= Project presentation Meetings (PPM) and imagersInterest Group surgeries / talks (IIG) = Schedule '''Weekly Meetings, every Monday 12:30''' '''To present your project proposal (compulsory for internal projects) you must send the title and the list of researchers involved by Thursday noon at the latest to''' mri.admin@mrc-cbu.cam.ac.uk See the '''[[http://imaging.mrc-cbu.cam.ac.uk/imaging/ImagersInterestGroup|ImagersInterestGroup]]''' page for information about the meeting and suggestions for presenting projects. For CBU-funded projects, AFTER you have presented at the PPM, you will need to complete a scan request form. For '''MRI''' forms go to http://intranet.mrc-cbu.cam.ac.uk/imaging/mridocuments/ For '''MEG''' forms go to http://intranet.mrc-cbu.cam.ac.uk/imaging/meg/megdocuments/ Submit these forms to Matthew Sharrock: mri.admin@mrc-cbu.cam.ac.uk and they will be presented at the: [[http://imaging.mrc-cbu.cam.ac.uk/imaging/ImagingManagementCommittee|ImagingManagementCommittee]]. For externally-funded projects, please contact your CBU contact or mri.admin@mrc-cbu.cam.ac.uk to obtain a scan request form. There is a separate schedule for the lecture/workshop series [[http://imaging.mrc-cbu.cam.ac.uk/methods/IntroductionNeuroimagingLectures|Introduction to Neuroimaging Methods]]. IIGs usually occur on Mondays at 12.30 in the CBU Lecture Theatre. '''Upcoming IIGs''' ||'''Date''' ||'''TYPE''' ||'''Presenter(s)''' ||'''Title of presentations''' || || || || || ||7th August ||PPMs ||Becky GIlbert ||methods for online data collection || ||31st July (Olaf chairing) ||(PPM) fMRI ||Marieke Mur ||Functional organisation of human prefrontal cortex || || ||(PPM) fMRI ||Tanya Wen ||Representation of hierarchical task episodes || ||24th July ||'''TALK''' ||Andrew Quinn (Oxford Centre For Human Brain Activity) ||Data-driven estimation of frequency modes from neuronal time-series || ||17th July ||PPM (Web-based) ||Jiri Cevora ||TBC || || || || || || ||10th July ||PPMs || ||For project presentations || ||5th July || /!\ IMC || || || ||3rd July ||PPMs || ||For project presentations || ||26th June (seminar room) 12:30 ||fMRI Structurals ||Melissa Black and Jason Stretton ||The Modular Protocol for Mental Health (MP:MH): A Pilot Trial || ||12:50 || ||Sneha Shashidhara ||Effect of distractor on object representation || || || || || || ||19th June ||PPMs || ||For Project presentations || ||12th June 12:30 ||Talk ||Sylvain Baillet ||tbc || ||5th June 12:30 ||An interactive surgery ||Tanya Wen ||all ROIs exhibit the same activation profile, but the profile varies arbitrarily run-to-run and participant-to-participant || ||13:00 ||fMRI ||Sneha Shashidhara, ||Differential role of MD subnetworks || ||13:20 ||fMRI ||Kristjan Kalm ||'Change in sequence representation by learning' || ||29th May ||Bank holiday || || || ||22nd May12:30 ||fMRI (7T) ||Thomas Cope ||Frontal contributions to speech perception - delineating prediction instantiation and flexibility: a patient-based, 7-Tesla, multivariate fMRI study || ||12:50 ||WEIG ||Benedikt Zoefel ||Detecting irregularities in rhythmic sounds: influence of spectral and linguistic information || ||15th May ||Special Talk ||Tim Kietzmann ||Estimating the relative signal and noise of content of ICA components: Application to MEG || ||8th May 12:30 ||IIG surgery ||Martina Di Simplicio / Renee Visser ||Martina Di Simplicio / Renee Visser (selective activations in ventricles/WM) || ||13:10 ||WEIG ||Elizabeth Byrne ||TBC || || || || || || ||1st May ||BANK HOL || || || ||24th April ||WEMC || ||n/a || ||17th April ||BANK HOL || || || ||10th April ||IIG? || || || ||3rd April 12:30 ||fMRI ||Benedikt Zoefel ||Control experiment - The casual role of neural phase entranment for the comprehension of speech sounds. || ||29th MARCH IMC || /!