= Jessica's neuroanatomy tutorial =
(compiled by [[http://www.jessicagrahn.com/index.html|Jessica Grahn]])
You can also use an [[http://headneckbrainspine.com/web_flash/newmodules/Brain%20MRI.swf|interactive brain atlas]].
||<60% #ffffff style="BORDER-BOTTOM:medium none;BORDER-LEFT:medium none;BORDER-TOP:medium none;BORDER-RIGHT:medium none"> {{attachment:brain_lobes.gif}} ||<60% #ffffff style="BORDER-BOTTOM:medium none;BORDER-LEFT:medium none;BORDER-TOP:medium none;BORDER-RIGHT:medium none">If only the brain really did come in colours... ||
== Orientation descriptions ==
||<60% #ffffff style="BORDER-BOTTOM:medium none;BORDER-LEFT:medium none;BORDER-TOP:medium none;BORDER-RIGHT:medium none"> {{attachment:planes.GIF}} <
>* Coronal - Sections looking head-on, parallel to the face<
>* Sagittal - Sections parallel to the side of the head<
>* Horizontal / transverse / axial - sections parallel to the floor <
> ||<60% #ffffff style="BORDER-BOTTOM:medium none;BORDER-LEFT:medium none;BORDER-TOP:medium none;BORDER-RIGHT:medium none"> {{attachment:Orientation.gif}} <
>* Anterior / rostral- towards the front<
>* Posterior / caudal - towards the back<
>* Superior / dorsal - towards the top<
>* Inferior / ventral - towards the bottom<
>* Medial - towards the midline<
>* Lateral - towards the sides ||
== The AC / PC line ==
The line joining the Anterior Commissure (AC) and Posterior Commissure (PC)
== The Cerebellum ==
(Schmahmann, J.D., et al., Neuroimage, 1999, 10:233-260. )
{{attachment:cerebellum_gammasurf_lobes.jpg}} <
> {{attachment:gamma_sagslice.gif}}
== The Basal Ganglia ==
Caudate, putamen, and globus pallidus (also called pallidum by AAL template).
{{attachment:BG.png}} {{attachment:BG_nooutline.png}}
> <
== The caudate, putamen, and ventral striatum (the most ventral outline) ==
> <
== The Thalamus ==
> <
== The Colliculi ==
> Superior colliculus and inferior colliculus.<
> In the z direction, once you see the colliculi, you are not in the thalamus anymore<
> The upper left picture has crosshairs on the superior colliculus, the rest are centred on the inferior colliculus.
> <
== Brodmann Areas ==
In the cortex, Brodmann areas are often used in conjunction with anatomical lables to help specify an area.
||<60% #ffffff style="BORDER-BOTTOM:medium none;BORDER-LEFT:medium none;BORDER-TOP:medium none;BORDER-RIGHT:medium none"> {{attachment:brainbrodmannareas.gif}} ||<60% #ffffff style="BORDER-BOTTOM:medium none;BORDER-LEFT:medium none;BORDER-TOP:medium none;BORDER-RIGHT:medium none;line-height:2em; ">1, 2, 3 = primary sensory cortex<
>4 = motor cortex<
>5, 7 = secondary sensory cortex<
>6 = supplementary motor area (medial) and premotor cortex (lateral)<
>8 = frontal eye fields<
>9/46 = dorsolateral prefrontal cortex<
>10 = frontopolar cortex<
>11, 12 = orbitofrontal areas<
>17 = primary visual cortex<
>18, 19, 20, 21, 37 = secondary visual cortex<
>24, 32 = anterior cingulate cortex<
>41 = primary auditory cortex<
>22, 42 = secondary auditory cortex<
>39 = angular gyrus, part of Wernicke's area<
>40 = supramarginal gyrus, part of Wernicke's area<
>44/45 = Broca's Area<
>47 Ventrolateral prefrontal cortex<
>(13, 14, 15, 16, 27, 49, 50, 51 - monkey only)<
>Brodmann area 48 was described by Brodmann, but does not appear in his maps. ||
> <
== The medial temporal lobe ==
. - hippocampus<
> - parahippocampal gyrus (roughly corresponds to parts of Brodmann areas 27, 28, 34, 35, 36)<
> - amygdala<
> - fusiform gyrus (roughly corresponds to parts of Brodmann areas 19, 37).<
> {{attachment:HC.png}} {{attachment:HCPHCFGamyg2.png}}
