attachment:MEGSynchClass.m of MEGSynch - Meg Wiki
location: attachment:MEGSynchClass.m of MEGSynch

Attachment 'MEGSynchClass.m'


   1 % Interface for National Instruments PCI 6503 card
   2 % Version 1.2
   3 %
   5 %
   6 % N.B.: It does not monitor pulses in the background, so you have to make sure that you wait for any pulse before it comes!
   7 %
   8 % Properties (internal variables):
   9 % 	IsValid						= device set and operational
  10 %   Keys                        = set a cell of key names for emulation mode. For key names look for KbName.m.
  11 %                                   N.B.: Requires PTB.
  12 %                                   N.B.: Suppress passing keypresses to MATLAB during the whole experiment
  13 %
  14 % 	Clock						= interal clock (seconds past since the first scanner pulse or clock reset)
  15 %
  16 % 	Buttons						= current state of the any button
  17 %   ButtonPresses               = index/indices of each button(s) pressed since last check
  18 %   TimeOfButtonPresses         = time (according to the internal clock) of each button(s) pressed since last check
  19 % 	LastButtonPress				= index/indices of the last button(s) pressed
  20 % 	TimeOfLastButtonPress		= time (according to the internal clock) of the last button press (any)
  21 %   BBoxTimeout                 = set a non-Inf value (in seconds) to wait for button press only for a limited time
  22 %                               = set a negative value (in seconds) to wait even in case of response
  23 %
  24 % Methods (internal functions):
  25 % 	MEGSynchClass   			= constructor
  26 % 	delete						= destructor
  27 %	ResetClock					= reset internal clock
  28 %
  29 %   SendTrigger(v)              = sends 'v' (integer between 0-255) as a trigger pulse
  30 %
  31 %	SetButtonReadoutTime(t) 	= blocks individual button readout after a button press for 't' seconds (detection of other buttons is still possible)
  32 %	SetButtonBoxReadoutTime(t)	= blocks the whole button box readout after a button press for 't' seconds (detection of other buttons is also not possible)
  33 %	WaitForButtonPress			= wait until a button is pressed
  34 % 	WaitForButtonRelease		= wait until a button is released
  35 %
  36 % USAGE
  37 %
  38 % Initialise:
  39 % 	MEG = MEGSynchClass;
  40 % 	% MEG = MEGSynchClass(1); % for full emulation (no DAQ available)
  41 %   % MEG = MEGSynchClass({'B1','S4';'B2','S5'}); % specify button names and maps them to S4 and S5
  42 % Close:
  43 % 	MEG.delete;
  44 %
  45 % Example for Trigger:
  46 %   for v = 0:255
  47 %       pause(0.1)
  48 %       MEG.SendTrigger(v)
  49 %   end
  50 %
  51 % Example for buttons:
  52 % 	MEG.SetButtonReadoutTime(0.5);      % block individual buttons
  53 %	% MEG.SetButtonBoxReadoutTime(0.5); % block the whole buttonbox
  54 %   % MEG.Keys = {'f1','f2','f3','f4'}; % emulation Buttons #1-#4 with F1-F4
  55 %	n = 0;
  56 %   % MEG.BBoxTimeout = 1.5;            % Wait for button press for 1.5s
  57 %   % MEG.BBoxTimeout = -1.5;           % Wait for button press for 1.5s even in case of response
  58 %	MEG.ResetClock;
  59 %	while n ~= 10                       % polls 10 button presses
  60 %   	MEG.WaitForButtonPress;         % Wait for any button to be pressed
  61 %   	% MEG.WaitForButtonRelease;     % Wait for any button to be	released
  62 %   	% MEG.WaitForButtonPress([],2); % Wait for Button #2
  63 %   	% MEG.WaitForButtonPress(2);    % Wait for any button for 2s (overrides MEG.BBoxTimeout only for this event)
  64 %   	% MEG.WaitForButtonPress(-2);   % Wait for any button for 2s even in case of response (overrides MEG.BBoxTimeout only for this event)
  65 %   	% MEG.WaitForButtonPress(2,2);  % Wait for Button #2 for 2s (overrides MEG.BBoxTimeout only for this event)
  66 %   	% MEG.WaitForButtonPress(-2,2); % Wait for Button #2 for 2s even in case of response (overrides MEG.BBoxTimeout only for this event)
  67 %    	n = n + 1;
  68 %    	fprintf('At %2.3fs, ',MEG.Clock);
  69 %    	fprintf('Button %d ',MEG.LastButtonPress);
  70 %    	fprintf('pressed: %2.3fs\n',MEG.TimeOfLastButtonPress);
  71 %	end
  72 %_______________________________________________________________________
  73 % Copyright (C) 2015 MRC CBSU Cambridge
  74 %
  75 % Tibor Auer:
  76 %_______________________________________________________________________
  78 classdef MEGSynchClass < handle
  81     properties
  82         Keys = {}
  83         BBoxTimeout = Inf % second (timeout for WaitForButtonPress)
  84     end
  86     properties (SetAccess = private)
  87         ButtonPresses
  88         TimeOfButtonPresses
  90         LastButtonPress
  91     end
  93     properties (Access = private)