\ || || || ||27th March 12:30 ||fMRI ||Roni Tibon, Rik Henson ||Cued-Recall of Intra/Inter-modal Memories || ||12:50 ||fMRI ||Pei Huang ||Decoding Spatial Attention in Visual Cortex at 3T/7T || || || || || || ||13th March 12:30 ||fMRI ||Milena Vurro, Dr Fraser Smith ||is ''Visual object completion in inferotemporal cortex'' ''for real world objects'' || ||27th Feb 12:30 ||fMRI ||Ausaf A Farooqui, Tom Manly ||Does the context of the experiment determine Fronto-Parietal response to control demands? (16 x 2) || ||20th February 12:30 ||MEG+EEG ||Heidi Solberg Økland, Saskia Helbling, Lucy MacGregor, Helen Blank, Matt Davis ||Coordination of neural activity during audiovisual speech perception || ||13:00 ||journal club ||Olaf Hauk ||Brown-Schmidt & Hanna (2011). Talking in Another Person's Shoes: Incremental Perspective-Taking in Language Processing. Dialogue and Discourse, 2, 11-33 Rueschemeyer, Gardner & Stoner (2015). The Social N400-Effect: how the presence of other listeners affects language comprehension. Psych Bull Rev, 22, 128 || ||14th November ||MEG ||Dr SU Li ||'MEG imaging for Lewy body disorders’ || || || || || ||3rd November || /!\ IMC || || || ||31st October || || || || ||24th October || || || || ||17th October ||fMRI ||Alex Kaula ||'Priming, representational sharpness, and connectivity || ||28th Sep || /!\ IMC || || || ||19th Sep 12:45 ||fMRI ||Renee Visser ||neural mechanisms underlying the plasticity of emotional memory Feedback on MEG project || ||19th Sep 12:30 ||MEG feedback ||Tanya Wen ||Feedback on MEG project || ||27th July || /!\ IMC || || || ||18th July ||MRI ||Tanya Wen ||Dissociating Selection Difficulty and Perceptual Difficulty || ||20th June ||MEG ||Alessandro Tomassini ||The impact of neurodegenerative disorders on the integration of sensory evidence and motor intentions || || ||EEG ||Francois Guerit ||Measuring auditory evoked responses in cochlear implant users || ||9th May ||MEG and MRI ||Laura Hughes ||Understanding cognition and action in Pick’s disease and related disorders || ||2nd May ||BANK HOLIDAY || || || ||25th April ||MRI ||Yuhua Guo ||The role of the basal ganglia in memory and motor inhibition: an fMRI and DWI study || ||18th April || || || || ||11th April ||none || || || ||6th April || /!\ IMC || || || ||4th April 12:30 ||MEG ||Tanya Wen ||Exploring Temporal Dynamics of Preparatory Attention || ||21st MArch || || || || ||12th March ||MEG UK practise talks || || || || || ||Duncan Astle ||“Altering developing neurophysiology with working memory training” || || || ||Rebecca Beresford ||“Comparison of Implicit Memory between Alzheimer’s Patients and Age-Matched Controls Using a Scene Repetition Paradigm”  || || || ||Ece Kocagonu ||“From sound to meaning: Neural dynamics of lexical access to conceptual representations” || ||7th March ||special talk ||Dr. Boris Chesca ||77K-SQUID-based imaging techniques in medicine || ||29th Feb ||MRI and MEG ||David Nesbitt ||Cam-CAN Frail - Imaging based biomarkers sensitive and specific for changes in neural systems related to cognitive decline in a 'cognitively frail' community population || ||22nd Feb ||MRI ||Benedikt Zoefel ||The causal role of neural phase entrainment for the comprehension of speech sound || ||15th feb ||MEG ||Erin Hawkins, Duncan Astle ||The cognitive and neural effects of methylphenidate in children with ADHD || ||8th Feb ||fMRI ||Verity Smith, John Duncan and Danny Mitchell ||The role of the default mode network in changing cognitive contexts || ||20th Jan || /!