Diff for "BatchRenderRfx" - MRC CBU Imaging Wiki
location: Diff for "BatchRenderRfx"
Differences between revisions 1 and 40 (spanning 39 versions)
Revision 1 as of 2006-10-01 20:12:08
Size: 4890
Revision 40 as of 2013-03-07 21:24:07
Size: 9395
Editor: localhost
Comment: converted to 1.6 markup
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
Line 1: Line 1:
Modified version Ferath's script to threshhold and print SPM5 results.
The script prints rendered activations as well as a list of coordinates.
The first six blocks of lines are the ones you need to (or are most likely to
want to) change. Originally modifi
ed by DannyMitchell and subsequently by IanNimmoSmith.
Modified version Ferath's script ([[attachment:BatchRenderRFX.m]]) to threshhold and print SPM5 results. The script prints glass brains and rendered activations as well as the first page of the results table. The lines in block (3) are the ones you need to (or are most likely to want to) change. Originally modified by DannyMitchell and subsequently by IanNimmoSmith.
Line 6: Line 3:
 1. The program needs files [[attachment:cls_getRes.m]] and [[attachment:cls_getSPM2.m]] . For CBU people the following line should find them, otherwise you need to download them and point to their path. {{{addpath /imaging/dm01/MoreTools/spm2Batch}}}. Also, you should add a path to the custom spm_render_dm, which solves some of the issues of the default spm_render command {{{addpath /imaging/dm01/MEG/aaMEG}}}. Finally, if you are using AAL, you should add the path to its toolkit, e.g. {{addpath /imaging/av02/tools/aal}}
Line 7: Line 5:
 1. Path to data, and where the results are printed
 {{{dataroot = '/imaging/dm01/TestReCon';}}}
 1. Last updated 03/08 by DannyMitchell and [[http://imaging.mrc-cbu.cam.ac.uk/basewiki/AlejandroVicenteGrabovetsky|AlejandroVicenteGrabovetsky]]
Line 10: Line 7:
 1. Name of folder, in above directory, where analysis is
 1. {{{
dataroot = ''; % path to data
anadirs = {''}; % name of folder(s), in above directory, where analysis is (useful if you have used several models in analysis)
cond_dir={''}; % cell array of folder names in outputdir, containing the SPMs for each contrast
% %%(AVG) Alternatively, save the data from your 'aamod_firstlevel_contrasts.m' file onto a 'contrast_names.mat' file and do the following:
% load contrast_names
% cond_dir=cname; %cname is the array of contrast names and their directory names in your second level analysis folder
%{set the following variable to 'yes' to do a 2-tailed test and show
% rendered activations and deactivations (Glass brains will
% only show positive activations). Set it to 'no' to to a 1-tailed test
% and only calculate positive activations. %}
ShowDeactivations = 'no';
Threshold=0.05; % p threshold
ExtentThreshold=0; % minimum number of contiguous voxels
addpath /imaging/dm01/MoreTools/spm2Batch %{the program needs files cls_getRes.m and cls_getSPM2.m. For CBU people this line will find them, otherwise you need to download them and point to their path.%}
MCC='FDR'; % method for correcting for multiple comparisons : 'FWE','FDR', or 'none'
Brain='/imaging/local/spm/spm5/rend/render_smooth_average.mat'%render_single_subj.mat' %render_smooth_average.mat'; % the brain on which you want to render the results
Style=1; % Rendering Style: NaN=old, 1=normal, <1=brighter (0.75 = light, 0.5 = more, 0.25 = lots)
% for results table
num=3; % number of maxima per cluster
dis=8; % distance among clusters (mm)
doaal = 0; % Label anatomical clusters with AAL? 1=yes 0=no
ignore_empty = 1 % (AVG) Create a file if there are no significant voxels? 1=yes 0=no
Line 13: Line 32:
 1. Cell array of folder names in outputdir, containing the SPMs for each contrast
coi=[29, -57, 45] % coordinate of interest for check_reg if no significant voxels}}}
Line 16: Line 34:
 1. Set the following variable to 'yes' to do a 2-tailed test and show rendered activations and deactivations (assumes that positive and negative second level contrasts have already been calculated; Glass brains will
 only show positive activations). Set it to 'no' to to a 1-tailed test and only calculate positive activations.
 {{{ShowDeactivations = 'no';}}}
 1. {{{
%%%%%%% Do it:
for j = 1:size(anadirs,2)
Line 20: Line 39:
 1. p threshold

 1. Minimum number of contiguous voxels

The program needs files cls_getRes.m and cls_getSPM2.m.
For CBU people this line will find them, otherwise you need to download them
and point to their path.

