AnalyzingDiffusion - MRC CBU Imaging Wiki

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Revision 19 as of 2009-12-02 15:42:42

location: AnalyzingDiffusion

Principles of Diffusion MRI

Here you can find a brief summary of the physical principles behind acquisition and analysis of diffusion-wieghted MRI images. attachment:Diffusion_and_MRI.pdf

Sequences for Diffusion

On the 4th of December there will be a meeting held at the Unit to discuss the new CBU standard protocol for acquisition of diffusion weighted images. Here you can find some generic guidelines for chosing the voxel size/shape for you diffusion MRI experiment. attachment:Diffuson_voxel_size.doc

Analyzing diffusion data

For the moment we are using FSL

See SiemensDiffusionImages for an explanation of the images that the Siemens Trio writes out from a diffusion run.

Here are some notes on getting going with the fdt package for diffusion analysis in FSL: DiffusionFdtNotes

We had in informal meeting to share experience between the WBIC, FSL, and CSL: DiffusionMeeting10May2007

There was a meeting of the [:MriPhysicsAndAnalysisForCognitiveNeuroscientists:MR physics & analysis for cognitive neuroscientists] group in November 2009 on DTI.