\ IMC || || || ||18th January ||fMRI ||Sneha Shashidhara ||Differential role of MD sub-networks || || ||EEG/MEG ||Rezvan Farahibozorg ||Characterising Semantic Networks in the brain || ||11th January 2016 11:00am !!! ||fMRI ||Huang Pei, Marta Correia ||Effect of Prospective Motion Correction (PMC) on fMRI data || || ||EEG ||Francisco Barcelo, Sharon Erzinclioglu, John Duncan et al. ||Novel assessment of dysexecutive deficits in patients with frontal lobe lesions || ||7th December 2015 ||project advice ||Sam Wass ||Techniques for looking at low-frequency oscillations in autonomic nervous system activity and childrens’ attention || ||30th november ||MEG ||Alex Kaula ||Does N400 ERP magnitude for incongruent stimuli at encoding predict subsequent memory? || ||4th november || /!\ IMC || || || ||2nd November ||MEG Journal club on papers ||Rezvan Farahibozorg ||Can MEG provide accurate spatial information? A discussion based on new evidence from orientation decoding in the visual cortex. || ||26th October || || || || || || || || || ||Sep 28th || || || || ||Aug 24th ||MEG ||Saskia Helbling, Helen Blank, Matt Davis ||Cortical entrainment to the speech envelope during adaptation to slow or fast speech rates || ||Aug 10th ||MEG ||Allesandro Tomassini ||The temporal profile of evidence and intention accumulation for perception-to action decisions || || || || || || ||July 27th || || || || ||July 15th ||IMC /!\ || || || ||July 13th ||MRI ||Martina Callaghan and Nick Todd from the FIL ||Prospective Motion Correction (PMC) of MRI data. || ||July 6th ||Last chance for project presentations ||Andrew Thwaite ||Extending stimulus delivery beyond vision and audition: tactile methods test in the MEG || || ||MRI ||Leopold Zangemeister ||Neural mechanisms underlying object risk, action risk and the integration of risk into utility || ||June 29th || || || || ||June 10th || /!\ IMC || || || ||May 18th 12:30 ||talk ||Rafael Henriques ||Resolving crossing fibers and generalizing biomarkers using the diffusion kurtosis tensor || ||13:00 ||MRI Methods ||Kristjan Kalm ||High resolution fMRI on the Prisma || ||April 27th ||Last IIG before IMC || || || ||April 20th ||MEG ||Holly Phillips ||Action Volition || ||April 13th || || || || ||Mar 30th || ||Marta Correia, Linda Geerligs, Michael Ewbank, Matt Davis ||32 versus 64 channel coil || ||Mar 23 || || || || ||Mar 16th ||fMRI ||Lydia Viñals, Jelena Mirković, Gareth Gaskell, Matt Davis ||How does consolidation change the neural representation of type and token frequency? || || ||short talk ||Hunar Abdulrahman, Rik Henson ||Optimal event-related fMRI models for trial-specific estimation: implications for MVPA and trial-based connectivity || || ||project feedback ||Matthias Treder, Darren Price ||Systematic digitisation errors in MEG || ||Feb 29th || /!