{{{addpath /imaging/dm01/MoreTools/spm2Batch}}}

Method for correcting for multiple comparisons : 'FWE','FDR', or 'none'

The brain on which you want to render the results

{{{%%%%%%% Do it:
if exist(fullfile(dataroot,strcat(outputdir,'_RFX_Rendered.ps')))==2
disp(strcat('Printing results to:...',fullfile(dataroot,strcat(outputdir,'_RFX_Rendered.ps'))))
Line 46: Line 42:
try q=defaults.units{3}; catch; defaults.units={'mm','mm','mm'}; end;
Line 47: Line 45:
%--------------------------------------------------------------------  1. {{{
Line 49: Line 47:
Line 60: Line 57:
clear SPM}}}
Line 61: Line 59:
clear SPM  1. {{{
    for i = 1:size(cond_dir,2)
        condir = fullfile(dataroot,outputdir,cond_dir{i});
        % Checks if there is a rendered file made for this contrast and deletes the old one
        if exist(strcat(condir,outputfilesuffix),'file')
        xSPM.spmmat = fullfile(condir,'SPM.mat'); % Get SPM path
        %%%%%%%%% modified 080308 to run 2nd level contrasts if not found
        % Set significance thresholds and run t-tests if not done already
        if isempty(SPM.xCon)
            SPM.xCon = spm_FcUtil('Set',cond_dir{i},'T','c',1,SPM.xX.xKXs);
        if lower(ShowDeactivations(1))=='y'
            xSPM.u=Threshold/2; % 2-tailed
            TailText=strcat('2-tailed, p<',num2str(Threshold));
            if length(SPM.xCon)<2
                SPM.xCon(end+1) = spm_FcUtil('Set',strcat('Negative_',cond_dir{i}),'T','c',-1,SPM.xX.xKXs);
            xSPM.u=Threshold; % 1-tailed
            TailText=strcat('1-tailed, p<',num2str(Threshold));
        if isempty(SPM.xCon(1).Vcon)
        delete(gcf) % this is a bit annoying, but for some reason I had problems without it
        clear dat
        for con=2:-1:1 % get any -ve tail first, so that glass brain ends up showing +ve tail
            xSPM=bck_xSPM; % Reset xSPM to default
            xSPM.Ic=con; %Set the current contrast Index
            if strcmp(ShowDeactivations,'no') && con==2; continue; end;
                [hReg,xSPM,SPM] = csl_getRes(xSPM);
                if exist('dat','var')
                    dat(end+1) = struct('XYZ', xSPM.XYZ,'t', xSPM.Z','mat', xSPM.M,'dim', xSPM.DIM);
                    dat(1) = struct('XYZ', xSPM.XYZ,'t', xSPM.Z','mat', xSPM.M,'dim', xSPM.DIM);
                xSPM.u=Threshold; % 1-tailed
                TailText=strcat('1-tailed, p<',num2str(Threshold));
Line 63: Line 109:
for i = 1:size(cond_dir,2)
    condir = fullfile(dataroot,outputdir,cond_dir{i});
    xSPM.spmmat = fullfile(condir,'SPM.mat'); % Get SPM path
    if ShowDeactivations(1)=='y'
        xSPM.u=0.025; % 2-tailed
        TailText='2-tailed, p<0.05';
        xSPM.u=0.05; % 1-tailed
        TailText='1-tailed, p<0.05';
    delete(gcf) % this is a bit annoying, but for some reason I had problems without it
    for i=2:-1:1
        xSPM= bck_xSPM; % Reset xSPM to default
        xSPM.Ic=i; %Set the current contrast Index
        [hReg,xSPM,SPM] = csl_getRes(xSPM);
        dat(3-i) = struct( 'XYZ', xSPM.XYZ,...
            't', xSPM.Z',...
            'mat', xSPM.M,...
            'dim', xSPM.DIM);
    clear flipdat
    if ShowDeactivations(1)=='y'
        ann1=annotation('textbox',[0 .94 1 .06],'Color','r','String',{strcat('RFX results (',TailText,' correction=',MCC,', red=positive)'),strcat('Data:...',condir),strcat('Date:...',datestr(now,0))},'edge','none');
        dat=circshift(dat,[1 1]);
Line 96: Line 112:
            spm_render(flipdat(1),0.5,Brain);             % should work if all tails tested have significant voxels
Line 100: Line 117:
                ann1=annotation('textbox',[0 .94 1 .06],'Color','r','String',{strcat('RFX results (',TailText,' correction=',MCC,', RED=NEGATIVE)'),strcat('Data:...',condir),strcat('Date:...',datestr(now,0))},'edge','none');
                % just render +ve tail if no significant -ve voxels
                ann1=annotation('textbox',[0 .94 1 .06],'Color','r','String',{strcat('RFX results (',TailText,' correction=',MCC,', red=positive)'),strcat('Data:...',condir),strcat('Date:...',datestr(now,0))},'edge','none');
Line 103: Line 121:
                ann1=annotation('textbox',[0 .94 1 .06],'Color','r','String',{strcat('RFX results (',TailText,' correction=',MCC,') No significant effects'),strcat('Data:...',condir),strcat('Date:...',datestr(now,0))},'edge','none');                 try
                    % just render -ve tail if no significant +ve voxels
                    dat(1)=dat(2); dat(1).t=zeros(length(dat(1).XYZ),1); % set dat(1) as empty dat(2)
                    ann1=annotation('textbox',[0 .94 1 .06],'Color','r','String',{strcat('RFX results (',TailText,' correction=',MCC,', blue=negative)'),strcat('Data:...',condir),strcat('Date:...',datestr(now,0))},'edge','none');
                    % probably no significant voxels
                    if ignore_empty == 0
                        %%(AVG) Probably no need to draw, so do next contrast rather than print this one
                        %%(djm) Overlay the results of individual subjects
                        ann1=annotation('textbox',[0 .94 1 .06],'Color','r','String',{strcat('RFX results (',TailText,' correction=',MCC,') No significant voxels; showing all subjects at %s'),strcat('Data:...',condir),strcat('Date:...',datestr(now,0))},'edge','none',mat2str(coi));
Line 106: Line 140:

        try spm_print(strcat(condir,outputfilesuffix));
        catch fprintf('\nFailed to print! (check write permissions?)'); return

        TabDat=spm_list('List',xSPM,hReg,num, dis);
        for r=1:size(TabDat.dat,1)
            if ~isempty(TabDat.dat{r,4}); tot=tot+TabDat.dat{r,4};end
        if tot>0
            ann1=annotation('textbox',[0 .94 1 .06],'Color','r','String',{strcat('RFX results (',TailText,' correction=',MCC,')'),strcat('Data:...',condir),strcat('Date:...',datestr(now,0))},'edge','none');
            ann2=annotation('textbox',[0 0 1 .02],'Color','r','String',strcat('First page of table only. Total number of significant voxels=',num2str(tot)),'edge','none');

        %Following section borrowed from Mirjana Bozic's script
        if doaal == 1
            % SPM_print anatomical labels for clusters using batch-enabled AAL scripts
        xSPM= bck_xSPM; % Reset xSPM to default
Line 107: Line 167:
    xSPM= bck_xSPM; % Reset xSPM to default
    fprintf('\nFinished.\nResults saved to: %s.\r',strcat(condir,outputfilesuffix));

Modified version Ferath's script (BatchRenderRFX.m) to threshhold and print SPM5 results. The script prints glass brains and rendered activations as well as the first page of the results table. The lines in block (3) are the ones you need to (or are most likely to want to) change. Originally modified by DannyMitchell and subsequently by IanNimmoSmith.