  94         Map = {...
  95             'S3' [0 1];... % S3 - port0/line1
  96             'S4' [0 2];... % S4 - port0/line2
  97             'S5' [0 3];... % S5 - port0/line3
  98             'S6' [0 4];... % S6 - port0/line4
  99             'S7' [0 0];... % S7 - port0/line0
 100             };
 101         DAQ
 102         nChannels
 104         tID % internal timer
 106         Data % current data
 107         Datap % previous data
 108         TOA % Time of access 1*n
 109         ReadoutTime = 0 % sec to store data before refresh 1*n
 110         BBoxReadout = false
 111         BBoxWaitForRealease = false % wait for release instead of press
 113         BTable
 115         isDAQ
 116         isPTB
 117     end
 119     properties (Dependent)
 120         IsValid
 122         Buttons
 123         Clock
 125         TimeOfLastButtonPress
 126     end
 128     methods
 130         %% Contructor and destructor
 131         function obj = MEGSynchClass(varargin)
 132             fprintf('Initialising MEG Synch...');
 133             % Create session
 135             buttons = {...
 136                 'LY' 'S3';...
 137                 'RB' 'S4';...
 138                 'RY' 'S5';...
 139                 'RG' 'S6';...
 140                 'RR' 'S7';...
 141                 };
 142             noDAQ = false;
 143             for arg = varargin
 144                 if iscell(arg{1}), buttons = arg{1}; end
 145                 if islogical(arg{1}) || isnumeric(arg{1}), noDAQ = logical(arg{1}); end
 146             end
 147             obj.BTable = table(buttons(:,1));
 148             obj.BTable.Properties.VariableNames = {'Buttons'};
 149             obj.BTable.Properties.RowNames = buttons(:,2);
 151             if ~noDAQ
 152                 warning off daq:Session:onDemandOnlyChannelsAdded
 153                 obj.DAQ = daq.createSession('ni');
 154                 % Add channels for buttons
 155                 for b = obj.BTable.Properties.RowNames'
 156                     patch = obj.Map{strcmp(obj.Map(:,1),b{1}),2};
 157                     obj.DAQ.addDigitalChannel('Dev1', sprintf('port%d/line%d',patch(1),patch(2)), 'InputOnly');
 158                 end
 159                 obj.nChannels = numel(obj.DAQ.Channels);
 161                 % Add channels for trigger
 162                 for l = 0:7
 163                     obj.DAQ.addDigitalChannel('Dev1', sprintf('port2/line%d',l), 'OutputOnly');
 164                 end
 165                 obj.isDAQ = 1;
 166             else
 167                 obj.isDAQ = 0;
 168                 obj.DAQ.isvalid = 1;
 169                 obj.DAQ.Channels = 1:5;
 170                 obj.nChannels = numel(obj.DAQ.Channels);
 171                 fprintf('\n');
 172                 fprintf('WARNING: DAQ card is not in use!\n');
 173                 fprintf('Emulation: ButtonBox is not available           --> ');
 174                 fprintf('You may need to set Keys!\n');
 175             end
 177             if ~obj.IsValid
 178                 warning('WARNING: MEG Synch is not open!');
 179             end
 181             obj.isPTB = exist('KbCheck','file') == 2;
 183             obj.Data = zeros(1,obj.nChannels);
 184             obj.Datap = zeros(1,obj.nChannels);
 185             obj.ReadoutTime = obj.ReadoutTime * ones(1,obj.nChannels);
 186             obj.ResetClock;
 187             fprintf('Done\n');
 188         end
 190         function delete(obj)
 191             fprintf('MEG Synch is closing...');
 192             if obj.isDAQ
 193                 obj.DAQ.release();
 194                 delete(obj.DAQ);
 195                 warning on daq:Session:onDemandOnlyChannelsAdded
 196             end
 197             if obj.isPTB, ListenChar(0); end
 198             fprintf('Done\n');
 199         end
 201         %% Utils
 202         function val = get.IsValid(obj)
 203             val = ~isempty(obj.DAQ) && obj.DAQ.isvalid;
 204         end
 206         function ResetClock(obj)
 207             obj.tID = tic;
 208             obj.TOA = zeros(1,obj.nChannels);
 209         end
 211         function val = get.Clock(obj)
 212             val = toc(obj.tID);
 213         end
 215         function set.Keys(obj,val)
 216             obj.Keys = val;
 217             if obj.isPTB, ListenChar(2); end % suppress passing keypresses to MATLAB
 218         end
 220         %% Trigger
 221         function SendTrigger(obj,val)
 222             if obj.isDAQ
 223                 outputSingleScan(obj.DAQ,dec2binvec(val,8));
 224             end
 225         end
 227         %% Buttons
 228         function SetButtonReadoutTime(obj,t)
 229             obj.ReadoutTime(:) = t;
 230             obj.BBoxReadout = false;
 231         end
 233         function SetButtonBoxReadoutTime(obj,t)
 234             obj.ReadoutTime(:) = t;
 235             obj.BBoxReadout = true;
 236         end
 238         function WaitForButtonPress(obj,timeout,ind)
 239             BBoxQuery = obj.Clock;
 241             % Reset indicator
 242             obj.ButtonPresses = [];
 243             obj.TimeOfButtonPresses = [];
 244             obj.LastButtonPress = [];
 246             % timeout
 247             if (nargin < 2 || isempty(timeout)), timeout = obj.BBoxTimeout; end
 248             wait = timeout < 0; % wait until timeout even in case of response
 249             timeout = abs(timeout);
 251             while (~obj.Buttons ||... % button pressed
 252                     wait || ...