\ IMC || || || ||Feb 23rd ||fMRI ||Martina Di Simplicio, Julie Ji ||An fMRI study of episodic future simulation in bipolar disorder || || ||MEG ||Will Matthews, Friederike Behrens, Tina Emery & Rik Henson ||An MEG investigation of repetition and expectation effects on time perception || || ||MEG ||Andrea Sofie Rik Elisa ||Predicting learning from learned predictions: an MEG investigation || ||Feb 9th || ||Marta Correia, Linda Geerligs, Michael Ewbank, Matt Davis ||Prisma vs Trio calibration tests || ||Feb 2nd ||Lecture ||Marta Correia ||MRI Physics II: The BOLD Signal and Common Artefacts || ||Jan 28 || /!\ IMC || || || || || || || || ||Jan 19 ||MRI ||Ali Trelle ||Functional neuroimaging of encoding and retrieval processes of episodic memory across the lifespan || || ||MRI ||Helen Blank, Matt Davis ||Misunderstanding words - Decoding how and where expectations change perception of degraded speech || || || || || || ||Jan 2015 || || || || ||Dec 15th ||MEG ||Anastasia Klimovich-Smith, William Marslen-Wilson ||Prediction, segmentation and grammar || || ||MEG ||Javier Pacios, Rik Henson, Michael Anderson ||Purging intrusive memories from conciousness. An MEEG study || ||Dec 1st 12:30 ||MRI ||Ana Catarino, Caitlin Hitchcock, Tim Dalgleish and Michael Anderson ||An MRI investigation of memory control processes in Post-traumatic stress disorder || ||12:50 ||MRI ||Marieke Mur, Moos Peeters ||How does expectancy modulate humour appreciation. || ||13:10 ||Talk ||Matti Stenroos ||MEG forward modeling and resolution metrics: towards more realistic and experimentally usable methods || ||Nov 26th || /!\ IMC || || || ||Nov 24 ||MEG ||Duncan Astle, Amy Johnson and Gemma Crickmore ||What are the neural, cognitive and environmental markers of risk and resilience in children from disadvantaged backgrounds? || || || || || || ||Nov 17 ||EEG ||Victoria Leong, Kaya de Barbaro and Sam Wass ||Dual EEG of Mother-Infant Dyads in "Live" Social Interactions - A Pilot Study || || ||fMRI ||'Yun-Hsuan Huang, Mirjana Bozic and William Marslen-Wilson' ||Syntactic and information structure processing during spoken language comprehension || || || || || || ||Nov 10 || || || || || || || || || ||Nov 3rd || || || || ||October 27th || || || || ||October 13th ||MRI ||Nadja Tschentscher ||Early practice effects in novel problem solving || ||October 6th ||none? || || || ||Sep24th || /!\ IMC || || || ||sep 22nd ||EMEG ||[[http://www.mrc-cbu.cam.ac.uk/people/lucy.macgregor/|Lucy MacGregor]], Jennifer Rodd & Matt Davis ||Resolving semantic ambiguity in speech: An EMEG study || ||Sep 8th ||MEG ||Jiaxiang Zhang ||Dissecting sensory-motor transformation in the human cortex. || ||Aug 18th ||MEG ||Top Down Contributions to Visual Perception and Their Relationship with Nonclinical Psychotic Experiences ||Dan Davies, Alexander O'Bryan Tear, Manfred Kitzbichler, MAresh Subramaniam Christopher Teufel Ian Goodyer Peter Jones Paul Fletcher Rik Henson || ||Aug 11th || || || || ||Aug 4th || || || || || || || || || ||July 14th 12:30 ||MEG ||Duncan Astle, Dennis Norris & Sue Gathercole ||Short-term memory training and resting state MEG || ||12:50 ||discussion ||Marta Correia ||Which sequences/functional localisers to run after the upgrade || ||July 7th ||CLOSED ||La Tour de France ||Stage profile of the cambridge - London route || ||June 30th ||HBM feedback ||TBC ||TBC || ||June 23rd ||fMRI ||Ana Catarino, Tibor Auer ||An investigation on memory control using real-time fMRI || || ||MEG ||Alex Billig, Bob Carlyon ||Auditory streaming: Neural signatures and intentional control || ||June 16th ||Special talk ||Nikolaus Weiskopf ([[http://www.fil.ion.ucl.ac.uk/Research/physics.html|UCL]]) ||Towards in-vivo histology using MRI || ||June 9th ||no IIG ||HBM ||HBM || || || || || || ||2nd June ||MEG ||Nadja Tschentscher, Olaf Hauk ||The neural dynamics of memory and executive functions in abstract problem solving || ||May 26th ||'''BANK HOL''' || || || ||May 19 ||'''Special Talk''' ||[[http://psych.cf.ac.uk/contactsandpeople/researchfellows/muthu.php|Dr. Suresh Muthukuma-raswami]]<
