## page was renamed from AutomaticAnalysis [[Include(AutomaticAnalysisTopbar)]] ---- ''' Contents ''' [[TableOfContents]] ---- = Recipes that are available = These apply to the development version, soon to be released (Sep 2006). = Considerations when choosing a recipe = == Slice timing or not? == See the page on SliceTiming for a discussion == Realign and unwarp or just realign? == See the [wiki:MotionCorrection#realign_unwarp Realign Unwarp] section of the MotionCorrection page. == Scripting your modelling? == The newer releases of aa allow scripted first level modelling, first level contrasts, and second level modelling. The first level modelling requires you to do a little coding, to specify your design. Unless you are the one neuroimager on the planet that gets the design of the analysis of their experiment exactly right first time, I would recommend this - you'll find it a little effort now for a big gain later. == aarecipe_general_ver02.m == Default recipe without model === Parameter sets === || aap_directory_conventions_ver00 || || aap_options_ver00 || || aap_tasklist_general_ver02 || || aap_spmanalysis_autotr_resliceall_ver00 || || aap_acq_details_ver00 || === Tasklist === || ''stage'' || ''description'' || ''EPI prefix for input'' || || aamod_study_init || Initialise study || || || aamod_newsubj_init || Make subject directory || || || aamod_converttmaps || Convert real time t statistic outputs || || || aamod_copystructural || Structural dicom to nifti and copying || || || aamod_convert_epis || Performing dicom to nifti conversion of EPIs || || || aamod_tsdiffana || Run tsdiffana || f || || aamod_realign || SPM5 realignment || f || || aamod_slicetiming || SPM5 slice timing || rf || || aamod_coreg_noss || SPM5 coregister EPI to structural without skull stripping || arf || || aamod_norm_noss || SPM5 normalisation/segment || arf || || aamod_norm_write || SPM5 write normalised || arf || || aamod_smooth || SPM5 smooth || warf || == aarecipe_general_withmodel_ver01.m == Slice timing first, with model === Parameter sets === || aap_directory_conventions_ver00 || || aap_options_ver00 || || aap_tasklist_general_withmodel_ver02 || || aap_spmanalysis_autotr_resliceall_ver00 || || aap_acq_details_ver00 || === Tasklist === || ''stage'' || ''description'' || ''EPI prefix for input'' || || aamod_study_init || Initialise study || || || aamod_newsubj_init || Make subject directory || || || aamod_converttmaps || Convert real time t statistic outputs || || || aamod_copystructural || Structural dicom to nifti and copying || || || aamod_convert_epis || Performing dicom to nifti conversion of EPIs || || || aamod_tsdiffana || Run tsdiffana || f || || aamod_realign || SPM5 realignment || f || || aamod_slicetiming || SPM5 slice timing || rf || || aamod_coreg_noss || SPM5 coregister EPI to structural without skull stripping || arf || || aamod_norm_noss || SPM5 normalisation/segment || arf || || aamod_norm_write || SPM5 write normalised || arf || || aamod_smooth || SPM5 smooth || warf || || aamod_firstlevel_model || SPM5 first level model || swarf || || aamod_firstlevel_contrasts || SPM5 contrasts || swarf || || aamod_secondlevel_model || SPM5 second level (RFX) model || || == aarecipe_noslicetiming_withmodel_ver00.m == Recipe without slice timing. Suitable for sparse imaging, or when you are going to but event derivatives in your model. === Parameter sets === || aap_directory_conventions_ver00 || || aap_options_ver00 || || aap_tasklist_noslicetiming_withmodel_ver00 || || aap_spmanalysis_autotr_noreslice_ver00 || || aap_acq_details_ver00 || === Tasklist === || ''stage'' || ''description'' || ''EPI prefix for input'' || || aamod_study_init || Initialise study || || || aamod_newsubj_init || Make subject directory || || || aamod_converttmaps || Convert real time t statistic outputs || || || aamod_copystructural || Structural dicom to nifti and copying || || || aamod_convert_epis || Performing dicom to nifti conversion of EPIs || || || aamod_tsdiffana || Run tsdiffana || f || || aamod_realign || SPM5 realignment || f || || aamod_coreg_noss || SPM5 coregister EPI to structural without skull stripping || f || || aamod_norm_noss || SPM5 normalisation/segment || f || || aamod_norm_write || SPM5 write normalised || f || || aamod_smooth || SPM5 smooth || wf || || aamod_firstlevel_model || SPM5 first level model || swf || || aamod_firstlevel_contrasts || SPM5 contrasts || swf || || aamod_secondlevel_model || SPM5 second level (RFX) model || || == aarecipe_realignunwarp_nomodel_ver00.m == Recipe using realign & unwarp without model === Parameter sets === || aap_directory_conventions_ver00 || || aap_options_ver00 || || aap_tasklist_realignunwarp_ver00 || || aap_spmanalysis_autotr_resliceall_ver00 || || aap_acq_details_ver00 || === Tasklist === || ''stage'' || ''description'' || ''EPI prefix for input'' || || aamod_study_init || Initialise study || || || aamod_newsubj_init || Make subject directory || || || aamod_converttmaps || Convert real time t statistic outputs || || || aamod_copystructural || Structural dicom to nifti and copying || || || aamod_convert_epis || Performing dicom to nifti conversion of EPIs || || || aamod_tsdiffana || Run tsdiffana || f || || aamod_realignunwarp || SPM5 realign and unwarp || f || || aamod_slicetiming || SPM5 slice timing || uf || || aamod_coreg_noss || SPM5 coregister EPI to structural without skull stripping || auf || || aamod_norm_noss || SPM5 normalisation/segment || auf || || aamod_norm_write || SPM5 write normalised || auf || || aamod_smooth || SPM5 smooth || wauf || == aarecipe_slicetimingfirst_withmodel_ver00.m == Slice timing first, with model === Parameter sets === || aap_directory_conventions_ver00 || || aap_options_ver00 || || aap_tasklist_slicetimingfirst_withmodel_ver00 || || aap_spmanalysis_autotr_noreslice_ver00 || || aap_acq_details_ver00 || === Tasklist === || ''stage'' || ''description'' || ''EPI prefix for input'' || || aamod_study_init || Initialise study || || || aamod_newsubj_init || Make subject directory || || || aamod_converttmaps || Convert real time t statistic outputs || || || aamod_copystructural || Structural dicom to nifti and copying || || || aamod_convert_epis || Performing dicom to nifti conversion of EPIs || || || aamod_tsdiffana || Run tsdiffana || f || || aamod_slicetiming || SPM5 slice timing || f || || aamod_realign || SPM5 realignment || af || || aamod_coreg_noss || SPM5 coregister EPI to structural without skull stripping || af || || aamod_norm_noss || SPM5 normalisation/segment || af || || aamod_norm_write || SPM5 write normalised || af || || aamod_smooth || SPM5 smooth || waf || || aamod_firstlevel_model || SPM5 first level model || swaf || || aamod_firstlevel_contrasts || SPM5 contrasts || swaf || || aamod_secondlevel_model || SPM5 second level (RFX) model || || == aarecipe_structuralsonly_ver00.m == Recipe that only processes structurals === Parameter sets === || aap_directory_conventions_ver00 || || aap_options_ver00 || || aap_tasklist_structuralsonly || || aap_spmanalysis_autotr_noreslice_ver00 || || aap_acq_details_ver00 || === Tasklist === || ''stage'' || ''description'' || ''EPI prefix for input'' || || aamod_study_init || Initialise study || || || aamod_newsubj_init || Make subject directory || || || aamod_converttmaps || Convert real time t statistic outputs || || || aamod_copystructural || Structural dicom to nifti and copying || ||