[[TableOfContents]] = CBU default imaging sequences = == Introductory note == The sequences shown on this page are meant to be used as guidelines, but they can be modified in order to meet the needs of your study. If you would like some advice on setting up your sequence, please contact Marta Correia (marta.correia@mrc-cbu.cam.ac.uk) or Stefan Hetzer (stefan.hetzer@mrc-cbu.cam.ac.uk). == CBU_EPI == For fMRI || Description || Standard EPI sequence for fMRI || || Acquisition time || 2 s (per volume) || || Type || 2D || || Slices || 32 || || Slice gap || 25% || || Slice thickness || 3 mm || || Slice order || Descending (32,31,...,1) || || FOV || 192 mm x 192 mm || || Matrix || 64 x 64 || || Resolution || 3 mm x 3mm || || TR || 2000 ms || || TE || 30 ms || || Flip angle || 78 deg || || Bandwidth || 2232 Hz/Px || || Echo spacing || 0.51 ms || === Trigger pulse timing === To within a few ms, the stimulus delivery trigger pulse happens 35 ms before the acquisition of the first scan (centre of k space) of each volume. Note there is a latency of 20 ms in the visual display. The trigger pulse length is 1 ms. == CBU_MPRAGE == || Description || High-resolution structural MRI || || Acquisition time || 4 min 16 s || || Type || 3D || || FOV || 256 mm x 240 mm x 160 mm || || Matrix || 256 x 240 x 160 || || Resolution || 1 mm isotropic || || TR || 2250 ms || || TI || 900 ms || || TE || 2.99 ms || || Flip angle || 9 deg || || Parallel imaging || GRAPPA [[BR]] Acceleration factor PE: 2 [[BR]] Reference lines PE: 24 || == CBU_TSE == || Description || T2-weighted structural MRI || || Acquisition time || 1 min 38 s || || Slices || 29 || || Slice gap || 30% || || Slice thickness || 4 mm || || Type || 2D || || FOV || 220 mm x 220 mm || || Matrix || 320 x 320 || || Resolution || 0.7 x 0.7 mm || || TR || 5060 ms || || TE || 102 ms || || Flip angle (refoc. pulse) || 140 deg || || Parallel imaging || GRAPPA [[BR]] Acceleration factor PE: 2 [[BR]] Reference lines PE: 26 || == CBU_Fieldmapping == || Description || Magnetic field mapping sequence. Required for [[BR]] - undistortion of fMRI data [[BR]] - functional sensitivity mapping || || Acquisition time || 54 s || || Type || 2D || || Slices || 32 || || Slice gap || 25% || || Slice thickness || 3 mm || || FOV || 192 mm x 192 mm || || Matrix || 64 x 64 || || Resolution || 3 mm x 3 mm || || TR || 400 ms || || TE || 5.19 ms / 7.65 ms || || Flip angle || 60 deg || == CBU_DTI_InLea_2x2x2 == || Description || Standard sequence for diffusion MRI. [[BR]] - isotropic voxel resolution [[BR]] - interleaved slice acquisition || || Acquisition time || 8min 52s / 9min 33s || || Type || 2D || || Slices || 63 / 68 || || Slice gap || none || || Slice thickness || 2 mm || || Slice order || Interleaved || || FOV || 192 mm x 192 mm || || Matrix || 96 x 96 || || Resolution || 2 mm x 2 mm || || TR || 7800 ms / 8400 ms || || TE || 90 ms || || Diff directions || 64 || || Diff weightings || 2 || || b-value1 || 0 s/mm2 || || b-value2 || 1000 s/mm2 || || Parallel imaging || GRAPPA [[BR]] Acceleration factor PE: 2 [[BR]] Reference lines PE: 40 || For more information on the diffusion MRI sequence go to AnalyzingDiffusion. If you have an ongoing study or wish to compare your results with data that you had previously acquired, the old standard CBU sequence for diffusion imaging (CBU_DTI_64D_1A) will still be available to be used.