> (Cardiff University) ||''Investigations into the physiological basis of MEG'' || ||May 12th 13:00 ||MEG ||Arjen Link, Rik Henson, Niko, MArieke ||Predictive coding as it happens. || ||13:20 ||talk ||Chuen Wai Lee cwl36@cam.ac.uk ||Investigating Brain Function and Behaviour in Neonates || ||May 5th ||'''BANK HOL''' || || || ||April 28th ||fMRI ||Jonathan M. Fawcett, Roland Benoit, Jun Kawaguchi and Michael Anderson ||Isolating the neural mechanisms responsible for suppressing autobiographical memories. || ||April 14th ||fMRI ||Alex Walther, Seyed KalighRazavi, Marieke Mur, Nikolaus Kriegeskorte ||''The transformation of representational similarity along human ventral-stream stages of visual object processing'' || || ||fMRI - feedback on previous study ||Ausaf Farooqui ||Control of Extended Task Episodes project feedback || || ||fMRI ||Seyed KalighRazavi, Nikolaus Kriegeskorte ||'''Is it feedforward or recurrent processing that forms the IT categorical structure?''' || ||April 7 ||'''Special Talk''' ||[[http://www.cbs.mpg.de/staff/turner-10649|Prof. Robert Turner]] <
> (MPI Leipzig) ||''7T MRI: A Game-Changer for Human Neuroscience '' || ||March 31 ||'''Special Talk''' ||[[http://iris.ucl.ac.uk/iris/browse/profile?upi=LITVA78|Dr. Vladimir Litvak]] (UCL) ||''SPM12 for MEG/EEG: what’s new?<
>Toolbox for data analysis in source space and other new features in SPM12'' || ||March 24 || || || || ||March 17 ||fMRI ||Julia Gillard Tim Dalgleish ||'''Social information processing in response to autobiographical memories of social rejection and affiliation''' || || ||EEG ||Rachel Moseley, Friedemann Pulvermuller, Simon Baron-Cohen ||Brain categorisation of sounds in conditions of high and low variability: an EEG comparison of adults with and without autism || || ||fMRI ||Ausaf A Forooqui, Tom Manly ||Control of Extended Task Episodes || ||March 10 ||no presentations || || || ||March 3 ||MEG ||Elizabeth Fonteneau ||Prediction and constraints on morphological processing (EMEG) || || ||fMRI ||Matt Davis, Jo Taylor, and Connor Quinn ||'Consolidation effects on the learning of novel written words and objects' || ||Feb 25 || /!\ IMC || || || ||FEB 24 ||MRI ||Nick Furl, Michael Lohse ||Motion-defined face spaces in occipitotemporal cortex (FMRI) || || ||MEG ||Nick Furl, Michael Lohse ||HIerarchicial interactions and repetition suppression to dynamic facial identities and expressions (MEG) || || || || || || ||Feb 10 (12:30m) ||MEG ||'''Thomas Cope, Matt Davies and James Rowe''' ||'Brain mechanisms for the analysis of degraded speech in people with aphasia.' || ||(12:50pm) ||MRI ||Duncan Astle ||“The Centre for Attention Learning and Memory” || ||(13:10pm) ||EEG ||Akaysha Tang ||Application of SOBI to high density EEG: from scalp measures to neuronal sources || ||January 22 || /!\ IMC || || || ||January 20 ||MRS ||Taylor Schmitz and Michael Anderson ||'''"Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS): Theory and application to cognitive neuroscience''' || ||January 6 2015 ||MEG-UK Presentations ||Kamen Tsvetanov, James Rowe, Rik Henson <
> Alex Clarke<
> Duncan Astle<
