DesigningStudies - MRC CBU Imaging Wiki

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Revision 21 as of 2009-10-16 16:32:19

location: DesigningStudies

Designing studies

There are many important issues that need to be considered when designing an fMRI experiment, at many different levels.

General principles

  • DesignBasics - some ideas on asking the right kinds of scientific questions with fMRI

  • [:UnderstandingFmri:Learning about the physics of fMRI]

  • DesignEfficiency - considerations on how to construct an imaging experiment that has sufficient power

Useful tips

  • [:TipsForDataAcquisition:Tips for data acquisition]

  • [:TipsForSuccessfulScanning:Tips for successful scanning]

  • For stimulus delivery on the CBU scanner see the MRI facility wiki pages - CbuStimulusDelivery

  • ScanProtocols - CBU defaut imaging protocols

  • [wiki:WritingStimulusDeliveryPrograms Writing stimulus delivery programs]

  • [wiki:ScannerSync Using scanner sync] to synchronise your stimulus delivery program with the scanner