[[Include(AutomaticAnalysisTopbar)]] ---- ''' Contents ''' [[TableOfContents]] ---- = Summary = The system automates the analysis of neuroimaging data. This version has been configured to work on data from the Wolfson Brain Imaging Centre, reading Bruker data and analysing it with SPM. It is written in Matlab. [[Anchor(s)]] = Main Features = * '''''Automatic. '''''Almost completely automatic analysis, currently up to the end of normalisation. * '''''Flexible control. '''''Users that are new to neuroimaging don’t get bombarded with options, but are directed to what is essential, while all other settings take sensible defaults. More experienced users can easily change a range of settings, and advanced users can add or replace modules to the system to change any behaviour * '''''Restartable.''''' If the users stops the script, or if it crashes (e.g., because of a machine fault, or because the right data aren’t there) then when restarted it will begin at the stage where it left off. * '''''Modular. '''''The system is modular at two levels, to make it easy to switch in or out relevant parts. * '''''Automatic good citizen behaviour.''''' Field maps and structurals are automatically detected. Structurals are copied to /imaging/local/structurals/cbu automatically by default. * '''''Easy to maintain. '''''The code components are stored in a central repository (/cbu/imagers/spm/aa ?) which means that new components can be made available, or existing ones changed in new releases * '''''Record keeping. '''''Unlike SPM used from the GUI, the system records exactly which parameters were used, and allows easy recreation of a dataset from the raw data at a later date. * '''''Simple interface for new modules. '''''It is easy for Matlab programmers to write new modules and incorporate them into the processing stream. [[Anchor(s)]] = System overview = An overview of the different types of components is shown in this table: ||''Component'' ||''Description'' ||''Location of file'' ||''Expertise needed to write new ones'' || ||User script ||In overall control. Selects a recipe, adds study specific information, and changes any defaults ||User's directory ||Beginner || ||Recipes ||Specifies which parameter sets to use ||Centrally ||Beginner/ Intermediate || ||Parameter sets ||Set default parameters. There are five different basic types of parameter set ||Centrally ||Intermediate || ||Modules ||Run individual stages of processing ||Centrally ||Advanced || ||Engine ||Main automatic analysis engine, which contols module execution ||Centrally ||Advanced || = =The most important of these by far from the user’s point of view is the “User script”. The next section describes this. [[Anchor(s)]] = User script = == Overview == This is the master script, which controls the analysis. Most studies can be analysed with this alone. There are 6 sections to the user script: . ''Section'' ||''Probability you need to change it and when'' || ||1 ||Choosing a recipe ||(0.2) If you use a non-standard acquisition sequence or wish to do a quite different type of analysis || ||2 ||Changing any of the parameter sets in the recipe ||(0.1) If you wish to change a single parameter set controlling part of the automatic processing from what is specified in a recipe || ||3 ||Initialising using the parameter sets ||(0.01) Usually never || ||4 ||Setting study specific details ||(1.0) Always || ||5 ||Set any other parameters that need to differ from the defaults ||(0.6) If you wish to change single parameters || ||6 ||Calling aa_doprocessing to do the processing[[BR]] ||(0.01) Usually never|| {{{ An example, which will process 3 subjects each with 4 sessions up to and including normalisation is below: }}} {{{ }}} {{{ % Automatic analysis }}} {{{ % User master script }}} {{{ % Rhodri Cusack MRC CBU Cambridge 2005 }}} {{{ % (1) RESET ALL PARAMETERS }}} {{{ aap=[]; }}} {{{ % (2) ANALYSIS RECIPE }}} {{{ % General auto TR recipe; slice order Siemens product sequence default }}} {{{ aap=aarecipe_general(aap); }}} {{{ % (3) MODIFY STANDARD RECIPE MODULE SELECTION HERE IF YOU'D LIKE }}} . {{{ % do this here }}} {{{ % (4) GET ALL THE PARAMETERS FOR THIS RECIPE }}} {{{ aap=aa_init(aap); }}} {{{ % (5) DEFINE STUDY SPECIFIC PARAMETERS }}} {{{ aap.options.aa_minver=1.0; % will only work on aa version 1.0 or above }}} . {{{ % The study directory }}} {{{ aap.acq_details.root = '/home/rhodri/pvs/cbu'; }}} . {{{ % Add subjects and session numbers for EPI data }}} {{{ aap=aas_addsubject(aap,'*CBU050011/*',[5 11]); }}} {{{ aap=aas_addsubject(aap,'*CBU050012/*',[4 10]); }}} . {{{ % Condition names for each