> <
== The lateral temporal lobe ==
. - Inferior temporal gyrus (ITG)<
> - Middle temporal gyrus (MTG)<
> - Superior temporal gyrus (STG)<
> - Heschl's Gyrus (HG), also called transverse temporal gyrus. Contains primary auditory cortex<
> - Temporal poles<
> {{attachment:LateralTemporal1.png}} {{attachment:LateralTemporal2.png}}
> <
== The supplementary and pre-supplementary motor areas ==
> SMA and pre-SMA, medial Brodmann area 6 <
> The dividing line between the pre-SMA and the SMA is often considered to be the plane of y = 0.<
> <
> {{attachment:SMApre-SMA.png}}
> <
== The anterior cingulate ==
Generally taken to have cognitive (red) and affective (blue) divisions.<
> Brodmann areas 24 and 32.<
> An excellent review (from which this figure was taken) is available [[http://download.cell.com/trends/cognitive-sciences/pdf/PIIS1364661304002657.pdf|here]] <
> {{attachment:cingulate.PNG}}
> <
== The frontal lobe ==
. - Superior (red), middle (blue), and medial (greeen on midline) frontal gyri.<
> - The inferior frontal gyrus is divided into pars opercularis (pink), pars triangularis (green), and pars orbitalis (yellow)<
> - Brodmann area 44 = Broca's area<
> - Brodmann area 45/47 = Ventrolateral prefronal cortex (VLPFC)<
> - Brodmann areas 9/46 = Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) <
> {{attachment:frontal_lobe.png}} {{attachment:frontal_lobe_Rwhite.png}} {{attachment:brainbrodmannareas_2.gif}}
> <
== The parietal lobe ==
. - Brodmann areas 5 (green) and 7 (yellow) = superior parietal lobule<
> - Brodmann areas 39 (red) and 40 (blue) = inferior parietal lobule<
> - Brodmann area 39 = angular gyrus<
> - Brodmann area 40 = supramarginal gyrus<
{{attachment:parietal_rend_posterior.png}} {{attachment:parietal_rend_posterior45.png}} {{attachment:parietal_rend_posterior90.png}} <
The Intraparietal sulcus divides superior and inferior lobules (yellow line on picture below)
> <
== The occipital lobe ==
. - Brodmann area 17 = primary visual cortex (blue)<
> - Brodmann 18 and 19 = secondary cortex (red and green)<
> {{attachment:occipital_rend_posterior.png}}
Structural and functional anatomy related to the visual system: a nice picture (from American Scientist magazine).
> <
== Links ==
[[http://www.radnet.ucla.edu/sections/DINR/index.htm|A very comprehensive neuroanatomy site covering the entire brain: neuroimaging/vasculature/syndromes/pathology and quizzes.]]
[[http://www9.biostr.washington.edu/da.html|This is an excellent site with MRIs, cadaver brains, and animations of brain structures (and you can quiz yourself!).]]
The [[http://psychology.uwo.ca/fmri4newbies|fMRI for Newbies]] site is filled with excellent information, including a [[http://psychology.uwo.ca/fmri4newbies/BrainAnatomy.html|page on functional anatomy]].
[[http://www.spl.harvard.edu/archive/spl-pre2007/pages/papers/AnatomyBrowser/current/models/brain/java/brain.html|Clickable MRI and modelled brain sections yoked together]].<
> Click on Brain or detailed Brain.<
> Once you've loaded the brain, read the buttons at the top and experiment a bit to see how they work: 'remove model' and 'cross-reference' are handy places to start.
[[http://www.sylvius.com/|Site with clickable list of neuroanatomical terms, with pictures]].
[[http://www.cma.mgh.harvard.edu/manuals/parcellation/|If you're desperate to know about sulci, this manual with pictures may be helpful]].
[[http://psychology.uwo.ca/fmri4newbies/PrimeronCorticalSulci.html|A less comprehensive (and more comprehensible) sulci description]].
> <