The current syllabus (latest update: 6/3/2013) can be viewed here: EMA_syllabus_060313.pdf
13/2, Marta, Introduction to MRI Physics: MRPhysics.ppt
20/2, Marta, MRI Physics II: the BOLD signal and common image artefacts: MRPhysicsII.ppt
26/2, Olaf, Introduction to Matrix Algebra: IntroMatrixAlgebra.pdf example_algebra
27/2, Olaf, The General Linear Model: IntroGLM_27Feb13.pdf Example Scripts GLM 27Feb13.m
6/3, Matti, MEG: Physics and forward modelling: MEGforward_Stenroos_EMA13.pdf
13/3, Olaf, MEG II: bear with me.
For questions, feedback, or general suggestions, email