-'',''cond''',...
2061 	'Bform',		'I(:,3),''-'',''subj''',...
2062 	'nC',[0,0],'iCC',{{8,8}},'iCFI',{{1,1}},...
2063 	'iGXcalc',3,'iGMsca',[1,9],'GM',50,...
2064 	'iGloNorm',[1,4,8,9],'iGC',10,...
2065 	'M_',struct('T',[0.8*sqrt(-1)],'I',0,'X',0),...
2066 	'b',struct('aTime',0))];
2068 D = [D, struct(...
2069 	'DesName','SPM96:Multi-subject: different conditions & covariates',...
2070 	'n',	[1 Inf Inf 1],	'sF',{{'','condition','subject',''}},...
2071 	'Hform',		'I(:,2),''-'',''cond''',...
2072 	'Bform',		'I(:,3),''-'',''subj''',...
2073 	'nC',[Inf,Inf],'iCC',{{1,1}},'iCFI',{{[1,4],[1,4]}},...
2074 	'iGXcalc',3,'iGMsca',[1,9],'GM',50,...
2075 	'iGloNorm',[1,4,8,9],'iGC',10,...
2076 	'M_',struct('T',[0.8*sqrt(-1)],'I',0,'X',0),...
2077 	'b',struct('aTime',0))];
2079 D = [D, struct(...
2080 	'DesName','SPM96:Multi-subject: replicated conditions & covariates',...
2081 	'n',[Inf Inf Inf 1],	'sF',{{'repl','condition','subject',''}},...
2082 	'Hform',		'I(:,2),''-'',''condition''',...
2083 	'Bform',		'I(:,3),''-'',''subj''',...
2084 	'nC',[Inf,Inf],'iCC',{{1,1}},'iCFI',{{[1,3,4],[1,4]}},...
2085 	'iGXcalc',3,'iGMsca',[1,9],'GM',50,...
2086 	'iGloNorm',[1,4,8,9],'iGC',10,...
2087 	'M_',struct('T',[0.8*sqrt(-1)],'I',0,'X',0),...
2088 	'b',struct('aTime',0))];
2090 D = [D, struct(...
2091 	'DesName','SPM96:Multi-subject: covariates only',...
2092 	'n',[Inf 1 Inf 1],	'sF',{{'repl','','subject',''}},...
2093 	'Hform',		'[]',...
2094 	'Bform',		'I(:,3),''-'',''subj''',...
2095 	'nC',[Inf,Inf],'iCC',{{[1,4,8],[1,4,8]}},'iCFI',{{[1,4],[1,4]}},...
2096 	'iGXcalc',3,'iGMsca',[1,9],'GM',50,...
2097 	'iGloNorm',[1,4,8,9],'iGC',10,...
2098 	'M_',struct('T',[0.8*sqrt(-1)],'I',0,'X',0),...
2099 	'b',struct('aTime',0))];
2101 %-Multi-study
2102 %-----------------------------------------------------------------------
2103 D = [D, struct(...
2104 	'DesName','SPM96:Multi-study: different conditions',...
2105 	'n',[1 Inf Inf Inf],	'sF',{{'','cond','subj','study'}},...
2106 	'Hform',		'I(:,[4,2]),''-'',{''study'',''cond''}',...
2107 	'Bform',		'I(:,[4,3]),''-'',{''study'',''subj''}',...
2108 	'nC',[0,0],'iCC',{{8,8}},'iCFI',{{1,1}},...
2109 	'iGXcalc',3,'iGMsca',[1,5,9],'GM',50,...
2110 	'iGloNorm',[1,5,7,8,9],'iGC',10,...
2111 	'M_',struct('T',[0.8*sqrt(-1)],'I',0,'X',0),...
2112 	'b',struct('aTime',0))];
2114 D = [D, struct(...
2115 	'DesName','SPM96:Multi-study: replicated conditions',...
2116 	'n',[Inf Inf Inf Inf],	'sF',{{'repl','cond','subj','study'}},...
2117 	'Hform',		'I(:,[4,2]),''-'',{''study'',''condition''}',...
2118 	'Bform',		'I(:,[4,3]),''-'',{''study'',''subj''}',...
2119 	'nC',[0,0],'iCC',{{8,8}},'iCFI',{{1,1}},...