> Laura Hughes, James Rowe ||"Using MEG to disentangle neural and vascular contributions to BOLD resting state variability."<
> "Dynamics of visual object recognition"<
> "Functional brain connectivity in childhood" <
>"MEG in patients with frontotemporal dementia." || || || || || || ||16 December ||Fun || ||Christmas IIG: Showing of "Dinner for one" || ||December 9 || || || || ||Nov 27 || /!\ IMC || || || ||November 25 ||fMRI ||Helen Blank, Matt Davis ||Decoding influences of prior information on speech perception || || ||MEG ||Anastasia Klimovich-Smith ||Prediction and referencing in suffix processing || || ||fMRI ||Yun-Hsuan Huang ||Interaction between syntactic complexity and probability during spoken language comprehension || || || || || || || || || || || ||Oct 30th || /!\ IMC || || || ||Oct 28th ||fMRI ||Kristjan Kalm, Jane Hall ||Representation of temporal order in long term memory || ||Oct 28th ||fMRI ||Kristjan Kalm, Jane Hall ||Representation of temporal order in long term memory || || ||fMRI ||Li Su, John O'brien ||fMRI markers of early dementia for high risk individuals with family and/or genetic proneness || || || || || || ||Oct 7th ||MRI ||Ewbank, von dem Hagen, Powell, Baron-Cohen, Calder ||Investigating repetition suppression in autism spectrum conditions || ||Sep 18th ||I'''MC''' || || || ||Sep 16th ||MEG-EEG ||Alink, Mur, Kriegeskorte & Henson ||MEG-EEG response patterns to predictable and unpredictable images – a pilot study || ||Sep 9th ||TBC || || || ||Sep 18th ||I'''MC''' || || || ||Sep 16th ||MEG-EEG ||Alink, Mur, Kriegeskorte & Henson ||MEG-EEG response patterns to predictable and unpredictable images – a pilot study || ||Sep 9th ||TBC || || || ||August 12th ||fMRI ||Jason Stretton ||Social rank processing in depression || || ||Special presentation ||Tibor Auer ||'''AA 4.1: the standardised pipeline in the CBSU for analysing fMRI data – new features''' || || || || || || ||July 24th || /!\ IMC || || || ||July 24th || /!\ IMC || || || ||July 22nd || ||Francesca Carota, Mirjana Bozic, William Marslen-Wilson ||'''Neurocognitive systems underpinning morphological complexity in Italian''' || ||June 24th ||EEG-fMRI ||Corinne Bareham, Tristan Bekinschtein, Valdas Noreika ||EEG-fMRI - Preparation, acquisition and pre-processing problems (and some solutions) || ||June 17th || || || || ||june 10th ||fMRI ||Kristjan Kalm ||The effects of physiological noise regression on univariate and multivariate fMRI analyses || ||June 5th ||IMC /!\ || || || ||June 3rd ||MEG ||'''Neural reconstruction of poor phonology in dyslexia''' ||Alan J Power || ||May 20th ||MRS ||Marta Correia, Taylor Schmitz ||Magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS): Theoretical background and applications to cognitive neuroscience || ||May 13th MC chairing ||fMRI ||Seyed Kaligh-Razavi, Alex Walther and Niko Kriegeskorte ||is it feedforward or recurrent processing that forms the IT categorical structure? || || ||fMRi and MEG ||Dr Kate Baker, Duncan Astle ||BINGO - Brain in Neurodevelopmental disorders of Genetic Origin || || ||fMRi and MEG ||Dr Kate Baker, Duncan Astle ||BINGO - Brain in Neurodevelopmental disorders of Genetic Origin || ||April 29th ||no meeting ||(school visit) || || ||April 24th ||IMC /!\ || || || ||April 22nd MC chairing ||fMRI ||Mirjana Bozic, William Marslen-Wilson et al ||Computational capacities of the dual language networks || ||April 15th ||no meeting || || || ||April 8th ||no meeting ||<
