SPM mini course in 2005

Rik Henson gave a short SPM course at the CBU during February 2005. Please see below for a copy of the slides of these talks:

  1. Spatial preprocessing (Realigment, unwarping, normalisation, smoothing, segmentation) and Computational Neuroanatomy e.g. voxel-based morphometry (VBM), deformation-based morphometry (DBM) and tensor-based morphometry (TBM)

  2. The General Linear Model: global effects, correlation/orthogonalisation, time-series convolution models, high-pass filtering, temporal auto-correlation, maximum likelihood (ML) estimation, non-sphericity

  3. Inference: Statistical Parametric Maps (SPMs) and Gaussian Field Theory Correction, Random Effects, Parametric Empirical Bayes and PPMs, experimental designs, effective connectivity and dynamic causal modelling (DCM)

  4. Event-related fMRI: Rationale, temporal basis functions, slice-timing correction, latency analysis, efficiency and optimal experimental design, nonlinearities