 253                     (nargin >= 3 && ~isempty(ind) && ~any(obj.LastButtonPress == ind))) && ... % correct button pressed
 254                     (obj.Clock - BBoxQuery) < timeout % timeout
 255                 if ~isempty(obj.LastButtonPress)
 256                     if nargin >= 3 && ~isempty(ind) && ~any(obj.LastButtonPress == ind), continue; end % incorrect button
 257                     if ~isempty(obj.TimeOfButtonPresses) && (obj.TimeOfButtonPresses(end) == obj.TimeOfLastButtonPress), continue; end % same event
 258                     obj.ButtonPresses = horzcat(obj.ButtonPresses,obj.LastButtonPress); 
 259                     obj.TimeOfButtonPresses = horzcat(obj.TimeOfButtonPresses,ones(1,numel(obj.LastButtonPress))*obj.TimeOfLastButtonPress);
 260                 end
 261             end
 262         end
 264         function WaitForButtonRelease(obj,varargin)
 265             % backup settings
 266             rot = obj.ReadoutTime;
 267             bbro = obj.BBoxReadout;
 269             % config for release
 270             obj.BBoxWaitForRealease = true;
 271             obj.SetButtonBoxReadoutTime(0);
 273             WaitForButtonPress(obj,varargin{:});
 275             % restore settings
 276             obj.BBoxWaitForRealease = false;
 277             obj.ReadoutTime = rot;
 278             obj.BBoxReadout = bbro;
 279         end
 281         function val = get.TimeOfLastButtonPress(obj)
 282             val = max(obj.TOA) * ~isempty(obj.LastButtonPress);
 283         end
 285         %% Low level access
 286 		function val = get.Buttons(obj)
 287             val = 0;
 288             obj.Refresh;
 289             if obj.BBoxWaitForRealease
 290                 if any(obj.Datap) && all(~(obj.Data.*obj.Datap))
 291                     % obj.LastButtonPress = find(obj.Datap);
 292                     obj.LastButtonPress = obj.BTable(find(obj.Datap),:).Buttons;
 293                     obj.Datap(:) = 0;
 294                     val = 1;
 295                 end
 296             else
 297                 if any(obj.Data)
 298                     % obj.LastButtonPress = find(obj.Data);
 299                     obj.LastButtonPress = obj.BTable(find(obj.Data),:).Buttons;
 300                     obj.Data(:) = 0;
 301                     val = 1;
 302                 end
 303             end
 304         end
 305 	end
 307 	methods (Access = private)	
 308         function Refresh(obj)
 309 			t = obj.Clock;
 311             % get data
 312 			if obj.isDAQ
 313                 data = inputSingleScan(obj.DAQ);
 314             else
 315                 data = zeros(1,obj.nChannels);
 316             end
 319             % button press emulation (keyboard) via PTB
 320             nKeys = numel(obj.Keys);
 321             if obj.isPTB && nKeys
 322                 [ ~, ~, keyCode ] = KbCheck;
 323                 data(1:nKeys) = keyCode(KbName(obj.Keys));
 324             end
 326             if obj.BBoxReadout, obj.TOA = max(obj.TOA); end
 327             ind = obj.ReadoutTime < (t-obj.TOA);
 328             obj.Datap = obj.Data;
 329             obj.Data(ind) = data(ind);
 330             obj.TOA(logical(obj.Data)) = t;
 331         end
 333     end
 335 end

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