> || || ||March 18th and 25th ||no meeting || || || ||March 11th ||fMRI ||Ferreira, Schmitz & Anderson ||Inhibition across modalities: the Supramodal Inhibition Hypothesis || ||March 4th ||no meeting || || || ||Feb 27th ||'''__IMC meeting__''' || || || ||Feb 25th ||MEG and fMRI structurals ||Duncan Astle, Andria Shimi and Jessica Barnes ||The functional brain networks in childhood || || ||fMRI / EEG ||Corinne Bareham, Tristan Bekinschtein, Valdas Noreika ||Spatial bias in the process of falling asleep: an EEG-fMRI study || ||Feb 18th ||tbc || || || ||Feb 11th ||fMRI ||Francesca Cormack, Joni Holmes, Sally Butterfield, Sue Gathercole ||MR Imaging of children with low working memory || ||Feb 4th ||no meeting || || || ||Wed 30th Jan '''2013''' ||'''__IMC meeting__''' |-) || || || ||Monday 28th Jan '''2013''' ||last IIG before imc fMRI ||Francesca ||Childrens project || ||Monday 21st Jan '''2013''' ||no meeting || || || ||Monday 14th Jan '''2013''' ||fMRI ||Kristjan Kalm ||Representations of item and order in short term memory || || ||MEG ||Ediz Sohoglu, Matt Davis ||Perceptual learning of degraded speech: An MEG investigation || || || || || ||Tuesday 11th Dec 2012 ||fMRI ||Alex Walther, Niko Kriegeskorte, Seyed-Mahdi Khaligh-Razavi ||the transformation of representational similarity across processing stages of the ventral object-vision stream || || ||fMRI ||Yara van Someren, Johan Carlin, Ian Charest, Jenna Parker, Nikolaus Kriegeskorte ||Multisensory neural representations of other people || || ||fMRI ||Anastasia Klimovich-Smith, William Marslen-Wilson, Mirjana Bozic ||Structure in Language Processing: from Word to Phrase || ||MONDAY 3/12/12 ||(MC) ||Maria Wimber ||Dynamic (de)selection processes in episodic memory || || || ||Bernhard Staresina, Rik Henson, Maria Wimber ||Offline reactivation: An MEG flicker study || ||'''26/11/12 ''' ||'''CIA''' ||'''Olaf hauk''' ||'''Clinic for Imaging Analysis (CIA)''' || ||21/11/12 ||'''__ |-) Last IMC meeting of 2012__''' || || || ||19/11/12 ||fMRI ||Michael Ewbank, Elisabeth von dem Hagen, Tom Powell, Rik Henson, Andy Calder. ||Investigating effects of expectation and stimulus type on the relationship between autistic traits and repetition suppression || ||12/11/12 ||no meeting || || || ||5/11/12 ||no meeting ||NO SFN feedback session || || ||29/10/12 ||(MC) || || || ||'''__24/10/12__''' ||'''__ |-) IMC meeting__''' || ||8/10/12 - 22/10/12 ||no meetings || || || ||1/10/12 ||TALK ||Matti Stenroos ||Models for MEG and EEG in source imaging: questioning conventional practices and assumptions || || ||TALK ||Ian Charest ||Representations of particular objects in human inferior temporal cortex are individually unique and predict perceived similarity || ||26/09/12 || |-) '''__IMC meeting__''' || ||24/09/12 ||fMRI ||Yaara Erez, John Duncan ||Attentional focus and information processing in frontoparietal and posterior cortex || || ||fMRI ||Christiane Brenner, Daniel Mitchell, John Duncan ||Switching ability, general intelligence, and multiple-demand network activity: An fMRI study || || ||fMRI ||Roland Benoit, Michael Anderson ||Suppressing anxiety-evoking future events || ||17/09/12 ||Discussion ||Marta Correia ||optimisation of MRI sequences for VBM studies || ||10/09/12 ||fMRI (MC) ||Hamed Nili, Rik Henson and Nikolaus Kriegeskorte ||'''orientation tolerance in category specific ventral temporal regions (oriFPO)''' || ||03/09/12 ||no meetings || || || [[http://imaging.mrc-cbu.cam.ac.uk/imaging/PreviousIigSchedule|Past IIG Events]]