= Connectivity Interest Group = || || || || || '''Summer Term 2011''' || || || ||13 April (11am CBU LT)|| Rik Henson (CBU) ||''Introduction to CONIG, connectivity and DCM for fMRI''attachment:CONIG_Henson_1_Intro.ppt|| ||6 May (FRIDAY, 11am, CBU LT)|| Alex Clarke (CSL) ||''Synchronisation in the ventral stream supports complex semantic processing: evidence from MEG''attachment:CONIG_PLVs_Alex_Clarke.pptx|| ||12 May|| James Rowe (CBU/CS)||Advanced DCM: ''Bayesian model selection, random/fixed effects, model families''attachment:CONIG_DCM_Rowe.ppt|| ||26 May|| Michael Ewbank (CBU) ||Example application of above to fMRI data on adaptation to visual images of bodies in EBA/FBA''attachment:Ewbank_CONIG.pptx|| ||9 June|| Bernhard Staresina (CBU)|| Measures of power-power, power-phase, phase-phase, etc using intracranial EEG''attachment:staresina_conig.pdf|| ||23 June|| Rik Henson (CBU) ||DCM for time-frequency coupling of E/MEG data: induced power and phase-locking''attachment:MEEG_DCM_for_Time-Frequency.ppt. NB: if you want the movies for this ppt, then contact Rik|| ||7 July|| Elisabeth Von Dem Hagen (CBU) ||ICA analysis of resting state fMRI data''attachment:CONIG_EvdH.pptx|| ||28 July|| Matthew Brookes (Nottingham) ||Relating functional connectivity in MEG and fMRI|| || || || || || '''Autumn Term 2011''' || || || ||20 Oct|| Rik Henson (CBU)|| DCM for evoked responses: similarities and important differences between MEG/EEG and fMRIEEG''attachment:ConIG_DCM_for_Evoked_MEG_fMRI.ppt|| ||3 Nov|| John Griffiths (CSL)|| Connecting structural and dynamic connectivity: conduction delays, fibre geometry, and tissue microstructure''attachment:GriffithsConnectingStructuralDynamicConnectivity.ppt|| ||17 Nov|| Mika Rubinov (BCNI)|| Characterization of complex functional brain networks''attachment:conig_talk_mika_nov2011.pdf || ||1 Dec|| Nick Furl (CBU)|| Nonlinear frequency coupling among face-selective areas in schizophrenics and normal controls || ||15 Dec|| Ben Crittenden (CBU)|| Discussion of recent Lohmann et al critique of DCM for fMRI:''attachment:ConIG_Dec2011_BC.pptx || || || || || || '''Spring Term 2012''' || || || ||19 Jan|| Nitin Williams (CBU)|| Discussion of Sclogl & Supp paper on MVAR models, and derivation of COH, pCOH, iCOH, PDC, DTF etc:''attachment:Schlogl06.pdf || ||2 Feb|| Andrea Greve (CBU), Tim Rittman (CS), Simon Davis (CSL) || ICA for Resting State fMRI: choices for patient group studies:''attachment:ICA_Theme_Variations.pdf || ||16 Feb || Tristan Bekinschtein (CBU)|| Discussion of Boly et al Science paper on DCM for ERPs in VS patients || ||1 Mar || NO MEETING || || ||8 Mar|| Prantik Kundu (Psychiatry)|| Summary of his recent paper: Multi-Echo/ICA : A new framework for denoising fMRI data''attachment:prantik_inpress.pdf || ||22 Mar || John Griffiths (CSL) || Discussion fo Friston et al, 2012: DCM for complex-valued data: cross-spectra, coherence and phase-delays || ||TBA|| Alexander Walther (CBU)|| Discussion of paper on directed connectivity via multivariate mutual information and transfer entropy ||