= Zip files for SPSS one day meeting on Friday 21st October 2016 = Dear Mark and Maria, please find the zip folder below which contain files for putting on the lab and auditorium desktops. If you can do this that would be wonderful. Such a help! We will be arriving early again on the Friday (arriving around 9am for a 10am start in the lab and 10-30am start in auditorium). Karen can't make it this year but other regulars will be there for 9am with myself a little later, as usual, with the remaining speakers. I have arranged with our early group to access the lab so that should be no problem. If you were on hand for 9ish that would be most reassuring to speakers and myself as we try to work out how to work things. We will need the dividing wall in the PC lab. I am aiming to put all the zip folders containing the files for the PC labs up on this webpage on either Friday 7th or Monday 9th October. The files for the lectern including the webinar are due to come to me on Friday 14th October. Many many thanks, I will be in touch... look forward to seeing you again this year! Peter __PC Lab__ (Mark) PC LAB FILES DUE ON 7TH OCTOBER; EXTENDED DEADLINE TO 14TH OCTOBER Need latest versions of SPSS and '''TWO VERSIONS OF R (R 3.3.1 and ALSO R 2.4.1)''' on all PCs with zip files on all machines [[attachment:PolicyDecisions.zip | Unlocking Information already obtained to inform Policy Decisions and Forward Corporate Strategies using IBM SPSS (AWAITING LOADING)]] [[attachment:graphs.zip | Good Practice for Producing Graphs and Charts using IBM SPSS Statistics (LOADED ON)]] [[attachment:keydriver_analysis.zip | An introduction to Key Driver analysis using IBM SPSS Statistics (LOADED ON)]] __Auditorium__ (Maria) LECTERN FILES DUE 14TH OCTOBER Need latest version of SPSS on the lectern. [[attachment:usertalks.zip | Talk sessions (ALL NOW LOADED ON INC MP4 FILE)]] Maria you should find the mp4 file in the attached zip file above. If THE MP4 FILE IS NOT THERE you can try downloading the Webinar file from [[https://ibm.ent.box.com/s/npf944c6ixi54c23xxgvf1e0pnj74bqf | here]]. The password is assessusergroup Samantha Ahern may also send you (Maria) her talk for the auditorium once she has had it 'cleared'.