2120 	'iGXcalc',3,'iGMsca',[1,5,9],'GM',50,...
2121 	'iGloNorm',[1,5,7,8,9],'iGC',10,...
2122 	'M_',struct('T',[0.8*sqrt(-1)],'I',0,'X',0),...
2123 	'b',struct('aTime',0))];
2125 D = [D, struct(...
2126 	'DesName','SPM96:Multi-study: different conditions & covariates',...
2127 	'n',[1 Inf Inf Inf],	'sF',{{'','cond','subj','study'}},...
2128 	'Hform',		'I(:,[4,2]),''-'',{''study'',''cond''}',...
2129 	'Bform',		'I(:,[4,3]),''-'',{''study'',''subj''}',...
2130 	'nC',[Inf,Inf],'iCC',{{1,1}},'iCFI',{{[1,5,6,7],[1,5,7]}},...
2131 	'iGXcalc',3,'iGMsca',[1,5,9],'GM',50,...
2132 	'iGloNorm',[1,5,7,8,9],'iGC',10,...
2133 	'M_',struct('T',[0.8*sqrt(-1)],'I',0,'X',0),...
2134 	'b',struct('aTime',0))];
2136 D = [D, struct(...
2137 	'DesName','SPM96:Multi-study: replicated conditions & covariates',...
2138 	'n',[Inf Inf Inf Inf],	'sF',{{'','cond','subj','study'}},...
2139 	'Hform',		'I(:,[4,2]),''-'',{''study'',''condition''}',...
2140 	'Bform',		'I(:,[4,3]),''-'',{''study'',''subj''}',...
2141 	'nC',[Inf,Inf],'iCC',{{1,1}},'iCFI',{{[1,5,6,7],[1,5,7]}},...
2142 	'iGXcalc',3,'iGMsca',[1,5,9],'GM',50,...
2143 	'iGloNorm',[1,5,7,8,9],'iGC',10,...
2144 	'M_',struct('T',[0.8*sqrt(-1)],'I',0,'X',0),...
2145 	'b',struct('aTime',0))];
2147 D = [D, struct(...
2148 	'DesName','SPM96:Multi-study: covariates only',...
2149 	'n',[Inf 1 Inf Inf],	'sF',{{'repl','','subj','study'}},...
2150 	'Hform',		'[]',...
2151 	'Bform',		'I(:,[4,3]),''-'',{''study'',''subj''}',...
2152 	'nC',[Inf,Inf],'iCC',{{1,1}},'iCFI',{{[1,5,7],[1,5,7]}},...
2153 	'iGXcalc',3,'iGMsca',[1,5,9],'GM',50,...
2154 	'iGloNorm',[1,5,7,8,9],'iGC',10,...
2155 	'M_',struct('T',[0.8*sqrt(-1)],'I',0,'X',0),...
2156 	'b',struct('aTime',0))];
2158 %-Group comparisons
2159 %-----------------------------------------------------------------------
2160 D = [D, struct(...
2161 	'DesName','SPM96:Compare-groups: 1 scan per subject',...
2162 	'n',[Inf Inf 1 1],	'sF',{{'subject','group','',''}},...
2163 	'Hform',		'I(:,2),''-'',''group''',...
2164 	'Bform',		'[]',...
2165 	'nC',[0,0],'iCC',{{8,8}},'iCFI',{{1,1}},...
2166 	'iGXcalc',3,'iGMsca',[1,9],'GM',50,...
2167 	'iGloNorm',[1,8,9],'iGC',10,...
2168 	'M_',struct('T',[0.8*sqrt(-1)],'I',0,'X',0),...
2169 	'b',struct('aTime',0))];
2171 varargout = {D};
2174 otherwise
2175 %=======================================================================
2176 % - U N K N O W N   A C T I O N
2177 %=======================================================================
2178 warning(['Illegal Action string: ',Action])
2181 %=======================================================================
2182 % - E N D
2183 %=======================================================================
2184 end
2189 %=======================================================================
2190 %- S U B - F U N C T I O N S
2191 %=======================================================================
2193 function str = sf_estrrep(str,srstr)
2194 %=======================================================================
2195 for i = 1:size(srstr,1)
2196 	str = strrep(str,srstr{i,1},srstr{i,2});
2197 end

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