  1. The program needs files cls_getRes.m and cls_getSPM2.m . For CBU people the following line should find them, otherwise you need to download them and point to their path. addpath /imaging/dm01/MoreTools/spm2Batch. Also, you should add a path to the custom spm_render_dm, which solves some of the issues of the default spm_render command addpath /imaging/dm01/MEG/aaMEG. Finally, if you are using AAL, you should add the path to its toolkit, e.g. addpath /imaging/av02/tools/aal

  2. Last updated 03/08 by DannyMitchell and AlejandroVicenteGrabovetsky

  3. dataroot = ''; % path to data
    anadirs = {''}; % name of folder(s), in above directory, where analysis is (useful if you have used several models in analysis)
    cond_dir={''}; % cell array of folder names in outputdir, containing the SPMs for each contrast
    % %%(AVG) Alternatively, save the data from your 'aamod_firstlevel_contrasts.m' file onto a 'contrast_names.mat' file and do the following:
    % load contrast_names
    % cond_dir=cname; %cname is the array of contrast names and their directory names in your second level analysis folder
    %{set the following variable to 'yes' to do a 2-tailed test and show
    % rendered activations and deactivations (Glass brains will
    % only show positive activations). Set it to 'no' to to a 1-tailed test
    % and only calculate positive activations. %}
    ShowDeactivations = 'no';
    Threshold=0.05; % p threshold
    ExtentThreshold=0; % minimum number of contiguous voxels
    addpath /imaging/dm01/MoreTools/spm2Batch %{the program needs files cls_getRes.m and cls_getSPM2.m. For CBU people this line will find them, otherwise you need to download them and point to their path.%}
    MCC='FDR'; % method for correcting for multiple comparisons : 'FWE','FDR', or 'none'
    Brain='/imaging/local/spm/spm5/rend/render_smooth_average.mat'%render_single_subj.mat' %render_smooth_average.mat'; % the brain on which you want to render the results
    Style=1; % Rendering Style: NaN=old, 1=normal, <1=brighter (0.75 = light, 0.5 = more, 0.25 = lots)
    % for results table
    num=3;    % number of maxima per cluster
    dis=8;    % distance among clusters (mm)
    doaal = 0; % Label anatomical clusters with AAL? 1=yes 0=no
    ignore_empty = 1 % (AVG) Create a file if there are no significant voxels? 1=yes 0=no
    coi=[29, -57, 45] % coordinate of interest for check_reg if no significant voxels
  4. %%%%%%% Do it:
    for  j = 1:size(anadirs,2)
    global defaults
    try q=defaults.units{3}; catch; defaults.units={'mm','mm','mm'}; end;
  5. %- xSPM is a structure for the parameters
    xSPM = struct( ...
        'swd', '', ... % full path to SPM.mat file
        'Ic', [], ... % no of contrast (or contrasts for conjunction)
        'Im', [],... % no of contrast to mask with. Empty for no masking
        'pm', [],... % masking contrast uncorrected p
        'Ex', [],... % whether masking is inclusive or exclusive
        'title', '',... % if empty results in default contrast title
        'Mcp', MCC,... % Mutiple comp method: FWE|FDR|none
        'u', Threshold,... % threshold (corrected or uncorrected, as above)
        'k', ExtentThreshold); % extent threshold
    clear SPM
  6.     for i = 1:size(cond_dir,2)
            condir = fullfile(dataroot,outputdir,cond_dir{i});
            % Checks if there is a rendered file made for this contrast and deletes the old one
            if exist(strcat(condir,outputfilesuffix),'file')
            xSPM.spmmat = fullfile(condir,'SPM.mat'); % Get SPM path
            %%%%%%%%% modified 080308 to run 2nd level contrasts if not found
            % Set significance thresholds and run t-tests if not done already
            if isempty(SPM.xCon)
                SPM.xCon = spm_FcUtil('Set',cond_dir{i},'T','c',1,SPM.xX.xKXs);
            if lower(ShowDeactivations(1))=='y'
                xSPM.u=Threshold/2; % 2-tailed