session, must be same for all subjects }}} {{{ aap.acq_details.sessions={'mystery1','mystery2'}; }}} . {{{ % Number of dummy scans at the start of each session }}} {{{ aap.acq_details.numdummies=18; }}} {{{ % (6) SET ANY OTHER PARAMETERS YOU WOULD LIKE TO BE DIFFERENT FROM THE DEFAULTS }}} {{{ % (7) SET ANY SPM DEFAULTS IF NEEDED }}} {{{ aap.spm.defaults.normalise.write.vox=[3 3 3]; }}} {{{ % (8) DO PROCESSING }}} {{{ aa_doprocessing(aap); }}} The four sections you are mostly likely to need to change (1, 2, 4 and 5) are now discussed in turn. [[Anchor(s4.)]] == 4. Choosing the recipe == These are chosen with the line || ||aap=''[recipename]''(aap); || e.g., aap=aarecipe_general(aap); An example recipe is shown below. Descriptions of the parameter sets are in the next section. A full list of recipes is in the “Reference” section. ||''Name: '' || ||aarecipe_general || ||''Description:'' ||Standard automatic TR recipe || ||''Parameter set choice: '' || || ||''Type'' ||''Parameter set'' || ||directory_conventions ||aap_directory_conventions_ver00 || ||options ||aap_options_ver00 || ||tasklist ||aap_tasklist_cbudefault_ver00 || ||spmanalysis ||aap_spmanalysis_tr1p1_ver00 || ||acq_details ||aap_acq_details_ver00 || [[Anchor(s4.)]] == 4. Modify parameter set selection == A recipe comprises a description of the parameter sets that should be included. Once you’ve chosen a recipe you may override some of the different parameter sets. You would do this in stage 2 of the user script (see Error! Reference source not found.) with a line like || ||aap.recipe.directory_conventions=’aap_directory_conventions_mynewstyle’ || (NB: no ‘.m’ on end) There are 5 different types of parameter sets. A full list of the available parameter sets is given in the “Reference” section. ||''Type'' ||''Description'' || ||directory_conventions ||Specifies directory and file conventions, for example:[[BR]]- directory names for each subject (4d_files, proc_fieldmaps etc.)[[BR]]- raw data directory (by default /cbu/wbic_data)[[BR]] || ||options ||General aa program options, for example:[[BR]]- whether to automatically identify the field maps and SPGR in the incoming dataset[[BR]]- whether to copy structurals to the central store || ||tasklist ||The list of tasks to be performed (e.g., modules to be executed) for each study || ||spmanalysis ||SPM & imaging analysis parameters, for example:[[BR]]- TR & slice acquisition time[[BR]]- smoothing FWHM[[BR]]- evolution time of fieldmaps || ||acq_details ||Acquisition details. Several of the defaults are overridden in the user script, for example:[[BR]]- study directory[[BR]]- subject list || [[Anchor(s4.)]] == 4. Setting your acquisition parameters == You always need to do this, to tell the system which files to analyse. The essential lines with explanation and notes are these: ||aap.acq_details.root = '/cbu/scratch2/rhodri.cusack/newsimultaneous';[[BR]] ||Specifies the directory where the processed study data are stored. This directory should exist before you run the script.|| ||aap.acq_details.sessions={'ns1_block1','ns1_block2','ns2_passive','ns2_active'};[[BR]] ||These are names of the blocks in your experiment. This must be the same for all subjects. Here, there were four blocks. I find it easiest to use intuitive names that describe the behavioural condition.|| ||aap.acq_details.numdummies=18;[[BR]] ||Number of dummy scans at the start of each session that need to be thrown away.|| Too make it easy to see the correspondence between subject and session number, I now recommend subject names are added with the aas_addsubject command: aap=aas_addsubject(aap, ‘*CBU050011\*’,[5 11]); The full syntax of this command is in Error! Reference source not found., but the first string specifies the raw data for this subject (you may use wildcards) and the numbers in square brackets the series numbers for the EPI data. There should be as mank of these are there are blocks, as specified in aap.acq_details.sessions and described above. By default, MPRAGE structural and GRE_FIELDMAPPING fieldmap scans are automatically detected. [[Anchor(s4.)]] == 4. Set specific parameters that you wish to differ from the defaults == Once you’ve set up the parameters using a recipe and any different parameter sets you’d like, there may still be one or two parameters that you need to change. You do this at this stage. For example, in the sample script, if my data were no longer in /mridata/cbu I would add the line: aap.directory_conventions.rawdatadir='/imaging/rhodri/newsimultaneous'; A full list of parameters with descriptions is given in section