                TailText=strcat('2-tailed, p<',num2str(Threshold));
                if length(SPM.xCon)<2
                    SPM.xCon(end+1) = spm_FcUtil('Set',strcat('Negative_',cond_dir{i}),'T','c',-1,SPM.xX.xKXs);
                xSPM.u=Threshold; % 1-tailed
                TailText=strcat('1-tailed, p<',num2str(Threshold));
            if isempty(SPM.xCon(1).Vcon)
            delete(gcf) % this is a bit annoying, but for some reason I had problems without it
            clear dat
            for con=2:-1:1 % get any -ve tail first, so that glass brain ends up showing +ve tail
                xSPM=bck_xSPM; % Reset xSPM to default
                xSPM.Ic=con; %Set the current contrast Index
                if strcmp(ShowDeactivations,'no') && con==2; continue; end;
                    [hReg,xSPM,SPM] = csl_getRes(xSPM);
                    if exist('dat','var')
                        dat(end+1) = struct('XYZ', xSPM.XYZ,'t', xSPM.Z','mat', xSPM.M,'dim', xSPM.DIM);
                        dat(1) = struct('XYZ', xSPM.XYZ,'t', xSPM.Z','mat', xSPM.M,'dim', xSPM.DIM);
                    xSPM.u=Threshold; % 1-tailed
                    TailText=strcat('1-tailed, p<',num2str(Threshold));
            dat=circshift(dat,[1 1]);
                % should work if all tails tested have significant voxels
                ann1=annotation('textbox',[0 .94 1 .06],'Color','r','String',{strcat('RFX results (',TailText,' correction=',MCC,', red=positive)'),strcat('Data:...',condir),strcat('Date:...',datestr(now,0))},'edge','none');
                    % just render +ve tail if no significant -ve voxels
                    ann1=annotation('textbox',[0 .94 1 .06],'Color','r','String',{strcat('RFX results (',TailText,' correction=',MCC,', red=positive)'),strcat('Data:...',condir),strcat('Date:...',datestr(now,0))},'edge','none');
                        % just render -ve tail if no significant +ve voxels
                        dat(1)=dat(2); dat(1).t=zeros(length(dat(1).XYZ),1); % set dat(1) as empty dat(2)
                        ann1=annotation('textbox',[0 .94 1 .06],'Color','r','String',{strcat('RFX results (',TailText,' correction=',MCC,', blue=negative)'),strcat('Data:...',condir),strcat('Date:...',datestr(now,0))},'edge','none');
                        % probably no significant voxels
                        if ignore_empty == 0
                            %%(AVG) Probably no need to draw, so do next contrast rather than print this one
                            %%(djm) Overlay the results of individual subjects
                            ann1=annotation('textbox',[0 .94 1 .06],'Color','r','String',{strcat('RFX results (',TailText,' correction=',MCC,') No significant voxels; showing all subjects at %s'),strcat('Data:...',condir),strcat('Date:...',datestr(now,0))},'edge','none',mat2str(coi));
            try spm_print(strcat(condir,outputfilesuffix));
            catch fprintf('\nFailed to print! (check write permissions?)'); return
            TabDat=spm_list('List',xSPM,hReg,num, dis);
            for r=1:size(TabDat.dat,1)
                if ~isempty(TabDat.dat{r,4}); tot=tot+TabDat.dat{r,4};end
            if tot>0
                ann1=annotation('textbox',[0 .94 1 .06],'Color','r','String',{strcat('RFX results (',TailText,' correction=',MCC,')'),strcat('Data:...',condir),strcat('Date:...',datestr(now,0))},'edge','none');
                ann2=annotation('textbox',[0 0 1 .02],'Color','r','String',strcat('First page of table only. Total number of significant voxels=',num2str(tot)),'edge','none');
            %Following section borrowed from Mirjana Bozic's script
            if doaal == 1
                % SPM_print anatomical labels for clusters using batch-enabled AAL scripts
            xSPM= bck_xSPM; % Reset xSPM to default
        fprintf('\nFinished.\nResults saved to: %s.\r',strcat(condir,outputfilesuffix));

CbuImaging: BatchRenderRfx (last edited 2013-03-07 21:24:07 by localhost)