Error! Reference source not found.. == Set any SPM defaults == Any SPM defaults can be changed. You do this using lines like the following: || ||aap.spm.defaults.normalise.write.vox=[3 3 3]; || The aap.spm.defaults structure gets copied into the GLOBAL “defaults” variable before running SPM functions. [[Anchor(s)]] = Everyday tasks = [[Anchor(s5.)]] == 5. Getting ready to use AA == Once you’ve started a Matlab/SPM session, type || ||>> aa || at the Matlab prompt to add the automatic analysis paths [[Anchor(s5.)]] == 5. Running an analysis == Once you’ve made your user script, just type its name to run it. When it starts to run, it does some checks, and so you may see some warnings. These give you advanced notice that your script may have problems at some stage [[Anchor(s5.)]] == 5. Restarting an analysis == To restart an analysis, just type the script name again. It will start from where it left off. [[Anchor(s5.)]] == 5. How do I force an analysis to start all over again? == Change to the study directory and delete the “done_aamod_studyinit” flag ''Example'' ''Type at UNIX prompt. When you run an analysis again it will redo the realignment stage and all stages after it for this subject.'' || ||cd /cbu/scratch2/rhodri.cusack/mystudydir || || ||rm done_aamod_studyinit || [[Anchor(s5.)]] == 5. How do I force an analysis to start from a particular stage? == To track how far through the analysis it has got, the system writes small files that start with “done_...” and end with the module name. Where a module has to be executed once per study, the done_ file will be in the study directory. Where it has to be executed once per subject, it will be in the subject directory. Where it has to be done for every session, it will be in the individual session directories. If you delete one of these flags, then this stage and all others after it will be re-run. Note it isn’t always completely obvious whether a module is once-per-subject (e.g., realignment) or once-per-session (e.g., slice timing). See the Reference section 0 to check. ''Example'' ''Type at UNIX prompt. When you run an analysis again it will redo the realignment stage and all stages after it for this subject.'' || ||cd /cbu/scratch2/rhodri.cusack/mystudydir || || ||cd W030511.ls1 || || ||rm done_aamod_realign || [[Anchor(s)]] = Pitfalls - beware! = [[Anchor(s6.)]] == 6. Check your data == Although the processing is automated, this doesn’t mean that things will never go wrong. Your data may have a problem – scanning glitches or excessive subject movement, for example – or there maybe something wrong with the analysis. Just as you would when doing it by hand, you should check your data at various stages. === Diagnostic JPEGs === One way of checking your data is to check through the images dumped in the analysed study, subject and block directories. These files begin with “diagnostic_aamod” end have a “.jpg” suffix. These are described in the table below. Current output is all graphical, in the form of JPEG files. These may be viewed using a Windows graphics viewer, or with xv on unix. Examples are below ||''Name'' ||''File directory'' ||''Description'' || ||diagnostic_aamod_ana4dto3d_rawmean ||Session ||raw mean as generated by ana4dto3d || ||diagnostic_aamod_ana4dto3d_rawvar ||Session ||raw variance as generated by ana4dto3d || ||diagnostic_aamod_tsdiffana ||Session ||output from tsdiffana || ||diagnostic_aamod_realign ||Subject ||realignment display from SPM || ||diagnostic_aamod_undist ||Subject ||evaluation of undistortion. Top pair of images are in distorted space and should be similar in shape and coregistered with each other. Left is distorted fieldmap magnitude, right is raw EPI. Bottom two images are in undistorted space and should be similar in shape and coregistered with each other, although not necessarily with the top two images. || ||diagnostic_aamod_coreg ||Subject ||SPM output from coregistration of structural and undistorted EPI || ||diagnostic_aamod_norm ||Subject ||SPM output from normalisation || [[Anchor(s6.)]] == 6. Changing the aa_user script == Be careful about changing the aa_user script after you’ve run part of an analysis. The problem with doing this is that if the changes you make would have affected the parts that have already been completed, you won’t be able to use the script to exactly recreate your data in future. [[Anchor(s)]] Rhodri Cusack, MRC CBU, Cambridge [[MailTo(rhodri DOT cusack AT mrc-cbu DOT cam DOT ac DOT uk)]]. Thank you to Matthew Brett, Jessica Grahn, Daniel Mitchell, Rik Henson & Matt Davis, who contributed to the code and this manual.